Uploads by Deusphage

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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
23:59, 8 June 2024 AnnihilationThumbnail.jpg (file) 24 KB insanity (unsure of license here) 1
23:52, 8 June 2024 AnnihilationFace.png (file) 174 KB my sweet son 1
00:52, 8 June 2024 CorruptedWarfront.png (file) 688 KB Temporary Image 1
00:29, 8 June 2024 CorruptionPortal.png (file) 427 KB   2
02:52, 14 May 2024 LuuLuuSnake.png (file) 477 KB   2
02:16, 14 May 2024 StygianWight.png (file) 253 KB   2
02:12, 14 May 2024 Scorchwight.png (file) 469 KB   2
02:06, 14 May 2024 RottenSkeleton.png (file) 121 KB   2
02:04, 14 May 2024 BanditThrall.png (file) 71 KB   2
01:30, 14 May 2024 CorruptedInfantry.png (file) 554 KB   2
01:24, 14 May 2024 FallenSoldier(FateoftheFallen).png (file) 245 KB   2
01:22, 14 May 2024 CorruptionVictim.png (file) 163 KB   2
22:25, 27 March 2024 DeadProspector.png (file) 293 KB THAR BE GOLD IN THEM HILLS 2
22:25, 27 March 2024 DeadCowboy.png (file) 125 KB YEEE HAWW PARDNER 2
22:24, 27 March 2024 DraconicAspect.png (file) 319 KB   2
06:54, 27 March 2024 SoulCorrupter.png (file) 161 KB BLOOD, BLOOD, BLOOD, BLOOD, BLOOD, BLOOD, BLOOD, BLOOD, BLOOD, BLOOD, BLOOD, BLOOD, BLOOD, BLOOD. 2
06:52, 27 March 2024 Infernowight.png (file) 224 KB BURN, BURN, BURN, BURN, BURN, BURN, BURN, BURN, BURN, BURN. 3
06:05, 27 March 2024 HellblazeGod.png (file) 168 KB RAAAAAAGH 2
06:04, 27 March 2024 BasinWight.png (file) 57 KB very very frightening 2
06:03, 27 March 2024 CorruptedGlobule.png (file) 184 KB splorch 2
06:02, 27 March 2024 CorruptStone.png (file) 69 KB rock 2
06:02, 27 March 2024 BlazingConstruct.png (file) 133 KB   2
22:32, 23 March 2024 SatedGlutton.png (file) 211 KB   2
22:13, 23 March 2024 MeltingCowboy.png (file) 133 KB AAAAAAAAaAAAAAAAAaaaaAAAaAAAaaaAA 2
22:13, 23 March 2024 RisenSkeleton.png (file) 121 KB   2
22:12, 23 March 2024 SlimySwampZombie.png (file) 320 KB Now with a slime block instead of a slime player head 2
22:12, 23 March 2024 FishyZombie.png (file) 183 KB it didnt make sense why a random fisherman was angry at you so now hes a stupid zombie 2
06:32, 23 March 2024 PhantasmofEmptiness.png (file) 66 KB i dont have Phantasm of Regret because it spawns in like one location and very uncommonly 2
06:32, 23 March 2024 SpectreofRegret.png (file) 159 KB kill 2
06:31, 23 March 2024 SpectreofEmptiness.png (file) 232 KB finally no more fucking eyeballs in the void 2
06:03, 23 March 2024 SoulofSolitude.png (file) 49 KB im blue badabee badadabie 2
06:02, 23 March 2024 VoidStalker.png (file) 129 KB I genuinely dont know why he's standing on this precarious block 2
06:02, 23 March 2024 ParticulateCyclone.png (file) 93 KB   2
06:01, 23 March 2024 PhotophobicGlutton.png (file) 71 KB oughh im so full from all those PHOTONS 2
06:01, 23 March 2024 PhotophobicDevourer.png (file) 175 KB GWAR 2
00:28, 23 March 2024 FlamingWisp.png (file) 49 KB i have sucked the creeper out of his body 2
00:14, 23 March 2024 Betrayer(Beserk).png (file) 158 KB   2
00:13, 23 March 2024 Betrayer.png (file) 133 KB   2
00:13, 23 March 2024 SandshornSkeleton.png (file) 171 KB i love removing the shirts from skeletons 2
00:12, 23 March 2024 CursedMutineer.png (file) 111 KB   2
00:12, 23 March 2024 CadaverousPirate.png (file) 130 KB he has become shirtless 2
00:11, 23 March 2024 SpookyScarySkeleton.png (file) 299 KB sadly i couldn't get it to make goat horn noises 2
00:10, 23 March 2024 UndeadCommander.png (file) 104 KB be-hatted 2
00:05, 23 March 2024 SwampedCadaver.png (file) 264 KB he has become YUCKY!!! 2
03:20, 22 March 2024 SylphidServant.png (file) 184 KB   2
03:19, 22 March 2024 SylphidGhost.png (file) 128 KB   2
03:19, 22 March 2024 SylphidGatekeeper(Phase1).png (file) 203 KB   2
03:16, 22 March 2024 AngelOfNature.png (file) 218 KB   2
03:13, 22 March 2024 AngelOfWar.png (file) 250 KB yea 2
03:12, 22 March 2024 FirelordMessager(UpperMoltenHeights).png (file) 205 KB .. theres also this guy. 2
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