Skull Cave

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Skull Cave StructureIcon.png
Entrance to the Skull Cave
Coordinates X: -672, Z: -3195
Access Points Pirate Cove
Suggested Level 60
Involved Quests Beneath the Depths
Type/Biomes Cave
Monsters Dead Pirate
Dead Pirate Guard
Uses Quest

Skull cave, also known as Skull Tomb, is a cave inside the mountains on Pirate Cove. The cave is a fortress like structure with a narrow path the player has to follow. In its middle section, it also has some maze like elements.

There are level 62 Dead Pirates that attack the player everywhere inside the cave. On the lowest floor, one level 70 Dead Pirate Guard spawns. In the main room, at the end of the cave, a Faded Map drops from the ceiling, which is needed for the Beneath the Depths quest.


  • The Dead Pirates have knockback weapons and hit hard.
  • At level 60, it can be hard to survive in the cave. Bringing friends or leveling up is recommended.
  • There are many, many loot chests inside the maze, so take the time to look around. (Many of the chests are level II or III.)
