White Ghost

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White Ghost

Item Information
Item Dagger
Class Assassin/Ninja
Min. Level 18
Rarity Rare
Powder Slots 1 ()
Obtain Merchant
Base Damage
Attack Speed Very Fast (+2)
Air 14-22 Air Damage
Agility Min: 15

White Ghost is a rare dagger with a minimum level of 18, bought from Nemract's Weapon Merchant. It is based around speed, and gives bonuses to both agility and walking speed; however, it only deals Air damage, making it useless against mobs who resist Air.


White Ghost can be bought from the Nemract Weapon Merchant for 2 Emerald Blocks and 32 Emeralds, and is pre-identified.

Identification Preset Value
 Agility   +4  
 Mana Steal   +1/3s 
 Walk Speed   +5%