Zhight Weird Magic Necklace

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Zhight Weird Magic Necklace

Item Information
Item Necklace
Min. Level 55
Rarity Rare
Obtain Merchant
(Treasure Prize Merchant)
Base Defenses
Earth +5
Water +5
Strength Min: 25
Intelligence Min: 20
Quest Zhight Island (Quest)

Zhight Weird Magic Necklace is a level 55 Rare Necklace. It can be purchased from one of the two Treasure Prize Merchants on Zhight Island in exchange for Zhight Gold.png Zhight Gold, which is earned from the Zhight Treasure Tour activity on the island.


Zhight Weird Magic Necklace can be bought from the Treasure Prize Merchant for 20 Zhight Gold.png Zhight Gold, and is pre-identified.

Identification Preset Value
 Strength   +2  
 Soul Point Regen   +7% 
 % Spell Damage   +7% 
 % Water Damage   +7%