Hide of Poxper

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Hide of Poxper

Item Information
Item Leather Chestplate
Min. Level 44
Rarity Rare
Powder Slots 1 ()
Tag Untradable
Obtain Quest Reward
Base Defenses
Health Bonus +600
Water -50
Fire +40
Air +20
Defense Min: 15
Agility Min: 10
Quest Blazing Retribution
Quest Blazing Retribution

The Hide of Poxper is a chestplate rewarded upon completion of Blazing Retribution. This chestplate gives a base +600 health, several small bonuses to elemental and melee damage and walk speed, and a penalty to spell damage.


It costs 68 Emeralds to identify the Hide of Poxper.

Identification Minimum Value Maximum Value
 Exploding   +2%  +10%
 Walk Speed   +2%  +10%
 % Spell Damage   -13%  -7%
 % Main Attack Damage   +3%  +13%
 % Fire Damage   +4%  +16%