Crusade Sabatons

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Crusade Sabatons

Item Lore
One of the very few physically-powerful artifacts of the Villagers, these boots were used in the initial crusades against the Green-skins, to overpower the Orcs via raw physical might. Though effective, they have not seen use in a long time.
Item Information
Item Diamond Boots
Min. Level 90
Rarity Mythic
Powder Slots 3 ()
Obtain Loot Chests
Base Defenses
Health Bonus +5050
Earth +125
Fire +200
Strength Min: 60
Defense Min: 60

Crusade Sabatons are a pair of level 90 Mythic boots.


It costs 1710 Emeralds to identify Crusade Sabatons.

Identification Minimum Value Maximum Value
 Strength   ~  +20
 Defense   ~  +30
 Health   +750  +3250
 % Health Regen   +9%  +40%
 Thorns   +10%  +46%
 Walk Speed   -20%  -10%
  Earth Defense   +9%  +39%
  Fire Defense   +6%  +26%


"One of the very few physically-powerful artifacts of the Villagers, these boots were used in the initial crusades against the Green-skins, to overpower the Orcs via raw physical might. Though effective, they have not seen use in a long time."