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Item Lore
The unearthly wood of eyestalk is durable, but with horrific cost. Pieces severed from the trunk continue to collect and cultivate the essence of abandoned eyes, and the unfortunate wearer becomes a catalyst for growth.
Item Information
Item Diamond Helmet
Min. Level 101
Rarity Legendary
Powder Slots 3 ()
Obtain Loot Chests
Mob Drop
Base Defenses
Health Bonus +3900
Thunder -150
Fire -150
Air +250
Intelligence Min: 65
Agility Min: 65

Keratoconus is a level 101 Legendary Helmet. It can be found in Loot Chests or dropped by mobs in the Silent Expanse.


It costs 520 Emeralds to identify Keratoconus.

Identification Minimum Value Maximum Value
 Intelligence   ~  +15
 Defense   ~  -10
 % Health Regen   -65%  -35%
 Mana Regen   +3/5s  +13/5s
 % Thunder Damage   -52%  -28%
 % Water Damage   +9%  +39%
 % Air Damage   +10%  +46%
 Fourth Spell Cost   -1 Mana  -5 Mana


  • Keratoconus is a disorder of the eye that causes thinning of the cornea, resulting in a characteristic conical shape of the cornea.
  • This item's lore was created by the player cmosier in a Wynncraft Creation Contest.