Lists of mobs/Cinfras County

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The following page is a List of mobs page for Cinfras County. Other pages may transclude the tables found within this page. Editing the tables here will change all other pages that use these mob lists.
Try to keep these tables as accurate as possible, and feel free to create pages for the mobs and ingredients in an organized manner.

Surface Mobs

Surface mobs are mobs that spawn generally throughout a large part of the region, and do not have specific locations where they can be found.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
BanditTracker(CinfrasCounty).png Bandit Tracker 73 2600 Melee Multihit
Heavy Vanish
Stack of Coins

Cinfras County,
Northern Gylia Plains
BanditKnifeJuggler(CinfrasCounty).png Bandit Knife Juggler 73 2600 Ranged Arrow Storm -
Stack of Coins

Broken Dagger
Cinfras County,
Northern Gylia Plains
BanditAlchemist(CinfrasCounty).png Bandit Alchemist 73 3655 Ranged - -
Stack of Coins

Prickly Grass
Cinfras County,
Northern Gylia Plains
BanditHunter(CinfrasCounty).png Bandit Hunter 73 3655 Melee - - 1 Bandit Hunting Dog

Stack of Coins

Prized Coin
Cinfras County,
Northern Gylia Plains
BanditHuntingDog(CinfrasCounty).png Bandit Hunting Dog 73 3655 Melee - - - From Bandit Hunters
Nimbuseeker.png Nimbuseeker 74 3800 Jumper -


Soggy Stone

Sentient Water
Cinfras County
Cirruskater.png Cirruskater 75 3900 Jumper Ranged -


Soggy Stone

Sentient Water
Cinfras County
ElementalWeird.png Elemental Weird 73 5475 Melee -



Arcane Anomaly

Gylia Essence
Northwest Cinfras County,
Gylia Plains
OzoneWeird.png Ozone Weird 75 3925 Ranged -



Arcane Anomaly
AtmosphericAspect.png Atmospheric Aspect

Gylia Essence
Northwest Cinfras County,
Gylia Plains
IntenseWeird.png Intense Weird 76 4080 Charge Explode



Arcane Anomaly
OverloadAspect.png Overload Aspect

Gylia Essence
Northwest Cinfras County,
Gylia Plains
SinkingWeird.png Sinking Weird 76 8175 Melee -




Arcane Anomaly
DisturbedAspect.png Disturbed Aspect

Ritual Catalyst
Kander Forest,
Northwest Cinfras County
OutlandishWeird.png Outlandish Weird 78 13175 Charge Charge



Arcane Anomaly
AtmosphericAspect.png Atmospheric Aspect
RepulsiveAspect.png Repulsive Aspect
ShatteredAspect.png Shattered Aspect
Kander Forest,
Northwest Cinfras County
Felroc.png Felroc 77 4250 Charge -

Pure Rain Stone
Eastern Cinfras County
FelrocBrutahealen.png Felroc Brutahealen 78 14000 Melee Heal
Heavy Charge



Pure Rain Stone
Eastern Cinfras County
StoneSentinel.png Stone Sentinel 78 4700 ? -



Resilient Stone
Southeast Cinfras County
OvergrownSentinel.png Overgrown Sentinel 78 4500 Melee -


2 Sentinel Shards

Resilient Stone

Ancient Moss
Southeast Cinfras County
SentinelShard.png Sentinel Shard 75 2500 Melee -


- From Overgrown Sentinels
ObsidianSentinel(Phase1).png Obsidian Sentinel
(Phase 1)
78 5600 Melee -


1 Obsidian Sentinel (Phase 2)

Durable Skin

Antique Metal
Southeast Cinfras County
ObsidianSentinel(Phase2).png Obsidian Sentinel
(Phase 2)
78 9999999 Melee Self-Destruct - - From Obsidian Sentinels (Phase 1)

Cave Mobs

Cave mobs are mobs that, in contrast to Surface Mobs, only spawn at specific locations, like caves.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
BeldamFlorist.png Beldam Florist 70 10000 Melee Heal
Arrow Storm
- - House at -750, 43, -4950
CinfrasBandit.png Cinfras Bandit 75 4200 Melee - - - Minor cave at -530, 40, -4735
BedrockBison.png Bedrock Bison 70 2500 Ranged -
- Bovine Bedrock
ArmlessBedrock.png Armless Bedrock 71 2500 Burst Ranged -
- Bovine Bedrock
OssifiedTouroto.png Ossified Touroto 70 250 Melee Self-Destruct - 1 De-ossified Touroto Bovine Bedrock
De-ossifiedTouroto.png De-ossified Touroto 70 2150 Melee -

- From Ossified Tourotos
CowKing.png Cow King
(Phase 1)
70 250 None -

1 Cow King (Phase 2) Bovine Bedrock
CowKing.png Cow King
(Phase 2)
75 19500 Melee Heavy Wave
Heavy Arrow Storm
Heavy Multihit

- From Cow King (Phase 1)
CobbleBog.png Cobble Bog 70 2100 Melee -
- Burning Bog
StoneBog.png Stone Bog 73 3700 Ranged -
- Burning Bog
InflamedPeat.png Inflamed Peat 75 12100 Melee Flamethrower

FieryRemains.png Fiery Remains Burning Bog
BrotherIncineration.png Brother Incineration 85 33000 Melee Arrow Storm
Heavy Multihit


PrideOfTheHeights.png Blazing Orb Burning Bog
BrotherCombustion.png Brother Combustion 85 33000 Melee Teleport


PrideOfTheHeights.png Blazing Orb Burning Bog
Arwins.png Arwins 74 7000 Neutral Melee - - - Cinfras house at -440, 47, -5030
SecurityGuard.png Security Guard 75 2800 Neutral Melee - -
Guard Key
Letvus Airbase
RootSlinger.png Root Slinger 76 2900 Rapid Ranged -
- Root Slingers' Rut
WanderingElf(CinfrasCounty).png Wandering Elf 76 3800 Neutral Melee -


- Camp at -405 35 -4700
CosmicWeird(Level80).png Cosmic Weird 80 7050 Melee -



Arcane Anomaly
White Meteor at 0, 40, -5010
GraviticWeird.png Gravitic Weird 81 14650 Melee Knockback Immune



Arcane Anomaly
White Meteor at 0, 40, -5010
BanditRaider.png Bandit Raider 73 3655 Charge - - - Raiders' Rockhill
BanditMarksman.png Bandit Marksman 73 3655 Ranged Push
Arrow Storm
- - Raiders' Rockhill
ArmoredBandit.png Armored Bandit 73 11000 Melee - - - Raiders' Rockhill
AncientWorshipper.png Ancient Worshipper 80 21065 Support Heal


- Waterfall pit at -100, 37, -4591
AncientFanatic.png Ancient Fanatic 80 28500 Melee Charge



- Waterfall pit at -100, 37, -4591
LivingScrap.png Living Scrap 82 8000 Charge -
- Waterfall pit at -100, 37, -4591

Friendly Mobs

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
MasterFarmer.png Master Farmer 70 35000 Passive - - - Cinfras Suburbs
Touroto.png Touroto 70 300000 Passive -

- Cinfras Suburbs
Grook(Level75).png Grook 75 15000 Scared - -
Grook Feather
Dark Forest Village,
Cinfras Suburbs
CinfrasCitizen(Level75).png Cinfras Citizen 75 40000 Passive - - - Cinfras,
Guild Hall,
Letvus Airbase
StrayCat.png Stray Cat 5 1000 Scared - - - Cinfras
RoyalSwan.png Royal Swan 70 10000 Passive - - - Cinfras
CinfrasBovemist.png Cinfras Bovemist 75 40000 Passive - - - Cinfras Bovine Church
CinfrasGuardGolem.png Cinfras Guard Golem 85 ?
Guard - - - Cinfras Suburbs,
GuildRecruit.png Guild Recruit 70 36000 Passive - - - Guild Hall
GuildChief.png Guild Chief 74 40000 Passive - - - Guild Hall
Quartermaster.png Quartermaster 80 55000 Passive - - - Guild Hall
SodetaHonorGuard.png Sodeta Honor Guard 100 ?
Guard - - - Guild Hall Memorial
DetlasCitizen(LetvusAirbase).png Detlas Citizen 10 20000 Passive - - - Letvus Airbase
AirbaseWorker.png Airbase Worker 75 40000 Passive - - - Letvus Airbase
SilverbullWorker.png Silverbull Worker 70 35000 Passive - - - Silverbull Company Headquarters
SilverbullSecurityGuard.png Silverbull Security Guard 80 ?
Guard - - - Silverbull Company Headquarters
SilverbullGolem.png Silverbull Golem 80 400000
Guard - - - Silverbull Company Headquarters

Special Mobs

Mobs with special spawning conditions, including
Rare Mobs that can rarely spawn throughout the region, and Key Guardians, which spawn over large portions of the map.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
PlainsGuardian.png Plains Guardian 78 42000 Melee Multihit




Aged Tome

Primordial Soul
Cinfras County
