Skyraider Lookout

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Skyraider Lookout
NPC Info
X: 1463 Z: -4280
Species Human
Location Raiders' Port

The Skyraider Lookout is a member of the Skyraiders. She can be found guarding the Skyraiders' Port from a scaffold near the south side of the base, next to the small cave unblocked during the Rulers of the Skies Secret Discovery.

After completing the level 98 Quest Royal Trials and being crowned Queen of the Skyraiders, the Lookout can be spoken to in order to receive 16
Emerald Blocks and the
Skyraider's Spyglass, as well as some additional Experience Points.


Before completing Royal Trials:

  • Skyraider Lookout: Wha– how did ye' manage to get into the base?
  • Skyraider Lookout: I thought me was keeping a good eye on them bridge ther', erm– ye' should probably leave den.

After completing Royal Trials:

  • Skyraider Lookout: Hmph– what are them nitwits up to this time.
  • Skyraider Lookout: I'd oughta report this to chief, uncalled fer ye' see.
  • Skyraider Lookout: Yer' highness what are ye doing 'ere?
  • Skyraider Lookout: Ye'd best head back down– I've got this her' station covered on all grounds!
  • Skyraider Lookout: How long were ye' standing thar fer?
    • [1] Not long, I was just strolling by.
      • Skyraider Lookout: Oh goodness, urm– sometimes I be blerting out things I shouldn't!
      • Skyraider Lookout: It does make me feel a bit better of m'self, I'll be honest thar'.
      • Skyraider Lookout: Anyway, I should be gettin' back to looking 'round des outskirts now.
    • [2] Who are you planning on reporting?
      • Skyraider Lookout: Ugh– more often 'an not it's them pesky imps causing us troubles!
      • Skyraider Lookout: Ever' day I see a bunch of 'em tryna sneak in but we're not sure why.
      • Skyraider Lookout: I'm startin' ta think we be smellin' kinda funky!
    • [3] Quite the view you have from up here.
      • Skyraider Lookout: Thanks fer noticin', pretty gnarly up her'en though I keep ma'self busy!
      • Skyraider Lookout: Take a look fer ya'self with this here spyglass, it's ma' spare afterall.
      • Skyraider Lookout: Ye' can see anythin' with this thang her', works like a charm!
      • [+1024 Emeralds]
      • [+12000 Experience]
      • [+1 Skyraider's Spyglass]
    • [4] Actually– I'll be on my way.
      • Skyraider Lookout: Don't welcome ya' stay fer too long, it's dangerous fer' the two of us up 'ere.
      • Skyraider Lookout: Surely that ain't be too much of a problem fer ya'self ah-course!