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Item Lore
The name has got to be mispelled... It doesn't even make any sense!
Item Information
Item Relik
Class Shaman/Skyseer
Min. Level 99
Rarity Legendary
Powder Slots 3 ()
Obtain Boss Altar Drop
Tag Untradable
Base Damage
Attack Speed Slow (-1)
Neutral 350-430
Boss Altar The Orange Wybel

Lower is one of the five legendary weapons dropped by the Orange Wybel at the Orange Wybel Boss Altar.


It costs 511 Emeralds to identify Lower.

Identification Minimum Value Maximum Value
 Strength   ~  +10
 First Spell Cost   +14 Mana  +3 Mana
 Second Spell Cost   -2 Mana  -4 Mana
 Third Spell Cost   -2 Mana  -4 Mana
 Fourth Spell Cost   -2 Mana  -4 Mana


  • The item lore is a reference to how a "T" flipped is similar to an "L", hence "Tower" becomes "Lower". As with all of the Orange Wybel weapons, Lower has properties that match its misspelled name (i.e. decreased spell costs) and has the opposite properties of its intended name (i.e. increased totem cost).