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Item Lore
If it weren't for that stray mark, this would be spelled correctly...
Item Information
Item Bow
Class Archer/Hunter
Min. Level 99
Rarity Legendary
Powder Slots 2 ()
Tag Untradable
Base Damage
Attack Speed Super Slow (-3)
Neutral 1200-1555
Boss Altar The Orange Wybel

Stinger is one of the five legendary weapons dropped by the Orange Wybel at the Orange Wybel Boss Altar.


It costs 511 Emeralds to identify Stinger.

Identification Minimum Value Maximum Value
 Health Regen   -312  -168
 Life Steal   +221/3s  +956/3s
 Mana Steal   -1/3s  -1/3s
 Poison   +600/3s  +2600/3s
 Exploding   +9%  +39%
 Attack Speed   -129 Tiers  -69 Tiers


  • The item lore is a reference to the crossline that turns an "l" into a "t", hence "Slinger" becomes "Stinger". As with all of the Orange Wybel weapons, Stinger has properties that match its misspelled name (i.e. poison and life steal) and has the opposite properties of its intended name (i.e. super slow attack speed).