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Ragni CityIcon.png
A view of Ragni

Ragni Poster.png
Ragni poster seen in Detlas

Discovery Lore
One of two great fortresses in Wynn. Ragni has survived over 1000 years of war - sometimes barely. It is the hometown of the 146 year old hero Bob, who hasn't been seen in 16 years.
Coordinates X: -820, Z: -1580
Suggested Level 1
Standard Merchants
Armour Merchant Level 1 - 7
Weapon Merchant Level 1, 6
Potion Merchant Level 1, 5
Other Merchants Scroll Merchant
Emerald Merchant
Other Amenities Bank
Quest Starts Enzan's Brother
Cook Assistant
Involved Quests King's Recruit
WynnExcavation Site D
A Hunter's Calling

Ragni is the first major town which players encounter, which they enter through the town's castle. Many low level quests can be found in the city for new players to gain XP. Although the town contains basic amenities such as armour, weapons and potions merchants to get new players started, it lacks a Liquid Emerald Merchant- though this is typically not a problem for low level players. The town is situated on a small plains, and is surrounded by a deep ravine difficult to escape. Level 1 Zombies can be found surrounding the walls, providing new players with easy level grinding if they choose to venture out beyond the safety of Ragni's guards.


Ragni was founded more than a thousand years ago, before the outbreak of Corruption. It was one of the biggest cities in the Wynn Province alongside Troms, and a formidable walled fortress. For an unspecified amount of time, a Passage has existed in the Pigmen's Ravine connecting the city with Troms.

However, when the Nether Portal was uncovered and the Corruption War began, Ragni and its defenses soon found themselves under pressure and strain by Bak'al's corrupted armies, who would often conduct merciless raids on the city.[1] As a result, the citizens of Ragni started to hide in the city's sewers, once used as a prison for the town's worst criminals.[2][3]

One day, during one of the largest raids conducted by Bak'al the city had ever witnessed, the people hid in the sewers once again. However, while hiding, an unnamed woman gave birth to a child and died in childbirth. The baby was named Bob, and was soon adopted by a poor woman named Momo.[1]

Then, after another raid, Momo was corrupted and Bob was forced to kill her. Using a map Momo gave him, he set off to search for four masters in order to train himself to become a mighty soldier, which he became: after his training was over, he returned to Ragni to protect the city.[1]

One day, in 886 AP, Bak'al returned to the city to destroy it once and for all, but was stopped by Bob, intent on killing Bak'al for good. Bak'al was outmatched, and forced to retreat from the battle, never to be seen again. Bob was cherished as a hero, and Ragni was finally safe from Bak'al's attacks after hundreds of years.[4][1]

Today, Ragni stands as one of the two main fortresses in Wynn, alongside Troms, and one of the only settlements that has survived the thousand years of the war. However, the city's hero, Bob, mysteriously disappeared 16 years ago.



Points of interest


  • The Square is the circular area directly in front of Ragni's castle. Players often trade and meet up here.
  • The Plaza is the large road connecting the Square to the main east gate.
  • The Main Road are the two main roads connecting the Square to the north and south gate.
  • The North District and The South District are the two areas separated by the Plaza, on the north and south side of it.


  • The East Gate, the main gate of Ragni, opens out to the Emerald Trail, and eventually leads on to Nivla Woods and Detlas. Outside the gate stand two Guard Golems defending the city from hordes of low level Zombies.
  • The North Gate, connecting to the North District of Ragni, stands a short distance before Katoa Ranch, but the path continues on the Coastal Trail to Maltic and Nemract.
  • The South Gate, connecting to the South District of Ragni, opens onto a path which leads into the Pigmen's Ravines, which leads to The Passage to Troms, and also to Time Valley.


  • A Training Area lies just north of The Square on The Main Road. It contains combat dummies, working archery targets and an obstacle course
  • A few Farms are littered among the northern section of the city wall. A larger farm covers most of the northeast area just outside Ragni.
  • The Castle is a multi-level building on the west side of the square. This is where players will first enter Ragni from the Ragni Outskirts.
  • Beyond the city's main wall is a Moat, from which the sewers can be accessed. Be careful when jumping down!
  • The Sewer Entrance is on the Main Road just past The Square.
  • Ragni's Bank is located on the north east side of The Square.
  • Ragni's Library is a secret that can be found in the Castle.
  • The Bakery is the second building on the south side of The Plaza
  • There is a Prison in the North District of Ragni, a short distance east from the training area, with a tier 2 loot chest.

Crafting Stations


  • Ragni's Armour Merchants are located opposite to Ragni's Bank on the south east side of The Square. The two merchants are identical and sell some low level leather armour.

  • Ragni's Weapon Merchant is on the far east side of The Plaza. It sells birch and oak wood weapons.

  • A Potion Merchant can be found about halfway down The Plaza on the north side. It sells low level healing potions.

  • Ragni's Scroll Merchant can be found about halfway down The Plaza on the south side. It sells only Ragni Teleportation Scrolls.

  • There are many Blacksmiths in Ragni, one The Plaza and two in the South District.

  • Ragni's 3 Emerald Merchant's stay inside Ragni's Bank



This section is transcluded from Lists of mobs/Ragni Region § Surface Mobs. (edit)

Surface mobs are mobs that spawn generally throughout a large part of the region, and do not have specific locations where they can be found.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
ZombieRaider.png Zombie Raider 3 14 Berserk AI - - - Ragni North Exit
Ragni East Exit
WarriorZombie.png Warrior Zombie 6 36 Berserk AI Charge - - Ragni North Exit
Ragni East Exit
WeakZombie(EmeraldTrail).png Weak Zombie 1 6 Melee - -
Rotten Flesh

Sturdy Flesh
Ragni Underpass,
Emerald Trail,
Ragni Region
Zombie(Level3).png Zombie (Lv. 3) 3 14 Melee AI - -
Rotten Flesh

Sturdy Flesh
Emerald Trail
Ragni Region
Zombie(Level5).png Zombie (Lv. 5) 5 19 Melee AI - -
Rotten Flesh

Sturdy Flesh
Emerald Trail
Ragni Region
Coastal Trail
Zombie(Level7).png Zombie (Lv. 7) 7 30 Melee AI - -
Rotten Flesh

Sturdy Flesh
Emerald Trail
Ragni Region
Detlas Suburbs
Zombie(Level10).png Zombie (Lv. 10) 10 43 Melee AI - -
Rotten Flesh

Sturdy Flesh
Emerald Trail
Ragni Region
Detlas Suburbs
ZombieGrook.png Zombie Grook 5 14 Melee AI - -
Thin Quill
Emerald Trail
Ragni Region
Coastal Trail
ColtdeCorruption.png Colt De Corruption 9 64 Charge AI - - - Emerald Trail
Mount Wynn
ScarecrowSkirmisher.png Scarecrow Skirmisher 11 45 Neutral AI - - - Farms in the Maltic Plains

This section is transcluded from Lists of mobs/Ragni Region § Cave Mobs. (edit)

Cave mobs are mobs that, in contrast to Surface Mobs, only spawn at specific locations, like caves.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
Rat2.png Rat
(Lv. 2)
2 9 Melee - -
Rat Hair
Minor cave at -774, 49, -1629
GiantRat.png Giant Rat
(Lv. 6)
6 85 Melee - - - Minor cave at -774, 49, -1629
RattlingMageRemains.png Rattling Mage Remains 2 8 Melee AI - - - Cave at -946, 71, -1785
CrumblingMageRemains.png Crumbling Mage Remains 3 10 Melee AI - - - Cave at -946, 71, -1785
RattlingMage.png Rattling Mage 4 51 Ranged AI -
- Cave at -946, 71, -1785
CrumblingMage.png Crumbling Mage 4 51 Ranged AI -
- Cave at -946, 71, -1785
RisenZombie.png Risen Zombie 5 60 Melee AI - - - Cave at -946, 71, -1785
DecayingZombie.png Decaying Zombie 3 14 Melee - - - Derelict Mine
ZombieArcher.png Zombie Archer (Lv. 4) 4 16 Ranged - -
Strong Flesh
Emerald Trail,
Ancestor Grotto
PutridZombie.png Putrid Zombie 5 35 Melee - - - Derelict Mine
SpittingZombie.png Spitting Zombie 4 12 Ranged AI - -
Putrid Gunk

Coagulated Clot
Ruins at -625, 79, -1780
Ruins at -622, 67, -1907
Ruins at -616, 54, -1978
InfectedGoo.png Infected Goo 10 310 Jumper Explode - Goo Czar

Putrid Gunk

Coagulated Clot
Ruins at -625, 79, -1780
GooCzar.png Goo Czar 3 36 Retreat - -
Putrid Gunk

Coagulated Clot
From Infected Goo
BatteredWarrior(Level7).png Battered Warrior 5 60 Melee AI - -
Corruption Shard
Corrupted Spikes at -630, 68, -1680
BatteredWarrior(Level7).png Battered Warrior 7 80 Melee AI - -
Corruption Shard
Corrupted Spikes at -630, 68, -1680
CharredZombie.png Charred Zombie 5 19 Ranged -


Used Fireball

Active Fireball

Blazing Fireball
Ruins at -544, 67, -1610
Fire & Water
DrenchedZombie.png Drenched Zombie 6 25 Melee -


Rotten Flesh

Fresh Water
Fire & Water
BerryBrigadier.png Berry Brigadier 1 18 Melee AI - - - Farm at -682, 59, -1915
ScarecrowSentry.png Scarecrow Sentry 8 157 Ranged AI Knockback Immune
Arrow Storm
- - Farm at -682, 59, -1915
ZombieArcher.png Zombie Archer (Lv. 4) 4 16 Ranged - -
Strong Flesh
Emerald Trail,
Ancestor Grotto
ZombieAssassin.png Zombie Assassin 10 46 Melee - -
Strong Flesh
Emerald Trail,
Ancestor Grotto
CorruptedSalted.png Corrupted Salted 5 115 Melee - - - Ancestor Grotto
CorruptedJumla.png Corrupted Jumla 7 121 Melee - - - Ancestor Grotto
CorruptedGrian.png Corrupted Grian 9 127 Ranged - - - Ancestor Grotto
File:Skeleton(AHero'sOrigin).png Skeleton 1 ?
Cutscene - - - Near the Decrepit Sewers Entrance
File:ContaminatedRat.png Contaminated Rat 6 15 Melee - - - A Hero's Origin

This section is transcluded from Lists of mobs/Ragni Region § Key Guardians. (edit)
Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
DecrepitSewersKeyGuardian(Phase1).png Decrepit Sewers Key Guardian (Phase 1) 9 80 Melee AI - - 1 Decrepit Sewers Key Guardian (Phase 2) Ragni Region
Emerald Trail
Nivla Woods
Coastal Trail
Decrepit Sewers
DecrepitSewersKeyGuardian(Phase2).png Decrepit Sewers Key Guardian (Phase 2) 9 50 Melee AI - - 1 Decrepit Sewers Key Guardian (Phase 3) From Decrepit Sewers Key Guardians (Phase 1)
DecrepitSewersKeyGuardian(Phase3).png Decrepit Sewers Key Guardian (Phase 3) 9 30 Melee AI - - 1 Scared Skeleton

Decrepit Sewers Key
From Decrepit Sewers Key Guardians (Phase 2)
ScaredSkeleton(Level9).png Scared Skeleton 9 15 Scared AI - - - From Decrepit Sewers Key Guardians (Phase 3)



  • Bob the Zombie spawns in Ragni. He will always drop 1 Bob's Tear, which is used for the quest Bob's Lost Soul. It can also be used to get into Ragni's Library. Bob the Zombie will rarely drop a Royal Cake Slice.
  • Ragni is an anagram of Grian, the head builder of Wynncraft.
  • On the south side of the Main Road just past the Square a small memorial can be found for ex-builder Santacuzz who lost his life to "the enemy that lurks within us all".
    • The flower pot on the memorial can be decorated with a Rose by right-clicking it with one.
  • Ragni was the only major town without an identifier before one was added in the 1.20 Gavel Reborn update.
  • Ragni didn't have a bank before, but it was added in the 1.14.2 Halloween 2016 update.
  • With Ragni being the first city you enter, it is possible that you arrived in Wynn in the year 1000 AP, assuming the lore in the Ragni Library is true.
