Angel Falls

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Angel Falls CBCaveIcon.png
Angels have taken refuge inside the islands at [1026, 109, -4697].
Coordinates X: 1026, Y: 109, Z: -4697
Suggested Level 97
Difficulty Hard
Length Long
Estimated Time 3m
General Information
Type of Cave Normal
Loot Chests 1x Tier 3 [✫✫✫]
1x Tier 4 [✫✫✫✫]
Mobs Youthful Angels (Crawl) (Lv. 97)
Youthful Angels (Ranged) (Lv. 97)
Angel of Agony (Lv. 96)
Furious Angel of Agony (Lv. 97)
Enraged Angel of Agony (Lv. 98)
Outraged Angel of Agony (Lv. 99)
First-Time Clear Rewards
+700000 XP

The Angel Falls are a Cave in the Sky Islands.


The cave instantly splits into 2 paths, both leading to separate challenges to different loot chests, meaning both paths have to be complete in order to get the reward chest if it's your first clear.

Left Path

The left path is a quick parkour. At the end of the parkour is a Tier 3 [✫✫✫] Loot Chest that requires 4 nearby mobs to be killed.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
YouthfulAngel(CrawlAI).png Youthful Angel
97 8000 Crawl -

- Angel Falls
YouthfulAngel(RangedAI).png Youthful Angel
97 8000 Ranged -

- Angel Falls

Right Path

The cave's right path is a small boss arena with the Angel of Agony, which has 4 phases. Several Youthful Angels spawn as minions throughout the fight. Once the Angel of Agony is defeated, they will drop the Angelic Blasting Gel, which is required to be used on the door to open it, revealing the path to a Tier 4 [✫✫✫✫] Loot Chest.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
AngelOfAgony.png Angel of Agony
(Phase 1)
96 20000 Rapid Ranged Vanish


Furious Angel of Agony (Phase 2) Angel Falls
FuriousAngelOfAgony.png Furious Angel of Agony
(Phase 2)
97 20000 Charge Multihit
Heavy Pull


Enraged Angel of Agony (Phase 3) From Angel of Agony (Phase 1)
EnragedAngelOfAgony.png Enraged Angel of Agony
(Phase 3)
98 30000 Ranged Heavy Push
Arrow Storm


Outraged Angel of Agony (Phase 4) From Furious Angel of Agony (Phase 2)
OutragedAngelOfAgony.png Outraged Angel of Agony
(Phase 4)
99 40000 Melee Heavy Arrow Storm
Heavy Slowness



Angelic Blasting Gel
From Enraged Angel of Agony (Phase 3)
YouthfulAngel(CrawlAI).png Youthful Angel
97 8000 Crawl -

- Angel Falls
YouthfulAngel(RangedAI).png Youthful Angel
97 8000 Ranged -

- Angel Falls