Seven-League Boots

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Seven-League Boots

Item Lore
Bending the fabric of reality to allow the wearer to take massive strides, these boots are rumored to contain rogue djinni to power them.
Item Information
Item Chain Boots
Min. Level 44
Rarity Legendary
Obtain Loot Chests
Mob Drop
Base Defenses
Health Bonus +450
Earth -60
Air +30
Agility Min: 50
Other Information
+Lightweight: You no longer take fall damage.

Seven-League Boots is a level 44 pair of Legendary Boots. It can be found in Loot Chests and dropped by mobs of level 40 to 48.


It costs 246 Emeralds to identify Seven-League Boots.

Identification Minimum Value Maximum Value
 Agility   ~  +18
 XP Bonus   +5%  +20%
 Walk Speed   +8%  +35%