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Item Lore
Donning this helmet sears your mind with images of a world on fire. These blistering thoughts pressure you to make that world a reality.
Item Information
Item Diamond Helmet
Min. Level 84
Rarity Legendary
Powder Slots 3 ()
Obtain Loot Chests
Mob Drop
Base Defenses
Health Bonus -1800
Fire +180
Defense Min: 90

Conflagrate is a level 84 Legendary Helmet. It can be found in Loot Chests or dropped by mobs of level 80 to 88.


It costs 438 Emeralds to identify Conflagrate.

Identification Minimum Value Maximum Value
 Intelligence   ~  -16
 Defense   ~  +16
 Life Steal   +78/3s  +338/3s
  Main Attack Damage   +86  +371
 % Fire Damage   +15%  +65%
  Water Defense   -39%  -21%
 Third Spell Cost   -1 Mana  -6 Mana