Broodmother's Bestiary

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Broodmother's Bestiary CBCaveIcon.png
Harpies have taken to the mountaintops with a path beginning near [645, 91, -5328].
Coordinates X: 645, Y: 91, Z: -5328
Suggested Level 85
Difficulty Medium
Length Long
Estimated Time 1m 50s
General Information
Type of Cave Tower
Loot Chests 1x Tier 4 [✫✫✫✫]
Mobs Mountain Harpies (Lv. 83)
Harpy Rockthrowers (Lv. 83)
Harpy Broodmother (Lv. 83)
First-Time Clear Rewards
+300000 XP

The Broodmother's Bestiary is a Tower found in the Canyon of the Lost.


The tower has a linear, yet complex structure. Several harpies will attack you as you progress, and you will eventually arrive at the nest of the Harpy Broodmother. Once the broodmother is defeated, the Harpy Key will drop from her and reveal the path to a Tier 4 [✫✫✫✫] Loot Chest.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
MountainHarpy.png Mountain Harpy 83 7200 Melee - ✦ Weak
✦ Dam
✤ Def

Plucked Feather
Broodmother's Bestiary
HarpyRockthrower.png Harpy Rockthrower 83 5200 Ranged - ✦ Weak
✦ Dam
✤ Def

Plucked Feather

Shiny Pebble
Broodmother's Bestiary
HarpyBroodmother.png Harpy Broodmother 83 15700 Melee Heal ✦ Weak
✦ Dam
✤ Def

Harpy Key

Plucked Feather
Broodmother's Bestiary