Avalanche (Wynnter Fair)/ Part 1

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Defending the Gate

Start the mission by talking to Forve.

  • [1/4] Forve: I really need help... I work on maintaining the mechanisms in Lusuco.
  • [2/4] Forve: But I'm having trouble closing the gate on my own as it hasn't been used in ages!
  • [3/4] Forve: I need another person, can you help me please?
  • [4/4] Forve: Great! Follow me, let's go there.
  • [Mission Started: Defending the Gate]

Follow Forve to the entrance where you begin the minigame.
After following Forve, Forve will explain what you need to do:

  • [1/3] Forve: When I trigger the levers up there multiple lights will light up down here. You must press the buttons.
  • [2/3] Forve: That will trigger the engines to close the gate. You must be quick, though. The system is really old and will stop working if you take too long.
  • [3/3] Forve: Are you ready? Let's go!

There are three rounds where you will have three buttons placed in a 3x3 redstone lamp, you have 5 seconds to click the buttons that have all the redstone lamp lits.

DefendingtheGate(Light,On).png DefendingtheGate(Light,Off).png

When the first lever is triggered and the lights are successfully pressed 3 times:

  • [1/1] Forve: That was great! Only two more to go!
  • Gate's mechanism enabled...

When the second lever is triggered and the lights are successfully pressed 4 times:

  • [1/1] Forve: Only one more lever now!
  • Gate's mechanism enabled...

When the third lever is triggered and the lights are successfully pressed 5 times, you will be teleported out of the room.

  • [1/2] Forve: This is great! We should have extra protection with this gate.
  • [2/2] Forve: Thank you for help!
  • You should talk to Forve...

When you talk to Frove again:

  • [1/2] Forve: This is great! We should have extra protection with this gate.
  • [2/2] Forve: Thank you for your help!
  • [Mission Completed: Defending the Gate]

After finishing the mission

  • [1/1] Forve: Thank you for helping Lusuco!

Lost in The Snow

Start the mission by talking to Yot:


  • [1/4] Yot: My husband went to get some items in Nesaak on his caravan and hasn't returned yet...
  • [2/4] Yot: I'm a bit worried something's happened to him... Can you reproduce his path and check out if everything's fine?
  • [3/4] Yot: Be careful with the snow storm though, it's getting stronger by the minute and you could get hit...
  • [4/4] Yot: Talk to me again whenever we can start this mission.
  • [Mission Started: Lost in The Snow]

Get Miti back to Lusuco by going through the storm without getting hit, then go back after you find Miti to finish the mission.
When you reach Miti's caravan, Miti will appear.

  • [1/3] Miti: Oh! Thank Bob someone's here! Can you help me please?
  • [2/3] Miti: I got stuck in this storm and I'm scared of going to Lusuco alone...
  • [3/3] Miti: You can take me there? Thank you so much! Let's go.

Upon reaching Lusuco:

  • [1/1] Yot: Thank you so much for your help.
  • [Mission Completed: Lost in The Snow]

Explosion Prevention

Start the mission by talking to Jaybip.


  • [1/6] Jaybip: I've heard you're helping around the citizens and I'm having some trouble with my shop.
  • [2/6] Jaybip: I sell explosives, but as I heard that an avalanche was coming I got a bit worried.
  • [3/6] Jaybip: I have some unstable TNTs in my shop that have to be moved before the avalanche to avoid explosions.
  • [4/6] Jaybip: The thing is... Once you start moving them you won't have much time to take them all the way to the storage on the 2nd floor.
  • [5/6] Jaybip: So you must quickly place the 5 Unstable TNTs in the pile on the 2nd floor's storage before they blow up! And remember that you can only hold 1 TNT at a time.
  • [6/6] Jaybip: Thank you for your help in advance... And try to stay alive and not blow Lusuco up.
  • [Mission Started: Explosion Prevention]

You have 2 minutes to deliver the 5 Unstable TNTs to the storage on the second floor, and you can only take one TNT at a time. Right-Click on an Unstable TNT to pick it up, and travel to the second floor, where you can deliver them at the very end of the room.

RightClicktoGettheUnstableTNT.png RightClicktoDelivertheUnstableTNTs.png

When picking up an Unstable TNT:

  • Deliver this Unstable Tnt on the 2nd floor's storage.

When you try picking up more than one Unstable TNT at a time:

  • You can only hold one TNT at a time!

When an Unstable TNT is delivered:

  • [+1] Unstable TNT Delivered

When all the Unstable TNT is delivered within the time limit:

  • [1/2] Jaybip: Thank you for your help!
  • [2/2] Jaybip: Here they should be safe from the storm.
  • [Mission Completed: Explosion Prevention]

After the mission

  • [1/1] Jaybip: Can you even imagine the damage those explosions would've made if it weren't for you? Thank you again!

Stone Cold

Start the mission by talking to Ario:

  • [1/3] Ario: Can you help these poor people please? They're homeless and have been living here for some time now...
  • [2/3] Ario: But I don't think they'll make it through the storm.
  • [3/3] Ario: Just talk to them and see what they need... I can help you get the supplies once you've talked to them.
  • [Mission Started: Stone Cold]

Talk to the three homeless:

  • [1/2] Olaf: Even with this little fire it's really cold here, isn't it?
  • [2/2] Olaf: Could you find a blanket for me please?
  • [1/2] Sven: Hi... I happen to be very sick.
  • [2/2] Sven: Can you bring me a Healing Potion to help me during the storm?
  • [1/3] Elsa: You're here to helo?... I guess I could find a better place to stay during the storm but...
  • [2/3] Elsa: Could you bring me some water? It'd probably be a long journey to somewhere warmer such as Almuj.
  • [3/3] Elsa: And all water here is frozen... I'd really appreciate if you could do that for me.
  • You should talk to Ario to figure out how to help them...

When you talk to Ario after talking to the homeless:

  • [1/2] Ario: A blanket, a potion and water...
  • [2/2] Ario: You should talk to the citizens around the city and see if they can help...

Talk to the child Kristoff to get his spare coat, the child will tell you to check the house for the spare coat.
When you talk to Kristoff:

  • [1/1] Kristoff: A blanket? Well, I believe I have a spare one. Just inside my house and get it.

You won't find the coat in the house so the child will tell you to see if his dog took the coat behind the house.

  • [1/1] Kristoff: The blanket isn't there? My dog must've got it! He likes to hide behind my house, you should check there.

You will find a cave behind the house, the dog is there with the coat. There is parkour where ice will make a path to the dog, you will need to jump to the next ice before the one you stand on melts.

  • How did a dog find this...?

After taking the coat, a message will appear:

  • You should get the other items and bring them to Ario.
Stone Cold, Coat.png

Talk to Hans, Hans will help you make a potion and will give you a bottle to take water for your third task. You will have to get the ingredient that he wants fast, if you were late you will start over.
When you first talk to him:

  • [1/4] Hans: I could help you make a potion... But I can't give the water I have...
  • [2/4] Hans: I need it for the storm, though I can give you a bottle.
  • [3/4] Hans: If you find any liquid water around just use it.
  • [4/4] Hans: Back to the potion, meet me in my basement downstairs so we can brew it.
When you get in Hans basement:
  • [1/6] Hans: You're here! Great! Follow me.
  • [2/6] Hans: Once I enable the brewing stand you'll have around a minute to place all ingredients in it.
  • [3/6] Hans: Over here you can see the items you'll need and the quantities! This board will update as you complete it.
  • [4/6] Hans: That's the brewing stand you'll need, right click it with the right quantity of items from each board!
  • [5/6] Hans: And over here you have the ingredients you need! Keep clicking on the buttons to get the right quantity.
  • [6/6] Hans: Are you ready?! I'll enable the brewing stand and the timer will start! Good luck!
Stone Cold, Potion.png

The ingredients for the first round are:
1 Cobweb,
2 Spider Eye and
1 Crushed Zombie
When you finish the first round:

  • [1/1] Hans: Great! I've updated the board with more ingredients.

The ingredients for the second round are:
3 Crushed Zombie,
2 Nether Wart and
2 Slimeball
When you finish the second round:

  • [1/1] Hans: Nice job! One more round of ingredients to go.

The ingredients for the third round are:
3 Mushroom,
3 Bat Wing and
1 Rotten Pumpkin
When you finish the third round:

  • [1/2] Hans: Great job! Here's your potion!
  • [2/2] Hans: Good luck with your task!

Talk to Hans to get an empty bottle then go to the cave from the first task and get the clean water.
Stone Cold, Water.png

When you get Ario all the items:

  • [1/3] Ario: Thank you so much for your help.
  • [2/3] Ario: They'll stay in my house during the storm.
  • [3/3] Ario: This should help them.
  • [Mission Completed: Stone Cold]

Child Rescue

Start the mission by talking to Jared:

  • [1/3] Jared: Please help me! I just heard that there's a storm coming and my children are playing Pig Puck!
  • [2/3] Jared: Can you please bring them home?! I need to get everything ready for the storm.
  • [3/3] Jared: Just go to the Ice Rink and bring my kids home safely.
  • [Mission Started: Child Rescue]

When you check again:

  • [1/1] Jared: Have you found my children yet? They were playing Pig Puck in Upper Lusuco.

Go to the Pig Puck playground to bring back the kids, you will find it blocked by the snow.

Child Rescue, Snow.png

The ground will crumble and you will find your self inside a cave.

  • You fell under the ice rink! There must be a way out somewhere...
  • It looks like a dead end, the hole on the rood's too high for you to climb...

Child Rescue, Cave.png

The children made a hole in the Pig Puck arena, when you get to the end of the cave you will hear the kids talking:

  • [1/5] Young Girl: I told you to be careful when hitting the pig! You missed it and broke the ice!
  • You notice the two kids Jared asked you to rescue near the hole and scream for help.
  • [2/5] Young Boy: Stop complaining so much about everything! Wait... Do you hear that? It's a person!
  • [3/5] Young Girl: Under the ice rink?! Why are they trying to swim?! It'd take ages!
  • [4/5] Young Boy: Hey! You! Do you want help down there?! I've brought this levitation potion...
  • [5/5] Young Boy: I'm going to throw it to you down there! Stay right on top of that block so you don't fall and don't move!

They will hear someone screaming down and will throw you a levitation potion, right click it to use it to levitate you up all the way to the hole they made. You will tell them about the storm and you will be teleported back.

When you use the levitation potion to get out of the cave:

  • [1/3] Young Boy: What were you doing down there?!
  • [2/3] Young Girl: Rescuing us? Why? An avalanche?!
  • [3/3] Young Girl: We've got to go back to mommy! Thanks stranger!

When you talk to Jared after rescuing the children:

  • [1/3] Jared: Thank you so much for helping my children!
  • [2/3] Jared: I was so worried about them getting caught up in the storm!
  • [3/3] Jared: I hope you can help the other citizens... In times like this we could always use someone like you.
  • [Mission Completed: Child Rescue]

After the mission:

  • [1/1] Jared: I can't thank you enough for saving my children!
  • [1/1] Young Boy: Sometimes... I wish I was a tree. Just old and wise.
  • [1/1] Young Girl: My brother's so dumb! Just ignore him... You probably have more important things to do.