Guardian (Item)

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Item Lore
A vow of protection hangs over this spear, now inhabited by the spirit of a legendary heroine. Even simply a glimpse of the burning blade will instill a feeling of protection and security, and that feeling will hold true if one is brave enough to wield it.
Item Information
Item Spear
Class Warrior/Knight
Min. Level 93
Rarity Mythic
Powder Slots 3 ()
Obtain Loot Chests
Mob Drop
Base Damage
Attack Speed Normal (0)
Neutral 100-125
Fire 200-255
Defense Min: 110
Other Information
+Guardian: 20% of damage taken by nearby allies is redirected to you

Guardian is a Mythic Fire Spear, requiring a minimum level of 93 and a minimum defense of 110 to wield. It is the best +Health weapon in the game, and the third best +Health item in the entire game, only losing to Crusade Sabatons and Statue. It is the best tank weapon for Warrior in the game, and is especially useful when playing in a group (most notably in Raids) due to its Major ID.


It costs 1764 Emeralds to identify Guardian.

Identification Minimum Value Maximum Value
 Defense   ~  +20
 Health   +1800  +7800
 Health Regen   +176  +761
 Mana Regen   +1/5s  +1/5s
 Thorns   +8%  +33%
  Earth Defense   +6%  +26%
  Water Defense   +6%  +26%
  Fire Defense   +6%  +26%


  • Guardian is one of only 8 Mythic-tier Spears.