Follow the Wind

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Follow the Wind

Item Lore
A lost relic from the Wind Fortress, a mythical stronghold of the Sky Islands that fell into the Void long ago. A small mechanism within the bracelet points towards its place of origin.
Item Information
Item Bracelet
Min. Level 90
Rarity Legendary
Obtain Loot Chests
Base Defenses
Earth +40
Air +50
Agility Min: 60
Other Information
Can be brought to an altar in The Void for dialogue.

Follow the Wind is a level 90 Legendary Bracelet. It can be found in Tier 3 [✫✫✫] and 4 [✫✫✫✫] Loot Chests between levels 86-94.

Follow the Wind gives a noticeable buff to Walk Speed alongside a more minor buff to Reflection and XP Bonus, but has minor nerfs to Main Attack Damage% and Earth Damage%.


It costs 467 Emeralds to identify Follow the Wind.

Identification Minimum Value Maximum Value
 XP Bonus   +3%  +13%
 Reflection   +3%  +13%
 Walk Speed   +5%  +23%
 % Main Attack Damage   -13%  -7%
 % Earth Damage   -13%  -7%


When bringing this item to the Void Altar in the southern Void at 13712, 150, -4062 while equipped, the following dialogue will play:

  • The mechanism within your bracelet spins wildly, then abruptly stops. You feel there might be something to find here... but not yet.