User talk:Branthecan

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Hey guys! This is my talk page, and feel free to contact me on here or ask me questions if you need help! You may also want to contact me in game, which my username is: branthecan! I am frequently online! Thank you for visiting my page! Branthecan, Level 73 Warrior (talk)

Hi Branthecan, just wanted to say hi and thanks for fixing all those pesky grammar issues I (and others) leave behind! I'd try to help with that issue also but being a non-native English speaker myself it isn't always easy. So really thanks, your work is highly appreciated. --Adrenalynnn (talk) 19:30, 5 May 2014 (UTC)

Hehehe, no problem! I love helping out the community! And thank you for helping with the Wiki Layout! It really helps it out! :) Branthecan (talk) 19:38, 5 May 2014 (UTC)

Hey Bran, i edited your Screenshot (cropped it) and updated the Mountain Ram page with it. That hopefully was what you were asking for? --Adrenalynnn (talk) 03:05, 10 June 2014 (UTC)

Awesome! Thank you! ;D Branthecan (talk) 15:01, 11 June 2014 (UTC)