Planet Healer

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Planet Healer

Item Lore
The jewels in this necklace naturally draw darkness and corruption into its wearer, purifying the land around them at the cost of their own life.
Item Information
Item Necklace
Min. Level 100
Rarity Legendary
Obtain Loot Chests

Planet Healer is a level 100 Legendary Necklace. It can be found in Tier 3 [✫✫✫] and Tier 4 [✫✫✫✫] Loot Chests from levels 96 to 104.


It costs 515 Emeralds to identify Planet Healer.

Identification Minimum Value Maximum Value
 % Health Regen   -19%  -10%
 Health Regen   -104  -56
 Mana Steal   +1/3s  +5/3s
 Poison   +855/3s  +3705/3s
  Earth Defense   +2%  +7%
  Thunder Defense   +2%  +7%
  Water Defense   +2%  +7%
  Fire Defense   +2%  +7%
  Air Defense   +2%  +7%