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Item Lore
A fallen link from a chainmail hauberk of an older time, this ring fell from a giant taller than a mountain. As it sped through the air and gained momentum, it traveled so fast that it was battered to a tenth of its size.
Item Information
Item Ring
Min. Level 98
Rarity Legendary
Obtain Loot Chests
Base Defenses
Health Bonus -600
Water -35
Air -35
Strength Min: 60
Defense Min: 55

Downfall is a level 98 Legendary Ring. It can be found in Tier 3 [✫✫✫] and Tier 4 [✫✫✫✫] Loot Chests from levels 94 to 102.


It costs 505 Emeralds to identify Downfall.

Identification Minimum Value Maximum Value
 Strength   ~  +6
 Walk Speed   +4%  +16%
  Main Attack Damage   +21  +91
 % Earth Damage   +2%  +10%
 % Fire Damage   +2%  +10%
