Blade of Purity

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Blade of Purity

Item Lore
The creator of this polished white blade insists that its true power will never be unlocked, for only those who are not influenced by the elements of the world know truly how to utilize it.
Item Information
Item Spear
Class Warrior/Knight
Min. Level 78
Rarity Legendary
Obtain Loot Chests
Mob Drop
Base Damage
Attack Speed Fast (+1)
Neutral 175-225
Average DPS 500

Blade of Purity is a level 78 Legendary Spear. It can be found in Loot Chests and dropped by mobs of level 74-82.


It costs 409 Emeralds to identify Blade of Purity.

Identification Minimum Value Maximum Value
 Mana Regen   +4/5s  +16/5s
 XP Bonus   +6%  +26%
 Soul Point Regen   +6%  +26%
 % Spell Damage   +5%  +20%
  Spell Damage   +48  +208
 % Main Attack Damage   +5%  +20%
  Main Attack Damage   +50  +215
 % Earth Damage   -195%  -105%
 % Thunder Damage   -195%  -105%
 % Water Damage   -195%  -105%
 % Fire Damage   -195%  -105%
 % Air Damage   -195%  -105%