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Item Lore
A deep regret stains this weapon-once a healing implement of the scholar-priest, its gentle power was turned and twisted as his ideals and resolve were tested, and faltered. With its own wielder long passed, perhaps it can finally be absolved of its atrocities committed by his hand... and remember the peace it has long forgotten.2.1
Item Information
Item Relik
Class Shaman/Skyseer
Min. Level 97
Rarity Mythic
Obtain Loot Chests
Mob Drop
Base Damage
Attack Speed Super Fast (+3)

Defense Min: 115

Absolution is a level 97 Mythic Relik, focused on healing.


It costs 1836 Emeralds to identify Absolution.

Identification Minimum Value Maximum Value
 Health   +900  +3900
 Mana Regen   +1/5s  +4/5s
 Healing Efficiency   +30%  +130%
 Soul Point Regen   +7%  +30%
Fire Damage 
 +6%  +26%
Earth Defense 
 +14%  +59%
Thunder Defense 
 +14%  +59%
 First Spell Cost   -3 Mana  -5 Mana