Plague Staff

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Plague Staff

Item Information
Item Wand
Class Mage/Dark Wizard
Min. Level 60
Rarity Fabled
Powder Slots 2 ()
Tag Untradable
Base Damage
Attack Speed Super Fast (+3)
Neutral 0-1
Intelligence Min: 50
Boss Altar Plague Laboratory
Other Information
Poisoned mobs also poison nearby mobs.

The Plague Staff is wielded and sometimes dropped from the Olux Plague Doctor in the Plague Laboratory Boss Altar. It doesn't deal damage, but heavily poisons the target and grants Intelligence and Health Regeneration.

It also carries the MajorID Plague which has the special property: Poisoned mobs also spread 70% of their poison to nearby mobs.


It costs 780 Emeralds to identify Plague Staff.

Identification Minimum Value Maximum Value
 Intelligence   ~  +20
 Health Regen   +30  +130
 Poison   +540/3s  +3900/3s


"Carried by the Olux Plague Doctor, this simple-looking stick subtly oozes with an unidentifiable substance that is invigorating to the holder, and lethally venomous to anything else."


  • The only way to get this wand is to beat the Plague Laboratory boss altar and kill the Olux Plague Doctor, as it is an untradable item.


  • This wand has one of the highest Poison damage of all wands in the game.
  • This wand was originally a Rare item, but was changed to Fabled after the 1.19 Silent Expanse update gave it a Major ID.
  • In the Item Guide on the official website, the Plague Staff can be found at the top of the list if you put on the "Wand" filter.