Dwarf Salesman

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Dwarf Salesman
NPC Info
X: 1132 Z: -5197
Species Dwarf
Location Rodoroc

The Dwarf Salesman, real name Gorje, is a Dwarven merchant who runs a stall near the northern entrance of Rodoroc, in the Molten Heights. Rather than selling a fixed stock of items, he makes a limited-time offer of one random item at a time. His wares are eclectic and generally of dubious quality, and cost several Emerald Blocks.

If you talk to Gorje after purchasing the item he was previously offering, he will say he is out of stock, and will not have another offer for a variable period of time. If you declined his most recent offer, he will offer a new random item.

After Dwarves and Doguns Part IV, Gorje will occasionally be too busy arguing with a Dogun to trade.


After learning Gorje's name, he will be referred to in his nametag and dialogue as "Gorje" rather than "Dwarf Salesman".

If you haven't seen the current offer:

  • Dwarf Salesman: Hey hey hey there buddy! You wanna make a deal of a lifetime?!

If you've asked who Gorje is:

  • Gorje: Hey hey hey there buddy! You remember ol' Gorje, right? How's about a special deal, just for you?

Dialogue options:

    • [1] Who are you?
      • First Interaction:
        • Dwarf Salesman: Me? Why, I'm Gorje of course! Your everyday friendly salesman, doing my best to help you do your best!
        • Dwarf Salesman: I'm a regular guy, supportin' a wife, aunt, and 6 lil' kiddies! You should see 'em, cute as buttons!
        • Dwarf Salesman: I digress, I'm just a simple fella' makin' a living.
      • Following Interactions:
        • Dwarf Salesman: Oh come on, buddy! You remember me, I'm Gorje! Your friendly neighborhood salesman!
        • Dwarf Salesman: Makin' a livin', hawking my wares about town, I got a family to feed, ya know!
        • Dwarf Salesman: I always got somethin' new to sell! Come by anytime!
    • [2] What are you selling?
      • Dwarf Salesman: Now we're talkin'! Let's see what I got for today...
      • Dwarf Salesman: Alright! <offer>
      • Dwarf Salesman: Whaddya say, eh buddy?
        • [1] I'll take it! [X EB]
          • Dwarf Salesman: Allllright! You have got yourself a deal!
          • [-X EB]
        • [2] Not today, thanks.
          • Dwarf Salesman: Awww, alright buddy! Come back again some other time, we might have somethin' else you fancy!
    • [3] Not today, thanks.
      • Dwarf Salesman: Awww, alright buddy! Come back soon though! These things are goin' fast!

If you purchased the previous offer:

  • Dwarf Salesman: Thanks for the purchase, buddy! Come back again anytime!

If you declined the previous offer:

  • Dwarf Salesman: Alright! Let's take another look-see what we've got...
  • Dwarf Salesman: Alright! <offer>
  • Dwarf Salesman: Whaddya say, eh buddy?
    • [1] I'll take it! [X EB]
      • Dwarf Salesman: Allllright! You have got yourself a deal!
      • [-X EB]
    • [2] Not today, thanks.
      • Dwarf Salesman: Awww, alright buddy! Come back again some other time, we might have somethin' else you fancy!

While arguing with a Dogun:

  • They are arguing about a refund or something... Maybe best to come back later.

Possible Trades

Item Cost Gorje's Offer

Perkish Potato x3
Emerald Blocks
"If you're fixin' for an appetite, I got just the thing! Freshly baked by my gorgeous wife, we sell the best potatoes around! Ask anyone, even the dogs like 'em!"

Melted Steel x4
Emerald Blocks
"You wouldn't believe what some people would thro– I mean, we've got some top quality steel! Fixin' for a new shiny instrument? This is just for you!"

Street Meat
Emerald Blocks
"Today we got some world-class cookin'! That's right, I can cook too! Cooked this batch this very morning with my beautiful kiddies!"

Unstable Explosive
Emerald Blocks
"Today we got some high-grade explosives! Hey, I won't tell if you don't, but this stuff can really pack a punch!"
AlePotion.png Maex Pale Ale 18
Emerald Blocks
"Now this stuff'll put hair on your chest! Only the strongest from ol' Gorje, we got some fine Maex Pale Ale!"