Cardiac Arrest

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Cardiac Arrest

Item Lore
...As the heart fails, adrenaline pumps through the body in an attempt to provide energy and keep the victim alive, but medical action must be taken to ensure survival. -Excerpt from Aldorei Medical Tomes, Vol. 6
Item Information
Item Diamond Chestplate
Min. Level 91
Rarity Legendary
Powder Slots 3 ()
Obtain Loot Chests
Mob Drop
Base Defenses
Health Bonus +4000
Earth +130
Thunder +90
Strength Min: 70
Dexterity Min: 50

Cardiac Arrest is a level 91 Legendary Chestplate. It can be found in Loot Chests or dropped by mobs of level 87 to 95.


It costs 472 Emeralds to identify Cardiac Arrest.

Identification Minimum Value Maximum Value
 Defense   ~  -20
 Agility   ~  -20
 % Health Regen   -52%  -28%
 Health Regen   -260  -140
 Poison   +1200/3s  +5200/3s
 Attack Speed   -1 Tier  -1 Tier
 % Spell Damage   +9%  +39%
 % Second Spell Cost   -10%  -42%
 % Third Spell Cost   -6%  -27%
 % Fourth Spell Cost   -7%  -31%