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Template-info.svg Documentation

This is a template used to display arguments of templates


| templateName =
| note# =
| arg# = *
| desc# =
| def# =
| req# =
| replace# =

Note: The * symbol denotes required arguments
Note: The # symbol must be replaced by a number, multiple arguments can be added by changing this number. (Minimum of 1)

Argument Description Default Value
templateName The name of the template The base page name
note# Notes to be placed between the example and table, they are automatically prefixed with Note:. The * for required arguments is automatically placed and does not require a note.
arg# * The name of the #th argument (the input value)
desc# A description of what the #th argument is used for
def# The default value of the #th argument
req# Set to true if the #th argument is required false
replace# Replacement argument text for the #th argument in the template example (Used for numerical values that don't need to be impicitly mentioned) | arg# =


|templateName= UnderConstruction
|arg1= 1
|replace1= translation
|desc1= Text to display inside the banner (Used for translation purposes)
|def1= '''Attention:''' This page is still under construction and is incomplete.


| translation

Argument Description Default Value
1 Text to display inside the banner (Used for translation purposes) Attention: This page is still under construction and is incomplete.
|templateName= Trade
|note1 = The <code>#</code> symbol must be replaced by a number, multiple arguments can be added by changing this number. (Minimum of 1 and Maximum of 20)

|arg1= merchant
|desc1= The name of the merchant, displayed as the heading 
|def1= The name of the current page

|arg2= tradeLabel
|desc2= The label used for the merchant header (Used for translation purposes)
|def2= Trades

|arg3= priceLabel
|desc3= The label used for the price header (Used for translation purposes)
|def3= Price

|arg4= productLabel
|desc4= The label used for the product header (Used for translation purposes
|def4= Product

|arg5= in#
|desc5= The item for the #th trades input 
|def5= Emerald

|arg6= in#amount
|desc6= The amount for the #th trades input 
|def6= 1

|arg7= in#img
|desc7= The image for the #th trades input 
|def7= <code>{{WynnIcon|{{{in#}}}}}</code>

|arg8= out#
|desc8= The item for the #th trades output 
|req8= true

|arg9= out#amount
|desc9= The amount for the #th trades output 
|def9= 1

|arg10= out#img
|desc10= The image for the #th trades output 
|def10= <code>{{WynnIcon|{{{out#}}}}}</code>

|arg11= note#
|desc11= A note for the #th trade


| merchant =
| tradeLabel =
| priceLabel =
| productLabel =
| in# =
| in#amount =
| in#img =
| out# = *
| out#amount =
| out#img =
| note# =

Note: The * symbol denotes required arguments
Note: The # symbol must be replaced by a number, multiple arguments can be added by changing this number. (Minimum of 1 and Maximum of 20)

Argument Description Default Value
merchant The name of the merchant, displayed as the heading The name of the current page
tradeLabel The label used for the merchant header (Used for translation purposes) Trades
priceLabel The label used for the price header (Used for translation purposes) Price
productLabel The label used for the product header (Used for translation purposes Product
in# The item for the #th trades input Emerald
in#amount The amount for the #th trades input 1
in#img The image for the #th trades input {{WynnIcon|{{{in#}}}}}
out# * The item for the #th trades output
out#amount The amount for the #th trades output 1
out#img The image for the #th trades output {{WynnIcon|{{{out#}}}}}
note# A note for the #th trade

This is the documentation page, it should be transcluded into the main template page. See Template:Doc for more information.