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Item Information
Item Wand
Class Mage/Dark Wizard
Min. Level 28
Rarity Rare
Powder Slots 1 ()
Obtain Underworld Crypt Dungeon Merchant
Tag Untradable
Base Damage
Attack Speed Normal (0)
Earth 16-22
Water 14-18

Putrid is a level 28 rare wand purchased from the Dungeon Merchant in front of the entrance to the Underworld Crypt Dungeon.


Putrid is identified when bought. Therefore, its Id's don't vary.

Identification Preset Value
 Health   +150  
 Poison   +60/3s 
 Walk Speed   -3% 


"Leave us to die down here, why don't you all. Just turn us into another statistic and be done, huh?" -Ragamal, Nemract Sewer Dweller