Tribal Merchant

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Tribal Merchant
Type Armour Merchant
Location Iboju Village
Total 1 Merchants

The Tribal Merchant sells masks to adventurers who can brave the Tribal Sanctuary boss altar multiple times.


Jungle Village
-765, -671
Wynncraft Map

The Tribal Merchant is located on the first tent to the right from the entrance of the Iboju Village, next to a Loot Chest.


The Tribal Merchant sells legendary masks based around each element. All masks require The Passage to be complete, cost 20 Antic Beads, and have 2 Powder slots.

Icon Name Item Type Requirements Health Elemental Defense Identifications Slots
Mask Rage.png Mask of Rage Helmet Combat Lv. Min: 57
Strength Min: 30
Quest Req: The Passage
1050♥ Earth: 40 +10% Loot Bonus
+5 Strength
+25% Main Attack Damage
+20% Earth Damage
Mask Hate.png Mask of Hate Helmet Combat Lv. Min: 57
Dexterity Min: 30
Quest Req: The Passage
1100♥ Thunder: 20 +10% Loot Bonus
+5 Dexterity
+110 Raw Melee Damage
+20% Thunder Damage
Mask Enlightenment.png Mask of Enlightenment Helmet Combat Lv. Min: 57
Intelligence Min: 30
Quest Req: The Passage
750♥ Water: 60 +12/5s Mana Regen
+10% Loot Bonus
+5 Intelligence
+10% Spell Damage
+20% Water Damage
Mask Courage.png Mask of Courage Helmet Combat Lv. Min 57
Defense Min: 30
Quest Req: The Passage
1400♥ Fire: 100 +20% Health Regen
+10% Loot Bonus
+5 Defense
+500 Health
+20% Fire Damage
Mask Fear.png Mask of Fear Helmet Combat Lv. Min: 57
Agility Min: 30
Quest Req: The Passage
1000♥ Air: 80 +10% Loot Bonus
+5 Agility
+15% Walk Speed
+20% Air Damage


Images of the mask stats as they appear in-game.