Hearthkeeper's Staff

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Discontinued Content
This article covers an item that can no longer be obtained, but still exists in-game for players who have it.

Hearthkeeper's Staff

Type Untradable
Obtain Bonfire Keeper
Usage The Hearthflame Hunt
Follow the flames, light the dormant bonfires. Spread their warmth across the lands, so all may be protected.

The Hearthkeeper's Staff is an item obtainable during the 2023 Festival of the Bonfire, used as the main way to find bonfires to light in the Hearthflame Hunt. It is given out by the Bonfire Keeper.


To use the Hearthkeeper's Staff, you need to right-click with the item in your hand, and it will give a direction for the nearest bonfire if applicable.

The staff will use the four Cardinal and four Intermediate directions to guide you towards a bonfire if there is one you did not light yet. It will work anywhere in the world.

Left-clicking the staff will return all hearthflames currently stored in it to the Bonfire Keeper, which can be returned to at a later time.

When there are hearthflames stored on the staff, you cannot use Teleport Scrolls.


  • The Hearthkeeper's Staff has notices in chat that play whenever a bonfire is lit, which are:
    • When Ragni's bonfire is lit:
      • [!] You’ve ignited the bonfire! You should return to the Bonfire Keeper in Detlas.
    • When a bonfire is lit:
      • [!] You’ve ignited another bonfire! Return to the Bonfire Keeper for a reward.
    • When there are no more bonfires left to ignite:
      • [!] There are no bonfires remaining.