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Item Lore
This bow, used by the dwarves to land the final blow in the slaughter of Garaheth is extremely powerful. Special, fire resistant gloves must be worn at all times to prevent burns to the user.
Item Information
Item Bow
Class Archer/Hunter
Min. Level 95
Rarity Mythic
Powder Slots 3 ()
Obtain Loot Chests
Mob Drop
Base Damage
Attack Speed Normal (0)
Neutral 150-210
Fire 160-235
Defense Min: 105
Other Information
+Heart of the Pack: Nearby players gain 35% of the health you naturally regenerate

Ignis is a Mythic Bow, requiring a minimum level of 95 and a minimum defense of 105 to wield. It is used in fire builds and as a part of tank builds. The large amounts of raw health regen and health buffs help a lot in survivability, and the Major ID makes it possible to play Archer as a support/healing class by using the weapon.


It costs 1800 Emeralds to identify Ignis.

Identification Minimum Value Maximum Value
 Defense   ~  +20
 Health   +1200  +5200
 % Health Regen   +12%  +52%
 Health Regen   +104  +449
 % Fire Damage   +3%  +13%
  Fire Defense   +30%  +130%
  Air Defense   +15%  +65%
 % Fourth Spell Cost   -10%  -45%


  • Ignis is one of only six known Mythic-tier Bows released with the Gavel Expansion.