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Item Lore
"The gravestone for the brother of that man, Sayleros? For whatever reason, it didn't have a proper name on it." -Sacre, Saint's Row Priest
Item Information
Item Spear
Class Warrior/Knight
Min. Level 30
Rarity Rare
Powder Slots 2 ()
Obtain Underworld Crypt Dungeon Merchant
Tag Untradable
Base Damage
Attack Speed Normal (0)
Neutral 14-24
Air 22-32
Agility Min: 20

Cathedral is a level 30 rare spear purchased from the Dungeon Merchant in front of the entrance to the Underworld Crypt Dungeon.


Cathedral is identified when bought. Therefore, its Identifications do not vary.

Identification Preset Value
 % Earth Damage   +15% 
 % Thunder Damage   +15% 
 % Water Damage   +15% 
 % Fire Damage   +15% 
 % Air Damage   +15% 
  Air Defense   +10%