Bandit (NPC)

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NPC Info
X: 1048 Z: -2299
Location Mummy's Tomb
Quest Involved Wrath of the Mummy

Bandit is an NPC in the quest Wrath of the Mummy. His clan has taken control of the Mummy's Tomb which the player wishes to enter, however, he allows the player to enter in exchange for 1 Pink Wool.


Mummy's Tomb
1048, 82, -2299
Wynncraft Map

Bandit is located in the entrance of the Mummy's Tomb, right in the center of the front wall.


During Quest

  • Bandit: Hey, what are you doing? If you're trying to loot the tomb, me and the other Creden Tibus already beat you to it.
  • Bandit: But if you can bring me [1 Block of Pink Wool], I'll look the other way and let you into the tomb. I know it sounds ridiculous, but it's valuable.
  • Bandit: You can get it from Rymek in the southern canyon. Only other way if from a rare sheep or something, so Rymek's the better option.

After you get Pink Wool:

  • Bandit: Well, whaddya know? You got some Pink Wool! Okay, hand it here and I'll look the other way and let you into the tomb.
  • Bandit: But I feel like it's only fair that I warn you that it's dangerous in there.
  • Bandit: It took our entire clan just to make it out alive.
  • Bandit: I'll still let you inside if you want. Just remember, if anyone asks, this conversation never happened.

After Quest

  • Bandit: Heh... I forgot to mention the mummy, didn't I? Don't know how you made it out on your own.