Black Veil

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Black Veil

Item Information
Item Chain Helmet
Min. Level 51
Rarity Rare
Tag Untradable
Obtain Mob Drop
Base Defenses
Health Bonus +570
Earth -30
Thunder +30
Mob Warlock

The Black Veil is dropped by the Warlock in the Olux Catacombs. It is used in The Maiden Tower, and must be worn in order to enter the tower.


It costs 76 Emeralds to identify the Black Veil.

Identification Minimum Value Maximum Value
 Life Steal   +15/3s  +64/3s
 Mana Steal   +1/3s  +1/3s
 XP Bonus   -6%  -10%
 Loot Bonus   -6%  -10%
 Soul Point Regen   -6%  -10%
 Poison   +32/3s  +136/3s
 % Spell Damage   +4%  +20%