Lists of mobs/Other Quests (Lv. 61-75)

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This list includes the mobs which appear in various Quests from Combat Levels 61-75. Mobs in overworld areas that can be encountered outside of quests are not included, and can be found in their appropriate regional lists.

Reclaiming the House

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
Centerworld Orc Buffeter 63 4,950 Ranged Arrow Storm - - Elphaba's Camp
Centerworld Orc Windweaver 65 ? Ranged Charge



- Elphaba's Camp
Centerworld Orc Blinker 67 8,650 Rapid Ranged Heavy Teleport


- Elphaba's Camp
Centerworld Orc Sunderer
(Level 64)
64 ? Charge - - - Elphaba's Camp
Centerworld Orc Sunderer
(Level 66, Melee)
66 ? Melee Charge
- - Elphaba's Camp
Centerworld Orc Sunderer
(Level 66, Charge)
66 5,600 Charge Explode

- Elphaba's Camp
Naked Orc 62 2,275 Melee - - - Muddy Cave
Centerworld Orc Occupier
65 3,350 Melee - - - Swamp Outpost
Centerworld Orc Occupier
65 3,350 Charge - - - Swamp Outpost
Centerworld Orc Overtaker
(Level 68, Melee)
68 15,000 Melee Blindness Resist
Knockback Resist
- - Swamp Outpost
Centerworld Orc Overtaker
(Level 68, Charge)
68 17,500 Charge Blindness Resist
Knockback Resist
- - Swamp Outpost
Centerworld Orc Overtaker
(Level 68, Crawl)
68 20,000 Crawl Blindness Resist
Knockback Resist
Heavy Charge
- - Swamp Outpost
Centerworld Orc Overtaker
(Level 70)
70 25,000 Melee Blindness Resist
Knockback Resist
Heavy Charge
- - Swamp Outpost

Redbeard's Booty

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
CastawaySoldier.png Castaway Soldier 61 2,300 Melee Charge



Magical Thunder Shard
Right-Side Island
CastawaySummoner.png Castaway Summoner 62 2,000 Ranged Meteor



Magical Thunder Shard
Right-Side Island
SummonedBeast.png Summoned Beast 65 2,900 Melee Meteor




Essence of the Beast
Right-Side Island
Underneath Crystals

Lost in the Jungle

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
PossessedAryn(Phase1).png Possessed Aryn
(Phase 1)
60 5,000 Charge - - Possessed Aryn
(Phase 2)
Dernel Temple
PossessedAryn(Phase2).png Possessed Aryn
(Phase 2)
72 50,000 Melee Charge


Mysterious Gemstone
Possessed Aryn
(Phase 1)

Realm of Light II - Taproot

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
TappedRoot.png Tapped Root 60 2,165 Melee - - - Weird Realm
Cow(Level1).png Cow 1 9 - - - - Light Forest
Grook.png Grook 1 5 - - - - Light Forest
ForestGuardian(Passive).png Forest Guardian 70 20,000 - -

- Light Forest
RussetOwl.png Russet Owl 60 5,000 - - - - Light Forest
SmokyOwl.png Smoky Owl 60 5,000 - - - - Light Forest
ConstructionCrew.png Construction Crew 60 35,000 - - - - Light Forest
Around Wall
DocileWolf.png Docile Wolf 64 2,450 Melee -
- Light Forest
ForestGuardian(Hostile).png Forest Guardian 70 6,000 Melee Multihit


- Light Forest
LightFungus.png Light Fungus 65 2,005 Melee Charge
- Light Forest
LostBearCub.png Lost Bear Cub 61 2,200 Melee - - - Light Forest
ForestOwl.png Forest Owl 70 3,000 Melee -


- Light Forest
Abelia.png Abelia 65 2,000 Burst Ranged -

- Light Forest
File:ScionofTalor.png Scion of Talor 65 40,000 Passive - - - Light Forest
Shrine at -1624, -6994
Watchman.png Watchman 65 10,000 Ranged Charge

- Light Forest
SpringMurloc.png Spring Murloc 65 2,500 Neutral Melee -
- Light Forest:
Pond at -1842, 43, -6706

Out of my Mind

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
File:ThornedBeast.png Thorned Beast 65 15,000 Melee Pull




Overgrown Lab Key
Ariodo's Lab
File:MalignantBeast.png Malignant Beast 65 20,000 Melee Pull
Heavy Slowness
Heavy Weakness




Malignant Bud
Ariodo's Lab

All Roads to Peace

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
File:EliteBoar.png Elite Boar 68 9,000 Melee Charge -
Elite Boar Meat
Orcish Hunting Grounds
File:FickleFreelancer.png Fickle Freelancer 68 5,000 Jumper Melee



Odd-Shaped Item
Teiren's Old Camp
File:JealousAlraune.png Jealous Alraune 70 10,000 Ranged Heal
Arrow Storm




Odd-Shaped Item
Teiren's Old Camp
File:RagingCatsith.png Raging Catsith 66 6,000 Melee Vanish

- Abandoned Hobbit Hole
Terramite.png Terramite 68 2,600 Melee -

- Terramarine Cave
Marinemite.png Marinemite 68 6,050 Melee -

- Terramarine Cave
File:TerramineBloom.png Terramarine Blossom 1 10 None - -
Terramarine Buds
Terramarine Cave
File:LeadenChunk.png Leaden Chunk 1 100 None - - Leaden Stone Pre-Light Forest Mountain Range
Arrai-Veretel(Phase1).png Arrai-Veretel
(Phase 1)
75 30,000 Melee Blindness Immune
Slowness Immune

- Orcish Combat Arena
Arrai-Veretel(Phase2).png Arrai-Veretel
(Phase 2)
75 80,000 Melee Pull
Heavy Charge

- Orcish Combat Arena

Realm of Light III - A Headless History

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
Jailkeeper.png Jailkeeper 65 5,500 Melee -

- Castle Dullahan
Underground prison
ChainedSpirit.png Chained Spirit 62 1,700 Ranged - - - Castle Dullahan
Underground prison
LostSoul.png Lost Soul 64 100 None - -
Lost Soul
Castle Dullahan
Underground prison
DemonofthePrisonKeeper.png Demon of the Prison Keeper 65 4,000 Melee Heavy Multihit


- Castle Dullahan
SpiritoftheKeeperofKeys.png Spirit of the Keeper of Keys 68 9,050 Crawl Arrow Storm




Castle Key 2
Castle Dullahan
SpiritofaGavelianSoldier.png Spirit of a Gavellian Soldier 65 3,350 Charge Heavy Charge

- Castle Dullahan
SpiritofaLostMage.png Spirit of a Lost Mage 67 5,800 Ranged Blindness Resist



- Castle Dullahan
WardenofWisdom(Phase1).png Warden of Wisdom
(Phase 1)
70 45000 Melee Teleport



- Castle Dullahan
WardenofWisdom(Phase2).png Warden of Wisdom
(Phase 2)
70 45000 Melee Teleport


- Castle Dullahan
WardenofWisdom(Mirage).png Warden of Wisdom
70 5000 Melee Teleport


- From Warden of Wisdom
EntrappedSpirit.png Entrapped Spirit 65 4000 Melee -

- Castle Dullahan

Lost Royalty

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
TempleGuardian.png Temple Guardian 68 9,050 Melee -


- Jungle Temple
Rat(LostRoyalty).png Rat 1 8 Melee - - - Jungle Temple
AncientSkeleton.png Ancient Skeleton 1 1 None - -
Jungle Temple
Throne Room

Lost Soles

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
OldDiary.png Old Diary 66 2,000 Melee -
- Basement
MagicTable.png Magic Table 67 2,900 Burst Ranged Flamethrower


- Basement
Boot Container Room
Dust.png Dust 67 1,000 Melee -

- Basement
Boot Container Room
BootContainer.png Boot Container 68 9,050 Ranged - -
Boot Container
Pedestal at [-917, 22, -920]

Memory Paranoia

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
WanderingMemory.png Wandering Memory 70 3,000 Melee -


- Caritat Mansion
LamentofSorrow.png Lament of Sorrow 69 2,600 Melee -


- Caritat Mansion
Nightmare(MemoryParanoia).png Nightmare 100 999,999 Berserk Ranged Heavy Charge
Heavy Teleport
Heavy Flamethrower

- Caritat Mansion Kitchen
File:StrangeCreature.png Strange Creature 80 3,500 Berserk - - - Caritat Mansion Kitchen
File:FleeingChef.png Fleeing Chef 65 25 None - - - Caritat Mansion Kitchen
File:FleeingBaker.png Fleeing Baker 65 25 None - - - Caritat Mansion Kitchen

From the Mountains

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
Magmatic Fiend 68 5,050 Melee Heavy Multihit


- Fleris Cave
Fire Fairy 68 5,350 Rapid Ranged -

- Fleris Cave
Molten Entity 70 8,150 Melee Flamethrower


- Fleris Cave
VolatileFleris(Phase1).png Volatile Fleris
(Phase 1)
80 35,250 Melee Push
Heavy Charge
Heavy Flamethrower



1 Volatile Fleris
(Phase 2)
Fleris Cave
VolatileFleris(Phase2).png Volatile Fleris
(Phase 2)
75 24,500 Melee Charge
Heavy Charge
Heavy Flamethrower



1 Volatile Fleris (Phase 3) Volatile Fleris
(Phase 1)
VolatileFleris(Phase3).png Volatile Fleris
(Phase 3)
70 18,500 Melee Charge
Heavy Charge
Arrow Storm



1 Volatile Fleris (Phase 4) Volatile Fleris
(Phase 2)
VolatileFleris(Phase4).png Volatile Fleris
(Phase 4)
75 10,000 Melee Flamethrower
Arrow Storm



- Volatile Fleris
(Phase 3)

Temple of the Legends

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
ShadowSkulk.png Shadow Skulk 70 1,900 Melee - - - Light Dust Cavern
File:ShadowSneak.png Shadow Sneak 71 3,000 Melee Vanish
- Light Dust Cavern
File:ShadowStare.png Shadow Stare 74 11,250 Rapid Ranged Heavy Teleport

- Light Dust Cavern
File:CorruptedPigman(Level71).png Corrupted Pigman
(Level 71)
71 5,000 Melee -

- Light Dust Cavern
File:CorruptedPigman(Level72).png Corrupted Pigman
(Level 72)
72 5,200 Melee -

- Light Dust Cavern
File:PigmanChampion.png Pigman Champion 75 18,000 Melee -
- Light Dust Cavern
StygianWight.png Stygian Wight 73 3,650 Melee -
- Light Dust Cavern
File:MagmaticBlaze.png Magmatic Blaze 72 2,500 Rapid Ranged -


- Light Dust Cavern
File:MassiveCorruptedSlime.png Massive Corrupted Slime 76 12,500 Jumper Explode


2 Large Corrupted Slimes Light Dust Cavern
File:LargeCorruptedSlime.png Large Corrupted Slime 76 8,000 Jumper Explode


4 Small Corrupted Slimes Light Dust Cavern
File:SmallCorruptedSlime.png Small Corrupted Slime 76 4,000 Jumper Explode


- Light Dust Cavern
VolatileCorrupter.png Volatile Corrupter 79 45,000 Ranged Charge



- Light Dust Cavern
File:LumineThief.png Lumine Thief 79 40,000 Melee Vanish
Heavy Teleport



- Light Dust Cavern
File:MantlequakerDemon.png Mantlequaker Demon 79 60,000 Melee Charge
Heavy Charge



- Light Dust Cavern
SkyFlux.png Sky Flux 68 3,000 Melee -



Sky Vapor
Sky Vapor Cave
Corrupted.png Corrupted 60 1,550 Melee - - - Corrupter of Worlds Cave
File:CorruptedSoldier(Appearance1).png Corrupted Soldier 70 3,250 Melee - - - Corrupter of Worlds Cave
CorruptedSoldier(Appearance2).png Corrupted Soldier 70 6,500 Melee - - - Corrupter of Worlds Cave
CorruptedWarrior.png Corrupted Warrior 75 9,400 Melee Charge
- Corrupter of Worlds Cave
File:CorruptedAssassin.png Corrupted Assassin 75 7,850 Melee Multihit
- Corrupter of Worlds Cave
File:CorruptedMage.png Corrupted Mage 75 6,300 Ranged Heal

- Corrupter of Worlds Cave
CorruptedArcher.png Corrupted Archer 75 4,700 Ranged Arrow Storm
- Corrupter of Worlds Cave
CorrupterofWorlds.png Corrupter of Worlds 100 150,000 Melee Multihit



Corrupted Heart
4 Corrupter Spawn
Boss Room
CorrupterSpawn.png Corrupter Spawn 90 4,700 Melee -


- Boss Room,
Corrupter of Worlds

Grand Youth

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
AncientWolf.png Ancient Wolf 70 3,300 Melee -


- Fountain of Youth
WildBoar(GrandYouth).png Wild Boar 1 10 None - - - Fountain of Youth
WanderingRat.png Wandering Rat 1 9 None - - - Fountain of Youth

Lazarus Pit

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
Burtur 65 ? Ally - - - Gelibord
Reanimated Body 74 2,700 Charge - - - Gelibord
Rejuvenated Corpse 74 3,800 Melee - - - Gelibord
Resurrected Remains 78 8,750 Melee Knockback Immune
Blindness Immune
Slowness Immune
Heavy Charge
- - Gelibord
Rejuvenated Corpse 74 3,800 Melee - - - Gelibord Graveyard
Revived Gelibord Farmer 72 7,050 Charge -
- Gelibord Graveyard
Revived Gelibord Farmer
72 7,050 Charge -

Ancient Talisman
Gelibord Graveyard
GhastlyGhoul.png Ghastly Ghoul 68 6,000 Melee -


- Gelibord Castle
UggwordPollywaggontheMurderous.png Uggword Pollywaggon the Murderous 75 37,500 Melee Charge



- Gelibord Castle
PocloWabblebuffofGelibord(Mob).png Poclo Wabblebuff of Gelibord 77 26,500 ? Blindness Immune
Knockback Immune

- Gelibord Castle
WeddingBand.png Wedding Band 1 1 None - -
Wedding Band
Lich Tower grounds
Lazarus Pit Guardian 75 7,850 Melee Heal



- Lazarus Pit
Diminished Lazarus Pit Guardian 73 5,500 Melee Heal



- Lazarus Pit
Weakened Lazarus Pit Guardian 70 3,300 Melee Heal



- Lazarus Pit
Lazarus Pit Warden 77 12,700 Melee Knockback Immune
Blindness Immune
Slowness Immune

- Lazarus Pit
Diminished Lazarus Pit Warden 76 10,100 Melee Knockback Immune
Blindness Immune
Slowness Immune

- Lazarus Pit
Weakened Lazarus Pit Warden 74 7,050 Melee Knockback Immune
Blindness Immune
Slowness Immune

- Lazarus Pit
Rolling Berry 60 3,000 Scared -

- Lazarus Pit
Spectral Fairy 65 5,500 Neutral Melee -

- Lazarus Pit
Fallen Petal 70 10,000 Passive -
- Lazarus Pit
??? 69 7,000 Scared - - - Lazarus Pit

Haven Antiquity

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
DernMinion.png Dern Minion 70 4,050 Melee -




Umbral Essence
Dead Island
DernBeast.png Dern Beast 70 4,875 Melee ?




Monster Hide
Cave at [-9332, 57, -10589]

Shattered Minds

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
SporeShooter.png Spore Shooter 68 3,030 Ranged -



- Mushroom Cave
MushroomMite.png Mushroom Mite 65 1,620 Melee - - - Mushroom Cave
StuporedMan.png Stupored Man 67 2,485 Melee - - - Mushroom Cave
SuperSporeShooter.png Super Spore Shooter 75 6,000 Ranged -



- Strange Cave
MajesticCaveSquid.png Majestic Cave Squid 72 3,520 Passive


- Strange Cave
MissyLonglegs.png Missy Longlegs 69 3,135 Melee -


- Strange Cave
CrazyLady.png Crazy Lady 70 2,785 Melee -

- Strange Cave
BurningMan.png Burning Man 69 1,050 Melee -

- Strange Cave
StruttingMushroom.png Strutting Mushroom 69 3,200 Melee -



- Strange Cave:
Lower Level, Top of Stairs
RamblingMushroom.png Rambling Mushroom 69 3,200 Melee -



- Strange Cave:
Lower Level, Top of Stairs
Sponge.png Sponge 73 2,900 Melee -
- Strange Cave:
ScramblingMushroom.png Scrambling Mushroom 71 3,400 Melee -



- Strange Cave:
SwaggeringMushroom.png Swaggering Mushroom 71 3,400 Ranged -



- Strange Cave:
File:OddMushroom.png Odd Mushroom 73 11,000 Neutral Melee Teleport

- Strange Cave:
BeautifulBallerina.png Beautiful Ballerina 75 3,550 Melee Heal - - Strange Cave:
ExtremelyPowerfulFoe.png Extremely Powerful Foe 93 4,500 Melee Multihit


- Strange Cave:
Top of Stairs
MommaLonglegs.png Momma Longlegs 75 4,000 Melee -


- Strange Forest
MissyLonglegs.png Missy Longlegs 69 3,135 Melee -


- Strange Forest
FlamingoCavalry.png Flamingo Cavalry 74 5,700 Ranged -

- Strange Forest:
Next to Flamingoes
Anklebiter.png Anklebiter 70 3,300 Melee - - - Strange Forest:
Around Sand at (25180, 15, 23990)
OverlyAffectionateBear.png Overly Affectionate Bear 73 3,650 - - - - Strange Forest:
Cave at (24890, 20, 23955)
Steve.png Steve 68 3,020 Melee - - - Strange Forest:
Alex.png Alex 71 4,250 Melee - - - Strange Forest:
Evets.png Evets 74 7,850 Melee - - - Strange Forest:
Goopangler.png Goopangler 68 2,160 Melee - - - Strange Forest:
LunaticPenguin.png Lunatic Penguin 70 1,000 Burst Ranged - - - Strange Forest:
JackedPig.png Jacked Pig 74 5,500 Melee Charge

- Strange Forest:
Cave at (24900, 19, 23685),
farm at (24890, 15, 23465)
BeefyCow.png Beefy Cow 73 5,500 Melee Charge

- Strange Forest:
Cave at (24900, 19, 23685),
farm at (24890, 15, 23465)
VengefulChicken.png Vengeful Chicken 69 2,230 Melee -
- Strange Forest:
Cave at (24900, 19, 23685),
farm at (24890, 15, 23465)
SuperPrettyGuy.png Super Pretty Guy 75 200,000 - - - - Strange Efilim
ReallyUglyGuy.png Really Ugly Guy 70 30,000 - - - - Strange Efilim
Yahya-TheFinalForm.png Yahya - The Final Form 9,001 1,000,000,000 Melee Multihit
Arrow Storm
- - Under Strange Efilim

WynnExcavation Site D

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
Rat(Level70).png Rat 70 1,000 Melee - - - Spiral Staircase Room
TromsGuardGolem(Hostile).png Troms Guard Golem 70 2,400 Melee - - - Troms
TromsGuard(Hostile).png Troms Guard 70 5,600 Melee - - - Troms Army Headquarters
MapFragment1.png Map Fragment 1 70 1,000 None - -
Map Fragment 1
[-748, 30, -546]
MapFragment2.png Map Fragment 2 70 1,000 None - -
Map Fragment 2
[-784, 25, -445]
MapFragment3.png Map Fragment 3 70 1,000 None - -
Map Fragment 3
[-697, 30, -495]
Excavators(Golem).png Excavators
70 6,500 Melee - - - Excavation Site
Excavators(Villager).png Excavators
70 3,230 Melee - - - Excavation Site
AncientGuard.png Ancient Guard 70 10,000 Melee -


- Ancient Dungeon
AncientCaveSpider.png Ancient Cave Spider 70 2,775 Melee -

- Ancient Dungeon
Olm(Hostile).png Olm 75 7,850 Melee Teleport


- Ancient Dungeon
DarkVortex.png Dark Vortex 75 2,800 Ranged -


- Ancient Dungeon
CrystallineWatcher(Yellow).png Crystalline Watcher
80 3,350 Ranged -


- Yellow Puzzle Room
On Pillars
BrokenCrystallineWatcher.png Broken Crystalline Watcher 80 3,675 None -


- Purple Puzzle Room
On Pillar
ShadeEater.png Shade Eater 60 1,800 Melee -

- Purple Puzzle Room
CrystallineWatcher(Red).png Crystalline Watcher
80 4,000 Ranged -


- Red Puzzle Room
On Pillars
Soul-ConsumingFlame.png Soul-Consuming Flame 70 4,000 Melee AI ?


- Red Puzzle Room
CrystallineWatcher(Green).png Crystalline Watcher
80 4,350 Ranged -


- Green Room
On Pillars
CorruptedOlm.png Corrupted Olm 75 7,050 Charge Teleport



- Ancient City
OlmicGeist.png Olmic Geist 75 6,675 Ranged Teleport


- Ancient City
RunicCrystal.png Runic Crystal 80 44,500 Ranged

- Ancient City
Enthralled.png Enthralled 70 1,200 Melee Heavy Charge


- Ancient City
Olm(Passive).png Olm 75 11,000 None -

- Ancient City
CorruptedAmadel.png Corrupted Amadel 80 57,500 Ranged Charge
Heavy Charge
Heavy Explode
Heavy Flamethrower


Corrupt Pendant
WynnExcavation Site D
CrystalSentry.png Crystal Sentry 75 40,000 Melee Pull
Heavy Flamethrower

- WynnExcavation Site D
ShadowAmadel(65000Health).png Shadow Amadel
90 65,000 Retreat Heavy Teleport
Heavy Charge




Shadow Pendant
WynnExcavation Site D
ShadowAmadel(6500Health).png Shadow Amadel
(Strong Clone)
90 6,500 Retreat Heavy Charge
Heavy Teleport
Heavy Vanish



- WynnExcavation Site D
ShadowAmadel(650Health).png Shadow Amadel
(Weak Clone)
90 650 Charge Heavy Charge



- WynnExcavation Site D
LightWeaver.png Light Weaver 85 5,500 Melee Push
Arrow Storm


- WynnExcavation Site D
FullyFormedAmadel(Phase1).png Fully Formed Amadel
(Phase 1)
100 62,500 Melee Heavy Charge
Heavy Explode
Heavy Push
Heavy Pull


Fully Formed Amadel
(Phase 2)
WynnExcavation Site D
FullyFormedAmadel(Phase2).png Fully Formed Amadel
(Phase 2)
100 62,500 Ranged Heavy Explode
Heavy Teleport
Heavy Multihit
Heavy Flamethrower
Heavy Push


WynnExcavation Leader Amadel Fully Formed Amadel
(Phase 1)
WynnExcavationLeaderAmadel(Hostile).png WynnExcavation Leader Amadel 75 24,500 Melee Charge
Heavy Charge
Heavy Teleport
Heavy Explode
Heavy Push
Heavy Pull


Amadel's Pendant
Fully Formed Amadel
(Phase 2)
ElementalBloom.png Elemental Bloom 90 2,000 Ranged Teleport


- WynnExcavation Site D

Realm of Light IV - Finding the Light

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
AthenaeumGuard.png Athenaeum Guard 73 3,200 Melee Flamethrower

- Secret Library
MobilizedBibliosoph.png Mobilized Bibliosoph 71 2,450 Melee -

- Secret Library
SpellboundNovel.png Spellbound Novel 70 ? Ranged - - - Secret Library
ProtectorsofKnowledge.png Protectors of Knowledge 72 7,000 Melee Pull


- Secret Library
First Stop, Second Stop
FairyoftheLibrary.png Fairy of the Library 70 1,150 Ranged - - - Secret Library
First Stop, Second Stop
Guardian(FindingTheLight).png Guardian 75 25,000 Ranged Meteor

- Secret Library
Second Stop
FaeTrickster.png Fae Trickster 71 3,420 Melee Teleport


- Canned Abis Cave
LuxedEarthsprite.png Luxed Earthsprite 71 3,420 Ranged -


- Canned Abis Cave
CannedAbis.png Canned Abis 71 10 - - - Canned Abis Canned Abis Cave
Next to Exit
Lari(Mob).png Lari 150 220,000 Melee & Rapid Ranged Meteor
Upcoming Attack
Light Strike
Mark of Death


- Next to Guardian of The Forest
LightborneWeird.png Lightborne Weird 120 15,000 - Explode
- Next to Guardian of The Forest

Lexdale Witch Trials

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
BushLurker.png Bush Lurker 70 2845 Melee -

- Kander Forest
TunnelDwellerWarrior.png Tunnel Dweller Warrior 70 3560 Melee - - - Kander Forest
DecayedTunnelDweller.png Decayed Tunnel Dweller 72 3075 Burst Ranged
Blindness Immune


- Kander Forest
EliteTunnelDweller.png Elite Tunnel Dweller 74 7025 Melee Multihit
- Kander Forest
TunnelDwellerChieftain.png Tunnel Dweller Chieftain 75 125000 Melee Blindness Immune
Knockback Immune
Slowness Immune
Heavy Charge


- Kander Forest

Troubled Tribesmen

Attention: This page is still under construction and is incomplete.

Murder Mystery

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
MutantRat.png Mutant Rat 72 3,350 Melee - - - Cinfras Sewers
Thug.png Thug 75 8,500 Melee - - - Cinfras Sewers
Gambler.png Gambler 74 30,000 Passive - - - Cinfras Gambling Hideout
DrunkenGambler.png Drunken Gambler 74 1,000 Neutral Melee - - - Cinfras Sewers

Hollow Serenity

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
ParasiteInfestedTwitchbeetle.png Parasite-Infested Twitchbeetle 74 15000 Melee Knockback Resist
- - Dark Forest Village
Abandoned lab
Gargoyle(HollowSerenity).png Gargoyle 75 20000 Melee Blindness Resist
Slowness Resist


- Faltach Manor
Secret study
WallDweller.png Wall Dweller 70 6500 Melee Charge
- - Faltach Manor
Secret study
SpiritualDischarge.png Spiritual Discharge 70 4150 Melee Slowness Resist - - Faltach Manor
Garvan,theWanderer.png Garvan, the Wanderer 95 205000 Burst Ranged
Heavy Arrow Storm
Heavy Wave
Heavy Push
Spiritual Strike
Spiritual Barriers
Spiritual Blast
Grave Smoke


- Faltach Manor

Aldorei's Secret Part I

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
CarnivorousPlant.png Carnivorous Plant 80 30,000 - Arrow Storm



- Behind Fiona's house

Acquiring Credentials

Attention: This page is still under construction and is incomplete.


Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
Bob'sReincarnation(Phase1).png Bob's Reincarnation
(Phase 1)
110 50,000 Ranged Blindness Immune
Knockback Resist
Slowness Resist
Arrow Storm
Heavy Charge

Bob's Reincarnation
(Phase 2)
Bob'sReincarnation(Phase2).png Bob's Reincarnation
(Phase 2)
110 60,000 Rapid Ranged Blindness Immune
Knockback Resist
Slowness Resist
Heavy Teleport

Bob's Reincarnation
(Phase 3)
Bob's Reincarnation
(Phase 1)
Bob'sReincarnation(Phase3).png Bob's Reincarnation
(Phase 3)
110 70,000 Melee Blindness Resist
Knockback Resist
Slowness Immune
Heavy Vanish
Heavy Multihit
Heavy Charge

Bob's Reincarnation
(Phase 4)
Bob's Reincarnation
(Phase 2)
Bob'sReincarnation(Phase4).png Bob's Reincarnation
(Phase 4)
110 80,000 Melee Blindness Resist
Knockback Resist
Slowness Immune
Heavy Multihit
Heavy Charge


Bob's Seal of Approval
Bob's Reincarnation
(Phase 3)

The Ultimate Weapon

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
DiplacusAurantiacus.png Diplacus Aurantiacus 75 1 None - -
Diplacus Aurantiacus
Light Forest Cave
GlowDustLeafBeetleoftheUnderworld.png Glow Dust Leaf Beetle of the Underworld 77 10,000 Crawl Charge
Heavy Charge



Crate of 2000 Luster Blood Glow Dust Cave

Flight in Distress

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
FlightPassenger.png Flight Passenger 75 10,000 Passive - - - Cinfras Airship
FlightOfficer.png Flight Officer 75 100 Passive - - - Cinfras Airship Control Deck
PanickingPassenger.png Panicking Passenger 0 10,000 Scared - - - Cinfras Airship
Skyraider(FlightinDistress).png Skyraider 75 4,000 Melee - - - Upper Level
Rat(FlightinDistress).png Rat 5 5 Passive - - - Lower Level
SkyraiderQueen.png Skyraider Queen 90 105,000 Melee Blindness Resist
Knockback Resist
Slowness Resist
Heavy Multihit



- Queen's Quarters
MiniatureCannon.png Miniature Cannon 85 180,000 Rapid Ranged Blindness Immune
Knockback Immune
Slowness Immune
- - Queen's Quarters
