Bird Sanctuary

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Bird Sanctuary CBCaveIcon.png
A flock of birds gathered around [-928, 30, -410]. Some say a strange person lives deep in the cave among them.
Coordinates X: -928, Y: 30, Z: -410
Suggested Level 60
Difficulty Hard
Length Medium
Estimated Time 1m 30s
General Information
Type of Cave Normal
Loot Chests 3x Tier 1 [✫✫✫]
1x Tier 2 [✫✫✫✫]
1x Tier 3 [✫✫✫]
Mobs Deranged Parrots (Lv. 66)
Possessed Parrots (Lv. 66)
Suspicious Soil (Lv. 68)
Defiled Sconces (Lv. 65)
Tropical Necromancer (Lv. 65)
Released Souls (Lv. 63)
First-Time Clear Rewards
+15000 XP

The Bird Sanctuary is a Cave found in the Dernel Jungle.

Room 1

The start of the cave has several Deranged and Possessed Parrots. A Tier 1 [✫✫✫] Loot Chest is found at the entrance as well. As you turn around, there will be a Tier 1 [✫✫✫] Loot Chest on the wall, as well as a Tier 2 [✫✫✫✫] Loot Chest being found in the center of the second section. By the entrance to the next room is a Tier 1 [✫✫✫] Loot Chest. Kill the Suspicious Soil to move on to the next room.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
PossessedParrot.png Possessed Parrot 66 1868 Jumper Charge - - Bird Sanctuary
DerangedParrot.png Deranged Parrot 66 1858 Neutral Melee - - - Bird Sanctuary
SuspiciousSoil.png Suspicious Soil 60 1 None - - - Bird Sanctuary

Room 2

As you fall down into the next room, a Tier 2 [✫✫✫✫] Loot Chest is behind you. As you continue onward, a small boss arena will appear with a Tier 3 [✫✫✫] Loot Chest at the end which requires the Tropical Necromancer to be killed.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
PossessedParrot.png Possessed Parrot 66 1868 Jumper Charge - - Bird Sanctuary
DefiledSconce.png Defiled Sconce 65 10000 Melee Flamethrower - - Bird Sanctuary
TropicalNecromancer.png Tropical Necromancer 65 8340 Ranged Meteor
Heavy Teleport
✦ Dam 4 Released Souls Bird Sanctuary
ReleasedSoul.png Released Soul 63 1606 Charge - - - From Tropical Necromancer