Captain Goruca

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Captain Goruca
NPC Info
X: -1394 Z: -4701
Species Villager
Location Bucie
Quest Involved All Roads to Peace

Captain Goruca is an NPC who stands just outside of Bucie and starts the player on the quest All Roads to Peace.


Captain Goruca oversees a garrison of Villagers to protect the town of Bucie from the nearby Orc threat. They start the player on the quest All Roads to Peace, when a returing scout team reports that the Orcs built a catapult that eliminated the Villager's Iron Golem forces. However, as the player progresses through the quest, they learn that the Captain and most of the other Villager military in Gavel have different motives and are, in fact, using the player as a tool for war against the Orcs that the Villagers started in the first place.


Unable to start All Roads to Peace:

  • Captain Goruca: The orcs are getting unruly… Could you come back when you’re Level 64, and have some experience dealing with orcs?
  • This quest requires the completion of Clearing the Camps, Blazing Retribution, and Reclaiming the House.


-1394, 43, -4701
Wynncraft Map