Dusty Staff

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Dusty Staff

Item Information
Item Wand
Class Mage/Dark Wizard
Min. Level 26
Rarity Unique
Powder Slots 1 ()
Obtain Any
Base Damage
Attack Speed Slow (-1)
Neutral 12-20
Earth 12-16
Strength Min: 8

Dusty Staff is a level 26 unique Wand. Besides its bonuses to Earth damage and defense, it also gives a few miscellaneous bonuses when identified, including poison and loot bonuses.


It costs 18 Emeralds to identify Dusty Staff.

Identification Minimum Value Maximum Value
 Loot Bonus   +4%  +16%
 Poison   +24/3s  +104/3s
  Earth Defense   +2%  +9%
  Air Defense   -3%  -5%