Scarlet Veil

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Scarlet Veil

Item Lore
You're seeing red... Time to see more of it.
Item Information
Item Chain Helmet
Min. Level 52
Rarity Fabled
Obtain Loot Chests
Mob Drop
Base Defenses
Health Bonus +1000
Earth -30
Thunder -30
Water -30
Fire -30
Air -30

The Scarlet Veil is a Level 52 Fabled helmet. In return for drastically reducing the player's elemental defenses, the player gains a bonus to their attack speed and damage. It also comes with the Explosive Impact Major ID, giving every hit a chance to produce an explosion.


It costs 684 Emeralds to identify Scarlet Veil.

Identification Minimum Value Maximum Value
 Attack Speed   +1 Tier  +1 Tier
 Walk Speed   +2%  +10%
 % Main Attack Damage   +8%  +33%
  Main Attack Damage   +20  +85
  Earth Defense   -130%  -70%
  Thunder Defense   -130%  -70%
  Water Defense   -130%  -70%
  Fire Defense   -130%  -70%
  Air Defense   -130%  -70%