Version history

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This page records all updates to Wynncraft.


Version Release date Changelog
Rekindled World
Summer 2024
(6th July 2024 for HERO Beta)
New Mob System
  • The mob system was redone to allow for more custom models and AIs.
  • Some mobs have been adapted to this new system, others will follow suit later on.
  • Models can now be animated.
  • Ambient Mobs were added to various parts of the world.

Improvements & Reworks

  • Wynn has received various build improvements.
  • Several Almuj Desert quests were updated.
  • Several Bosses were reworked.
  • The foundation has received some improvements.
  • Several interfaces and icons were remade.
  • Sprint no longer drains Mana.
  • The music system now has access to more instruments.
  • Dying locks you in place to see what killed you. You can also see your own death message.
  • Teleportation Scrolls are no longer consumable but instead have charges.
  • Soul Points were removed. The death penalty is now only Crafting Ingredients and Materials.
    • Soul Point Bombs are now Teleportation Scroll Charge Bombs.
  • Repair Scrap was removed. Items are now repaired with emeralds.
  • Dungeons no longer require quests to unlock them (except Fallen Factory and Eldritch Outlook).
  • Most Dungeons give a second chance for the general challenges and boss fights to make up for the increased difficulty.
  • Mastery Tomes have been rebalanced.
  • Several other minor changes were made.


  • Raids now scale to each player client-side.
  • Instruction Rooms now appear before each Challenge Room to describe objectives.
  • Raids are now a Silverbull Syndicate.
  • Silverbull Gambits were added, which allow for increased difficulty but give better rewards.
  • The Raid Party Finder has been improved.
  • Raids now have a rotating loot pool and pulls will be gained by successfully completing runs.
    • Runes are no longer a part of the loot pool.
    • Aspects are a new type of item that is separated from the rest of the loot pool.
  • Aspects are items that buff abilities for Classes.
  • Players from the same Guild can start a Guild Raid, which are harder than normal Raids but reward SR and Aspects for the raiders and guild members.
  • All Raids have received changes to various challenges and have revamped bosses.

World Events

  • A new type of content scattered throughout the world.
  • Involves fighting waves of enemies and a boss.
  • Reward various useful items.
  • Annihilation can be fought at the Corruption Portal every week.
  • Players have their own instance for World Events. Players can team up with parties.

New Content

  • Added the Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South) Lootrun
  • Lootrun Random Events can happen for each Lootrun that can impact a player's run in positive or negative ways
  • Guilds received some rebalancing.
  • Several abilities received changes.
  • Several new items were added and rebalanced.
  • New Major IDs were added and some existing ones were rebalanced.

Other Changes

  • Added the Sundial Sanctum.
  • Removed the Az Rune minigame.
  • Several Loot Chests were added, moved, or removed.
  • Description holograms were added for Fast Travel.
  • Dungeon Teleportation Scrolls have been completely removed.
  • Reworked the function of the Great Bridge.
  • The Lootrun anti-camp system has been reworked.
  • Kill counters have replaced all token collectors in dungeons.
  • Watchmen was improved.
  • If no inputs are received from you, the server puts you in AFK mode, which reduces the packets received. Interacting with the game will put you out of AFK mode.
2.0.4 5th October 2023
(29th September 2023 for HERO Beta)
Bank Revamp
  • A new type of bank was introduced, Character Banks. These banks are exclusive to a character.
  • The current bank is now the Account Bank, which is used for storage across all classes.

Lootrun Changes

  • 2 new Lootrun Camps were added, the Molten Heights Hike and the Sky Islands Exploration.
  • Missions are new challenges in lootruns that give game-changing perks.
  • Grey and Yellow Beacons have been revamped.
  • 2 new Lootrun Camp Rewards are now offered, Corkian Insulators and Simulators.
  • End Reward Sacrifices have been added, allowing you to transfer some pulls to future runs.
  • Several other minor changes have been made.
  • Anti-Camp Mechanics are now powerful mobs instead of barriers.

Ultimate Ironman

  • New gamemode that restricts you from accessing any of your banks.
  • Ironman is now changed so they can only access their Character Bank.

Other Changes

  • Render Distance has been improved.
  • 4 new Major IDs have been added: Gruesome Knots, Coagulate, Dead Weight, and Expunge.
  • Several new Void Holes have been added in Void Valley.
  • New Shiny Mythic trackers have been added.
12th July 2023
(30th June 2023 for HERO Beta)
Lootrunning Changes

Dungeon Changes

Quest Changes

Other Changes

  • The Quest Book has been replaced with the Content Book
  • Nivla Village has been replaced with Alekin Village
  • Several items were rebalanced
  • Several abilities have been changed
  • The Bookshelf and Microphone Housing NPCs were added
  • Chat has been improved
  • Ingredient nodes were added
  • Several bugs were fixed and minor QoL changes were pushed
16th February 2023
(7th February 2023 for HERO Beta)
Housing Changes
  • Players can now have multiple houses
  • Guilds can now have houses
  • Removed Housing build limit
  • Houses can be divided into regions
  • Specific players can have permissions
  • Players can visit your house when offline if you are VIP+ or above
  • If you are HERO rank or higher you can have access to useful tools to build your house
  • Upvotes have been added for houses
  • Music can now be played in houses, with any song from the OST being able to be chosen if you are VIP+ or higher
  • The Block Bank has been reworked to have a personal bank and an island bank
  • Furniture has been added
  • Utilities have been added to houses, which include the:
    • Misc. Bucket
    • Message Board
    • Teleporters
    • Jukebox
    • Permanent Merchant Booths
  • Several other changes to Housing have been made

Other Changes

  • Assassin's ability tree was majorly changed
  • The Silverbull Subscription was added
  • A new island was added: the Isles of Fiction
  • Various bugs were fixed and minor QoL improvements were pushed
2.0.1 4th November 2022
(24th October 2022 for HERO Beta)
Dungeon Changes


Other Changes

  • The API system has been revamped
  • Several abilities have been rebalanced
  • Several minor improvements have been made
  • Several bugs have been fixed
8th September 2022
(18th June 2022 for HERO Beta)
Map Changes

Gameplay Changes

Guild Changes

Other Changes & Fixes

  • All spell particles have been updated
    • Particles can now be automatically or manually limited based on how many abilities are being used nearby
  • Various bug fixes and other minor QoL improvements


  • Read the full changelog here.
1.20.4 24th September 2021
(18th September 2021 for HERO Beta)
Gameplay Changes
  • Raid Party Finders are improved
    • Allows you to join the queue from anywhere on the map using a new command, /partyfinder
    • When a Party is almost ready to start, players will sometimes be asked in nearby towns to join the Raid
  • Health Potions now Auto-stack
    • You can now hold up to 10 Health Potions, being a potion with up to 30 Charges
    • Compatible with Food, Scrolls, and Potions crafted with no ingredients
    • You can delete Potions from the Potion Storage
  • Added Emerald Pouches
    • Found in T3 & T4 Loot Chests
    • Allows the storage and conversion of Emeralds
    • Can be traded on the Trade Market if empty
  • Various Guild Changes
    • Guild Seasons now last 1.5 to 2 months rather than 3 months
    • New territories captured will result in less SR generation, progressively generating fewer SR as your guild gains more territories
  • Potion Merchants can now be added in Housing
  • Added new Mythic and Fabled Items
  • Added a new Major ID, Geocentrism
  • Various changes to Items

Other Changes & Fixes

  • Various bug fixes and other minor QoL improvements


  • Read the full changelog here.
1.20.3 5th July 2021
(24th June 2021 for HERO Beta)

Gameplay Changes

  • Added Guild Seasons
    • Holding and attacking territories now grants your guild Season Rating (SR) points
    • At the end of every season, guilds will gain exclusive rewards based on their SR ranking and how many territories they hold
      • Guilds will also receive rewards immediately when reaching certain SR thresholds each season
    • Added weekly Guild Objectives, which grant loot and rewards to members and their guilds when completed
    • Territories will now generate more resources the longer they are held
    • Added a Guild Banner NPC to Housing
    • Various miscellaneous updates and fixes to guilds
  • Strength and Dexterity now affect overall damage output instead of only affecting base damage
    • Rebalanced numerous items to compensate for this change
  • Reworked the Crowd Control Immunity (CCI) system
    • CCI is now separated into Knockback, Blindness, and Slowness immunities, and shown on the mob's boss bar
    • CCI is now triggered only after a mob is hit with an effect it has immunity to
  • Added new items and Guild Tomes
  • Added a new Major ID, Fission

Other Changes & Fixes

  • Numerous bug fixes and minor QoL updates


  • Read the full changelog here.
1.20.2 29th April 2021
(12th April 2021 for public Beta)

Map Changes

Gameplay Changes

  • Added 2 new Quests: Lava Springs (Lv. 18) and Tempo Town Trouble (Lv. 25)
    • Updated several early-game Quests
  • Added generic Party Finders and Raid Party Finders
  • Updated and improved Raid rewards
  • Added Housing Rules to set special effects and restrictions for visitors to your plot
    • Added an option to let other players build on your Housing plot
    • Added weather and time settings for Housing
    • Also added a Combat Dummy NPC to Housing
  • Added a Quick Stash feature to the Bank
  • Added a new Major ID, Flashfreeze

Other Changes & Fixes

  • Added a new NPC and cutscene dialogue system, allowing you to press Sneak to continue dialogues
    • Added a dialogue history list in the Quest Book
  • Dying in quest areas will now send you to the last town you visited, instead of the nearest one
  • Reworked the V.S.S. Seaskipper to now use more convenient passes purchased directly from the Seaskipper.
  • Numerous bug fixes and minor QoL updates


  • Read the full changelog here.
1.20.1 27th February, 2021
(7th February 2021 for HERO Beta)

Gameplay Changes

  • Added the Orphion's Nexus of Light Raid
    • Added new endgame Weapon Mastery Tomes for the Orphion Raid
  • Added Tier III Corkian Amplifier and broken Corrupted Dungeon Keys to Raid rewards
  • Nest of the Grootslangs now has a 3-4 player requirement and a total level cap of 320
  • Added 2 new Major IDs and 3 new Fabled items
  • Rebalanced various items and Mastery Tomes
  • Added new blocks and an Emerald Merchant NPC to Housing
  • Housing invitations and public houses are now network-wide
  • Numerous updates and improvements to the new Guild system

Other Changes & Fixes

  • Added a new "Temporary Buffs" section in the tab interface
  • Friends, Party and Guild members now have a toggleable coloured outline
  • Gathering Tools can now be sold to Blacksmiths
  • Various bugfixes and QoL updates
  • Updated the web map to 1.20


  • Read the full changelog here.
Gavel Reborn
20th January, 2021
(7th December 2020 for HERO Beta)

Map Changes

Gameplay Changes

  • Added Housing
    • A personal housing plot can now be bought for 750 Emeralds from rainbow balloons in most cities
    • Blocks can be purchased from the Block Merchant to build on your plot, in exchange for crafting materials
      • You can also purchase utility NPCs including Identifiers, Blacksmiths, Powder Masters, Bank and Trade Market NPCs and Crafting Stations
      • CHAMPION rank can add a new Build Stand NPC to quickly swap equipment and skill point loadouts
    • A Block Bank is available to store blocks and NPC spawners
    • Housing plots can be visited by other players and moved from town to town
  • Added Raids
    • 3 new pieces of team-based dungeon content in Gavel, for teams of 4+ players
      • Nest of the Grootslangs (Lv. 60+), in Olux Swamp
      • Orphion's Nexus of Light (Lv. 80+), in the Realm of Light
        • Orphion's Nexus of Light will not be released until a later patch
      • The Canyon Colossus (Lv. 100+), near Kandon-Beda
    • Raids involve a series of randomly-selected cooperative challenge rooms, followed by an extremely difficult boss
    • Powerful temporary buffs can be received after each challenge
    • Raid rewards include XP and Emeralds, as well as unique rewards, including Tomes and Amplifiers
  • Added Tomes, a new item type providing various buffs
  • Added Charms, a new item type providing various buffs
    • Can be equipped in a new menu unlocked after The Worm Holes, with new slots unlocked through gameplay
    • Provide buffs to damage, defense, mob XP, dungeon XP and gathering XP
  • Added Corkian Amplifiers, which can be used to improve IDs when identifying or rerolling items
  • Added 4 new Major IDs and changed certain existing Major IDs
  • Added and rebalanced various items
  • Added 3 new quests
    • The Feathers Fly Part I (Lv. 91)
    • The Feathers Fly Part II (Lv. 93)
    • The Hero of Gavel (Lv. 99)
  • Remade several Gavel quests, including:
  • Worm Holes, Taproot, Headless History, Finding The Light (Old: Finding The Light (1.19)) and The Realm of Light (old: The Realm of Light (Quest) (1.19)) are now a single 5-part Realm of Light questline
  • Minor improvements to several other quests throughout Gavel
  • Added the Forgery Chest
    • Provides rewards for running different Corrupted Dungeons at The Forgery without dying or leaving
    • Rewards include Combat XP, Emeralds, Runes, Tokens, and very rarely Mythic Items
    • You must be active in the dungeon and kill mobs to increase rewards
  • Bosses and certain enemies in Corrupted Dungeons will now scale in difficulty depending on player levels
  • One Dungeon Key can now allow up to four players to enter a dungeon at once
  • Added a new Boss Altar in the Silent Expanse
  • Guilds have been reworked
    • Guild Wars now involve defeating a Guild Tower "boss fight", which defenders pay to defend and can buff with special abilities
    • You can now designate a captured territory your guild's headquarters
      • Other territories generate resources (instead of XP), which move to and from the headquarters along trade routes between territories
      • Taxes can be applied to other guilds' resources moving through your territories, or borders can be closed completely
      • Various buffs are also available for held territories at an hourly cost
    • Guilds can be allied with each other and share resources
    • Added a Guild Bank to share items between guild members, badges to convey your guild's priorities (Social, War Hungry, etc.), and numerous QoL updates
    • A Territory Map can now be accessed by opening the advancement menu
    • Increased the guild creation cost to 20 Liquid Emeralds
  • The Clock Mystery has been remade but will not be released until a later patch

Store Changes

  • Added a new CHAMPION rank
    • Has a yellow nametag and customizable character nicknames
    • Has reserved server slots, class backups, instant class deletion, 8x daily mob totems, and the bomb bell
    • Has access to Build Stand NPC and exclusive housing locations
    • Can create Merchant Booths in the world to sell items
  • Added several new pets, and new features if you are the right rank and level
    • Pets can now fight mobs and level up, and be assigned to tasks like banking/selling/scrapping items for you
    • Pets can now occasionally speak in chat, and can be pet by you or other players
  • Added T4 Crates with an even distribution of Epic, Godly, and Black Market crate rewards
  • Added 4 new hats and 10 new weapon models as crate rewards
  • Various other QoL improvements and fixes to crates and pets

Other Changes & Fixes

  • Improved some sprites, block textures and weapon models
  • Hunted players will now have to wait 1 minute after joining a server to attack other players
  • High-level players can now get item drops in low-level areas at a reduced rate
  • Adjusted and generally lowered item drop rates in the early game
  • Added toggleable popup notifications for certain events
  • Improved quest tracking, now automatically tracks and displays tracking on the scoreboard (both are toggleable)
  • Adjusted Blacksmith item buying price to make selling items more profitable
  • Lowered Profession XP requirements in low- and mid-levels
  • Some quests will now award Profession XP
  • Resource Tunnels now give a temporary Gathering XP boost
  • Gathering XP and Gathering Speed IDs can now be found on crafting ingredients


  • Read the full changelog here.
1.19.4 21st April, 2020
  • Fixed a bug where leveling from 103 to 104 or 105 would cut off some of the excess XP you would get
  • Increased powder durability cost when using them as ingredients when crafting
  • Changed the HP regen timer from 10s to 4s
  • Fixed Fabled items scrapping price being too low
  • Updated a whole bunch of items, learn more here

Full changelog here

1.19.3 2nd April, 2020
  • Heart of the Pack Major ID: Will not transfer negative health regen to other players anymore
  • Magnet Major ID: Will not pull items dropped by players anymore
  • Fixed an issue where music would sometimes still play even if toggled off (like on the seaskipper)
  • Disabled crafting station usage in duels
  • Disabled disguises in Hunted mode
  • Fixed Shaman Uproot and Aura spell having no elemental conversion (this was actually pushed a week ago)
  • Added a warning message when gathering with a broken tool (also pushed a week ago)
  • Fixed some death messages not being gender neutral (also pushed a week ago)
  • Wind Prison damage bonus went from 60-120-180 (for t4-t5-t6 respectively) to 200-400-600
  • Added relik crate cosmetics

Full changelog here

1.19.2 20th December, 2019
  • Added Wynnter Fair, temporary event that ended in January
  • Fixed a bug where you couldn't enable Hunted Mode even if you completed the quest
  • Fixed a bug preventing certain players from crafting certain recipes
  • Fixed an issue with player ghosts not being hidden properly at certain spots (like near the Trade Market)
  • Fixed /rename again
  • Fixed a bug where players could throw enderpearls
  • Added territories to the Silent Expanse
  • Fixed a bug where players could pick-up blocks in the lobbies
  • Players teleporting to a far away area will be frozen in the air for 1s from now on. This should reduce the amount of players being stuck underground because chunks were slow to load.
  • Fixed some performance issues, especially on EU servers (this was done a few days ago)
  • Fixed a texture issue with the resource pack
  • Made unidentified items bigger when on the ground, especially if they have a legendary/fabled/mythic tier.
  • Fixed misc. issues related to content
  • Archer's Arrow Shield mana cost now goes up by 1 for each spell tier. (8-9-10)
  • Assassin changes:
    • Vanish now has directional movement. If you look up, it will throw you up in the air.
    • Following that, Vanish now does not give any Jump Boost effect anymore (the spell itself is now a much better jump boost)
    • Vanish now give Speed 5 instead of Speed 3
    • The Vanish damage bonus will now linger for 2s after the spell ends, allowing you to combo Multihit more easily with it
    • Reduced the horizontal knockback of Multihit
    • Holding shift while casting Multihit will not knockback mobs anymore

​Full changelog here

1.19.1 12th December, 2019
  • Wars are back online
  • Added Minecraft 1.15 support
  • Fixed some crashing issues (especially on EU servers)
  • Made many improvements to player ghosts in the past few days
  • Fixed the "Hawkeye" major ID as to not shoot 3 streams of arrows with the Arrow Storm spell
  • Fixed a bug with the total mini-quests paper in the Quest Book
  • Improved daily objective rewards
  • Reduced the Heal spell's effectiveness on the caster. At grade 3, Heal will only heal the caster by 12%-6%-6% of their max health instead of 20%-5%-5%. This does not change the healing done to other nearby players.
  • The second hit on Bash will now give +50% damage bonus to the caster for a few seconds if you hit many mobs with it at once. The more mobs you hit, the longer the effect will last.
  • Fixed some issues with quests and other
  • Fixed /rename

Full changelog here

Silent Expanse
8th December, 2019
(12th November 2019 for HERO Beta)

Map Changes

Gameplay Changes

  • Added a new, high-skill class, the Shaman
    • Basic melee attack shoots 3 very fast projectiles in a cone at once, each dealing 33% damage
    • Has 40% base defense and 120% base damage. Excels at support, crowd-control and complex combos, but struggles in dangerous close-quarters situations
    • The Shaman's weapons are Reliks, crafted with Woodworking using Wood and Oil
    • The Shaman's spells are Totem, Haul, Aura, and Uproot. Its combat style is based around using the Totem to manipulate enemies and buff allies
  • Also added 1 additional class slot for all players
  • Almost all other class spells have also been updated with new effects and new particles
  • Added 8 new quests in Wynn and the Silent Expanse
  • Also added almost 100 new Gathering miniquests throughout the game
    • Miniquests now have their own section in the quest book
    • The XP rewards for the Slaying Post miniquests have been buffed
  • Added a new special gamemode, Hunted
    • Unlocked after completing A Hunter's Calling at level 103
    • It can be activated by right-clicking your Soul Points, or enabled permanently when creating a new class
    • Allows world-wide PvP (outside of towns) with other players in Hunted mode
    • Significant XP bonuses are available in Hunted mode, but you always have a chance of dropping items upon death, allowing other players to pick them up
  • Two new dungeons added
    • Corrupted Undergrowth Ruins
      • Both the regular and Corrupted versions have also been updated and improved
    • Eldritch Outlook
      • A brand-new dungeon at the end of the Silent Expanse
      • Relatively short; the boss is the main challenge, with unique new mechanics
  • Mobs can now cast spells in a specific order and in combos
  • Boss Altars have been generally improved, with minor updates to several other bosses
  • Major IDs have been added - adding unique effects to specific items
    • 8 new regular IDs have also been added
  • Fabled Items have been added - a new tier between Legendaries and Mythics, 10 times rarer than Legendaries
  • Added the Ingredient Pouch
    • Allows you to automatically pick up and store ingredients to free up inventory space (also works in loot chests)
    • Ironman players can put any item in the pouch
  • Added a new boss bar showing the HP and Defenses of mobs you are attacking (can be toggled)
  • Most Refineries have been removed
    • You can now choose the kind of processed material you want when gathering
    • Gathering XP has been buffed, ranging from +50% at low levels to +20% at higher levels
    • Material weight limit has also been removed. Gathering tools now have durability to compensate
  • The level cap has been raised to 105 (106 for the bonus level)

Other Changes & Fixes

  • Unidentified items now appear as coloured boxes and display their item type
  • New music has been added
  • Updated bank to prevent accidental purchases and allow skipping of pages
  • Fixed buggy inventory clicking
  • Fixed some issues with quests, and minor issues all around


  • Read the full changelog here. 25th August, 2019
  • Added a new discord link feature: By linking your account in the channel #discord_link on the Wynncraft discord, you will get 24h of free double XP (prof+combat) in-game! (using a double XP bomb will change the multiplier to 3x)
  • Buffed the daily objective reward by 60%, also increased the loot quality of it. This means you'll see more Rare, Legendary and Mythic, and slightly less Normal and Unique.
  • Fixed right-clicking on certain mob types (armour stands) not working
  • Fixed some typos and various bugs
  • Improved some spells particles

Full changelog here

1.18.2 9th August, 2019

Added Objectives Other misc. changes:

  • Linking your forum account with /forum will now give you a white name in game instead of grey!
  • Mob Arrow Storm spell now works properly
  • War Scream does not have the Air Shout effect at rank 1 anymore. However it knockback and damage nearby mobs.
  • Updated the 15m info message
  • Fixed daily rewards (from objectives and the streak one) not giving as much loot to high level players as it should
  • A bunch of other smaller fixes

Full changelog here

1.18.1 8th June, 2019

There are 3 modes:

  • Hardcore: Most of your items will drop (as if you had 1 soul point constantly) and dying once will change your chat icon colour to gray. Duels and /kill will not affect the colour. This will test your strength in combat and will require thought-out battle strategies.
  • Ironman: Can't trade with other players or use your bank. You're on your own! This will test your knowledge of the game and require long-term planning. (note that ironmen will need to fight their own boss solo o get their drops)
  • Craftsman: Can only use crafted items or quest items. This will test your ability to trade and create powerful recipes.

Trade Market:

  • Added a filter option for the Trade Market frontpage
  • Prices on the Trade Market are now also shown as eb/le/stacks
  • Selling items on the Trade Market shows the exact tax buyers will pay when purchasing it.
  • The Trade Window in the trade market is much more responsive
  • Coloured leather armour will keep the colour when sold in the Trade Market


  • Crafted consumables won't have their IDs visually decrease after usage
  • You can now use all 6 ingredient slots in your recipes at any level! (using more ingredients in recipes give bonus XP, so that makes early game crafting progression much faster)
  • Powders when used as crafting ingredients will reduce durability and add skill point requirements. This will affect already existing items
  • You can now sell ingredients and materials to blacksmiths
  • Fixed an issue where you couldn't craft certain recipe if your level was too high
  • Crafted scrolls spammed by another player will not spam you with "You already have an active scroll" messages anymore
  • Fixed the compass profession section sometimes being too dark or missing some icons


  • Fixed certain particles being always purple
  • Fixed certain particles being too big in 1.14
  • Fixed powders having the wrong texture in 1.14
  • Added "/party list" and a message when someone leaves the party
  • Added "/party [name]" to quickly create and invite someone to your party
  • Added "/skiptutorial" to skip the tutorial. It will not work if you progress too far into the tutorial. You also need a new freshly created character for it to work and it won't let you skip on your very first playthrough.
  • Items and ingredients updated, check the item thread on the forums to see the changes. (

Full changelog here

Economy Update
18th January, 2019
(5th December 2018 for HERO Beta)

Map Changes

  • Added elevators to Molten Heights and Ahmsord
  • Improved paths and terrain in general
  • Added jump pads to Llevigar
  • Extended the Void region
  • Almost everything in the map got improved visually
  • Reworked several builds including Detlas, Maex, and Jofash Docks

Gameplay Changes

  • Added professions to the game with two types; Gathering and Crafting
    • Each profession has a max level of 130
    • Four Gathering professions: Mining, Farming, Woodcutting, Fishing
      • Resources can be found across the world
      • Refine unprocessed materials through refineries
      • Refineries can be found scattered throughout the world
        • Unprocessed mining resources can be refined into gems or ingots
        • Unprocessed farming resources can be refined into grains or strings
        • Unprocessed woodcutting resources can be refined into wood or papers
        • Unprocessed fishing resources can be refined into meats or oils
      • New resources unlocked every 10 profession levels
      • Tools can be bought with dungeon fragments to harvest new resources
      • Refined resource tiers range from 0-3 and will result in higher quality items when crafting
      • You can only carry a limited amount of unprocessed resources at a time
      • Gathering is client-side
    • Eight Crafting professions: Weaponsmithing, Tailoring, Woodworking, Armouring, Scribing, Jeweling, Alchemism, Cooking
      • Crafting stations can be found at most towns
      • A crafted item's level corresponds to the resources's level
      • Ingredients can be added to crafted items to add identifications to said items
      • Ingredients are dropped by specific mobs, tier 3 being the rarest
      • Some ingredients will boost other ingredient's stats when crafting
      • Powders can be used as ingredients to add elemental damage/defense
      • Crafted items can be repaired with scrap obtained from a Blacksmith
  • Reworked several quests
    • Wrath of the Mummy
    • Deja Vu (previously Suspended Flowers)
    • Frost Bite (previously Frost Bitten)
    • King's Recruit
    • Star Thief
    • Maltic's Well
    • Infested Plants (previously Spider Cave)
  • Added the Molten Heights questline, Dwarves and Doguns, which consists of four parts
  • Added miniquests, which require simple tasks from the player
  • Added secret discoveries to the Desert region
  • Reworked dungeon hoppers for ease of use
  • Updated Sand-Swept Tomb and Corrupted Sand-Swept Tomb to be more fun to play
  • Added mob models to new and existing mobs
  • Changed dungeons minimum level to enter from -15 to -5 from the dungeon level
  • Raised the level cap from 101 to 104, 104 being the new 101
    • Levels 102, 103, and 104 do not grant skill points
  • Improved Fallen Factory conveyor belt section
  • Increased all ring effectiveness
  • Added Corrupted Ice Barrows dungeon
  • Minor changes to XP requirements, affects mid-game
  • Minor edits to several existing quests

Gameplay Fixes

  • Fixed the quests Tunnel Trouble and Meaningful Holiday

Other Changes

  • Doubled maximum bank space
  • Improved wands and mob totem models
  • Updated accessory sprites
  • Fixed diamond boots model
  • Hover over a player's name in chat to see their past username
  • Hover over a player's rank in chat to see their profession levels
  • Clicking on a player's username in chat will autocomplete /message to quickly message them


  • Read the full changelog here.
Patch 10
20th September, 2018

Gameplay Changes

  • Those with the HERO rank will receive three extra class slots.
  • Those with VIP, VIP+, and HERO ranks can now select icons for their classes! VIP's can choose between six different skins, VIP+’s between twelve, and HERO’s between 18. Regardless of rank, all weapon skins that you’ve obtained from the Loot Crates are available to be selected as well (NOTE: If you scrap a skin, it will no longer be able to be selected).
  • There is also a Level 100 exclusive icon.
  • Logging in goes much faster now.
  • The class selection screen looks much cooler now, as well as class changing and joining being much smoother.
  • Class deletion now has to be cancelled through a sub menu, and you can no longer accidentally cancel class deletion..
  • Wars will only restrict your bank and trades for ten seconds before the war starts. Before this update they would restrict them for the entire countdown.

Gameplay Fixes

  • You should get stuck in the ground much less often.
  • Corrupted Sand Swept Tomb should no longer teleport you to the Nether.
  • World loading errors for people using autojoin or fighting wars are now fixed.
  • All saving errors are now fixed.
  • All issues with A Sandy Scandal, Tunnel Trouble, Kingdom of Sand, and Poisoning the Pest have been fixed.
  • The finished quests now show only finished quests, not started ones.


  • Read the full changelog here.
Patch 9
26th March, 2018

Gameplay Changes

  • Small changes to the Qira Hive quest dialogue.
  • A new NPC has settled in front of the Hive Shop to explain a few things.
  • The fight against Qira has been greatly updated.
  • The new Ultramarine Set now drops.

Gameplay Fixes

  • Fixed the causes of extreme lag in Sand-Swept Tomb, Corrupted Sand-Swept Tomb and Galleon's Graveyard.


  • Read the full changelog here.
Patch 8
20th March, 2018

Gameplay Changes

  • Reworked health regeneration to actually allow the identifications to do something.
  • The heal spell was remade to heal static amounts, not linked to your current health.
  • Mob spell damage is now easier to configure and does intended amounts of damage.
  • Made attackability tags for mobs, making guards vulnerable to mobs, but 100% invulnerable to players.
  • Certain mob types are now easier to hit. These include, but are not limited to, giant zombies, such as Mama Zomble.
  • Mages can now teleport through non-solid blocks, such as plants and liquids.
  • Mobs now get some knockback when you hit them (more with slower weapons) and extra knockback upon death of a mob to make it more clear the mob died. Mob drops still appear at the site of the mob's death.
  • A lot of items were modified by the item team.
    • These changes include the changes to Hive items!
  • Four new mythic weapons were added!
  • Skill potions are now 70.6% less effective in Guild Wars.
  • The winning side of a Guild War is now rewarded with 1 emerald per mob kill.

Gameplay Fixes

  • Tripwires can no longer be triggered by falling blocks (Ice Snake).
  • War Scream's defense buff now actually buffs your defense.
  • Masks now show the correct skin, rather than a Steve head.
  • Issues with horses should now resolve themselves.
  • Fixed lag.

Other Changes

  • Guild War mobs and prices have been reworked to be more fair.
  • The '/guild defend' GUI was reworked to be easier to use, read and handle.
  • Particle limits and hologram limits were put in place to reduce frame lag in Guild Wars.
  • Guild chat no longer supports color coding.
  • Servers should now freeze less.
  • Corrected some spelling errors in item names.
  • Item makers can now be recognized by the 'Item' prefix before their name.
  • Added a lot of varieties to mobs, making mobs like the small Canyon Condors baby chickens and zebras actually have white spots.


  • Read the full changelog here.
Patch 7
8th February, 2018

Gameplay Changes

  • Guild territories now generate more emeralds per territory.
  • Wars now show how many mobs are left.
  • After a war, a summary lists the best healer, killer, damager and damagee (most damage taken).
  • War messages now look cleaner, are red and more informative.
  • The war countdown timer can now be customised.
  • Territories now have a 3 minute snipe cooldown.
  • The server will display "You've entered the warzone" and "You've left the warzone" titles when you enter the territory.
  • You can no longer select a class during wars.
  • Duels have been disabled during wars.
  • All mobs in a war must be player killed (not by despawning or the chunk unloading).
  • Mobs no longer drop items in wars.
  • The compass now points to the center of a territory you are about to attack.
  • Totems have been disabled in wars.
  • A particle arrow now points to the center of the territory your guild is about to attack (can be toggled via /toggle war).
  • Mobs now spawn on trees in wars.
  • You will get a cyan message when a guild member joins a server (can be toggled via /toggle guildjoin).
  • Horses are now disabled in wars.
  • Wars now send you back to your last server.
  • You can now toggle guild join messages and guild war messages (/toggle <guildjoin|war>).
  • Spawning in a war now less often gets you stuck in a block.
  • Wars now no longer reload the resource pack.
  • Added a message that pops up when a guild is about to attack one of your territories.
  • Spellcasting is no longer affected by your attack cooldown and has a visual cooldown in your hotbar (1.9+).
  • A woosh sound was added to successful mage, assassin and warrior attacks.
  • You can toggle the 'woosh' attack sound by typing /toggle attacksound.

Gameplay Fixes

  • All guilds now have one single owner.
  • Fixed duplicated players in guilds.
  • Fixed ghost players in guilds (player slots being used without anybody using them).
  • '/guild join' now works when trying to join a guild that shares its prefix with another guild.
  • Auto join now works.
  • The water powder curse special is now operational.
  • Reflection and thorns now no longer increase damage taken by its wearer 50%.
  • You can now no longer buy mobs for territories you do not own.
  • Wars will no longer start multiple countdowns.

Other Changes

  • /f can now be used as alias for /friend.
  • /leave can now be used as alias for /lobby.
  • Guild members their emerald contributions are now logged in /guild list.
  • Emerald contributions are no longer shown in the guild log.
  • Added aliases for several commands (/gu -> /guild; /d -> /duel; /tr -> /trade; /pa -> /party)
  • Guild wars are now better at detecting whether a war is already going on for a territory.
  • Guild join messages are now formatted to show all relevant info in light blue, rather than cyan.
  • 'Reward Summary' in wars has been renamed to 'Battle Summary'
  • Guild member XP contributions can now go over 2,147,483,647


  • Read the full changelog here.
Patch 6
25th January, 2018

Gameplay Changes

  • Escape and war scream now refresh their potion effects if you use either again while their effects are still present.
  • Mob multihit now stops after you die.

Gameplay Fixes

  • Tripwires no longer click when triggered.
  • Fixed a crash issue related to vines.
  • Mob vanish now always makes the mob visible again after finishing (mob spell).
  • You can no longer sleep in beds.

Other Changes

  • Guild chat and private messages are now less straining for the server.


  • Read the full changelog here.
Patch 5
22nd January, 2018

Gameplay Fixes

  • You can no longer glitch through walls by using horses.
  • Boats no longer instantly sink when using them in Minecraft 1.9+, though they will if you splash them full of water
  • Arrows and other projectiles respect the bounding boxes of blocks better.
  • You now no longer get stuck on fences, iron bars, glass panes, stairs, slabs and farmland.
  • Mobs get stuck in blocks less.
  • Fixed connection issues.

Other Changes

  • You can now send chat messages of 256 characters if you are using Minecraft 1.11+, contrary to the 100 character maximum of 1.8.
  • Wynncraft now supports all new blocks and items added in 1.9, 1.10, 1.11 and 1.12 with backwards compatibility to 1.8.
    • Concrete, for example, shows as clay in 1.8.


  • Read the full changelog here.
Patch 4
9th January, 2018

Gameplay Changes

  • Walk speed now works for builds that give very high walk speed (400%+).
  • Your total identifications are now being recalculated when picking up an item.
  • Made negative percentage modifiers on already negative values keep the result negative. Example: I have -100 water defence and -100% water defence. This adds up to -200 water defence.
  • Sets now properly apply their skill point bonuses.
  • Negative skill point 'bonuses' now subtract from your total skill points until you have a minimum of 0, rather than subtracting from your bonus skill points only.
  • The multi hit spell now does 30% damage in its first hits instead of 20%.
  • Mob spells now do elemental damage.
  • Arrow storm (the mob spell) now does spell damage, rather than melee damage.
  • Vanish (the mob spell) now properly hides the mob.
  • Multihit (the mob spell) now does less total damage.

Gameplay Fixes

  • Set bonuses now appear in the compass.
  • Quest mobs only visible to you should now also hide their tags from others.
  • Rymek dealers are no longer crashing the server.
  • The party bomb is now far less laggy.
  • War Scream is now far less laggy.
  • Dungeon bosses now always detect that you kill them.
  • Dungeons respond far better to being finished.
  • Vanilla pets (from before the pet update) are no longer spinning in circles.
  • Fixed some guilds being in war, even when they weren't.

Other Changes

  • The horse merchant is now called Horse Merchant.
  • The item name colours of the /use and scrapping menus now correspond to their tier.
  • People and their whereabouts should now properly show in tab.
  • Shouts, /msg and guild chat should now stay operational.


  • Read the full changelog here.
Patch 3
24th December, 2017

Gameplay Changes

  • A Broken Scroll merchant was placed near the Detlas bank to help you with your broken scrolls.
  • Made merchants respond more smoothly and less laggy.
  • Remade merchants to accept change and gave their menus a small update.
    • Added the option to certain merchants to buy 5 by shift left-clicking.
    • Added the option to certain merchants buy all by shift right-clicking.
  • NPCs in cutscenes can now no longer be moved with spells.
  • Made cutscenes that change blocks slightly less laggy.
  • Made clicks respond more smoothly.
  • Made trading a lot less laggy and no longer crash the server.

Gameplay Fixes

  • Fixed several dupe bugs.
  • Fixed ghost servers.
  • Fixed being able to remove fake blocks by clicking them.
  • Potions no longer last infinitely.
  • Item bombs no longer drop potions.
  • Made sure all loot chests work (they should no longer be empty and poof back seconds after opening their menu).
  • Fixed Item Identifier text.
  • Several of the new, more advanced quests were fixed.

Other Changes

  • Removed /armour as it's no longer needed.
  • Removed WorldGuard messages.
  • Removed the weather cycle that was accidentally added due to removing WorldGuard.
  • Removed the ability to spectate players while being in spectator mode in a cutscene.
  • Made the server always know you're in a guild (sometimes the server would say you were not in a guild, even though you were).
  • Canceled the search function if you move too far from the bank.
  • Fixed /suicide telling you to use /sucicide.

Other Fixes

  • Fixed not being able to message players in certain worlds.
  • Fixed not being able to disable attack effects.
  • /msg no longer fails to send a message.


  • Please check out this forum post if you got stuck in one of the newer, advanced quests.


  • Read the full changelog here.
Patch 2
20th December, 2017

Gameplay Fixes

  • Getting negative XP if you get more than 2,147,483,647 XP is no longer possible.
    • People that currently have negative XP have been set to 0 XP.​
  • You will no longer get negative guild emeralds if input more than 2,147,483,647 emeralds.
    • People that currently have negative guild emeralds have been set to 0 emeralds.​
  • Explained to the item identifiers that set items are actually green, not cyan.
  • Multiple stage mobs (like the decrepit sewers guardian) no longer become multiple multiple stage mobs when they die (just one).
  • You will now be you (your skin) and visible upon joining the server.
  • Wars now have the latest gadgets (weapons, armour and jewelry).
  • Totems now properly display particles above all affected mobs.
  • You can now stop tracking a finished quest.

Other Changes

  • Joining servers is now significantly faster and more reliable.
    • The server sometimes said 'Loading terrain' for a small while before disconnecting you with an error message. You will now be able to join the game pretty much instantly.​

Other Fixes

  • The Slime and Witch Brew effect descriptions are now correct.
  • You will no longer get Black Market items from tier 1 and 2 crates.
  • Necklaces now no longer look like helmets when you use a helmet skin.


  • Read the full changelog here.
Patch 1
19th December, 2017

Gameplay Fixes

  • Guild wars should now work most of the time.
  • Broken guild regions were fixed.
  • The jukebox is now only usable by players with VIP+ or higher.
  • Player data now saves again for all players.
  • War weapons are now up to date.
  • Disciplined the item buyer for telling you that you sold one item less than you actually did.
  • Bombs are now less laggy.
  • Fixed a random crash issue.

Other Changes

  • Made the server slightly faster.
  • Made the announcements more clear.

Other Fixes

  • Item bombs will no longer give an error and will thus no longer give you more than 2 items.
  • Only one cosmetic of the same type will be scrapped upon scrapping now.
  • Removed a dupe to get multiple higher tier items upon scrapping.
  • '/guild stats' and '/guild leaderboard' now work again.


  • Read the full changelog here.
Dungeons & Discoveries Update
15th December, 2017

Map Changes

  • Revamped Troms and Ragni
  • Revamped Detlas' walls
  • Reworked caves around Wynn
  • Added open world-like interactive areas around the Wynn plains, which open up to a small secret
  • Added several corruption spikes scattered all across the Wynn Province. Strong mobs will spawn nearby.
  • Added a ruined battlefield area between the Detlas Suburbs and Roots of Corruption
  • Revamped Tree Island
  • Revamped one of the Icy Islands
  • Waterfalls around Wynn have been improved
  • Revamped mountain borders in most of the Wynn Province
  • All lakes and farmlands in the Wynn Province have been improved, along with a few other minor builds
  • The elemental “mini dungeons” in the Canyon of the Lost have been replaced with normal caves
  • Added towers in Maro Peaks that house strong ranged mobs which will shoot you from afar, requiring you to get to a button to bring them down
  • Dogovi has been renamed to Maex

Gameplay Changes

  • Added 8 dungeon quests that give more insight on said dungeon
    • Sewers of Ragni (Lv. 5)
    • Arachnid's Ascent (Lv. 14)
    • Studying the Corrupt (Lv. 21)
    • The Dark Descent (Lv. 24)
    • Kingdom of Sand (Lv. 33)
    • Fate of the Fallen (Lv. 43)
    • Corrupted Betrayal (Lv. 52)
    • Redbeard's Booty (Lv. 61)
  • Reworked 4 quests
    • Poisoning the Pest (Lv. 2; formerly Thieving Rodents)
    • Tunnel Trouble (Lv. 5; formerly A Confused Farmer)
    • The Corrupted Village (Lv. 26; formerly The Angry Village)
    • A Sandy Scandal (Lv. 32; formerly Drought Sand)
  • Removed 4 quests
    • Lord of the Clock
    • A Confused Farmer
    • Prison Story
    • The Relic Shrines
  • Added new discoveries
  • Added a new boss altar: Altar of Sanctification (Lv. 70)
  • Rebalanced a lot of items, including mythics
  • Changed (buff) XP reward values for most dungeons, including Corrupted Sand-Swept Tomb (nerf)
  • The Hive shops now have refund merchants who will exchange Hive equipment back into vouchers so you can purchase a different one instead, provided you have a catalyst from the corresponding boss
  • All relics have been removed, though discoveries should give you plenty of new secrets to find. Relic items may become obtainable in some other way in the future.
  • Bugfixes for the Seaskipper, along with new dialogue and a new destination: Galleon's Graveyard
  • Various changes to NPC dialogue
  • Added several new items to help builds that were lacking options in the late game
  • Added a new endgame air spear
  • Added more possible elemental challenges to the Uth Altar fight
  • The cannon part in Galleon's graveyard has been changed completely as well as the Ship part in Royal Trials
  • Fixed several instances of powder drops not stacking. This change only applies to new powder drops, so old powders might still have the same stacking issue.
  • More masks are now purchasable in the Ravine Village
  • Added a new Glassblowing Merchant to Almuj, which unlocks after completion of the quest “Green Gloop”. The merchant can take leftover Slime Scoopers, among other things.
  • Eluzterp will now take the Slime Scooper at the end of Green Gloop
  • Added new sandpile mobs around the Desert
  • Mixed Feelings Script Improvements, skippable dialogue
  • Made Sand-Swept Tomb dungeon (including corrupted) more stable with teleports

Misc. Changes

  • Renamed and reorganized all of the songs in the jukebox to match a new format. New songs have been added as well.
  • Added lots of new crate rewards
  • Added a new crate tier after Godly: Black Market items
    • This tier can only be obtained by scrapping Godly items or by receiving them from a T3 crate (although it is rare)
  • Wybel mobs are now 200% cuter
  • Remade the Quest Book
  • Remade the Bank


  • This is the first update to hold HERO beta testing.


  • Read the full changelog here!
Beta Patch 1
12th December, 2017

Gameplay Changes

  • A quest tracker was added in the quest menu. You can use this by right clicking a quest in the menu.
  • Information about your quests and discoveries was added on the side of the quest menu.
  • You can now sort your quest menu by name, level or whether you have started the quest.
  • The jukebox was completely remade. You can use the jukebox by right clicking with the compass and then clicking the jukebox in the bottom left of the skill menu.
  • The jukebox now has a search function (you need to search for the entire name of the song).
  • You can now let the jukebox randomly pick 10 songs to play for you.
  • You can now clear your playlist in the jukebox menu.
  • The item buyer now allows you to shift click items in.
  • You are now asked for confirmation before the item buyer buys your items.
  • Multiple items can be sold at once in the item buyer's menu.
  • The item buyer now tells you between how many emeralds you will be paid for your items.
  • Items should no longer occasionally look like: .
  • Ultimate discoveries now prevent you from accessing them so long as you haven't found all other discoveries in the region.
  • You are now warped into the black box when you join. The resource pack loads 5 seconds later. This should prevent crashing when joining the server.
  • Your bank now shows your items accurately when you go to the previous page of your bank.
  • Several broken cutscenes in new quests were fixed.
  • Teleportation locations in new quests were fixed.
  • Item drops of a variety of mobs have been fixed.
  • The rat now looks better.
  • Most inaccessible chests are now accessible.
  • The teleportation of Wynn Excavation Site D was fixed.
Patch 5
30th November, 2017

Gameplay Changes

  • Round item identifications properly so that the game is easier to balance.
  • Made loot bonus give a diminishing effect on loot chests - it's no longer overpowered.
  • Changed guild level hollow star to larger star.
  • Changed the guild rank stars back to individual stars in guild chat.
  • Some initial work was done on fixing guild wars (they're not fixed yet, but they're getting there).
  • Poison no longer gives knockback.
  • Warriors no longer carry spades, they carry spears.
  • Updated the message that pops up when you do not have enough skill points to use an item.
  • Armor and accessories no longer drop on the ground if the skill point requirements are not met.
  • The compass' skill point GUI no longer resets your cursor's position when adding skill points.
  • The reward GUI now tells you the correct amount of emeralds you've received.
  • Horses move a little bit smoother now.
  • Fixed lag caused by loot chests, equipment and mob spawning.


  • Full Changelog: Here
Patch 4
28th November, 2017

Gameplay Changes

  • Item rounding has been changed to accurate rounding
  • If your inventory is full, items that you do not have the skill requirements to use will remain equipped until space is made. You will be constantly notified of the skill discrepancy until the item is unequipped.


  • Full Changelog: Here
Patch 3
27th November, 2017

Gameplay Changes

  • Loot bonus now affects the quantity of loot in chests.
  • The Discord link broadcasted in game is now orange.
  • Really fixed spaces in guild tags now.
  • Fixed the guild leveling system to allow leveling over level 52.
  • Fixed the guild XP bar on the website and in game.
  • Turned ★★★ in the guild stars to ☆ to not overcrowd chat.
  • Improved poison to not reset the 1 second wait upon hitting, but instead resetting the amount of poison hits.
  • Stopped the Exploding effect from triggering life steal and mana steal.
  • Made Exploding do elemental damage (if the weapon does elemental damage).
  • Made Exploding trigger poison on hit mobs.
Patch 2
26th November, 2017

Gameplay Changes

  • Fixed a visual glitch in the compass GUI when calculating elemental defence and (spell) damage.
    • This does not yet factor in the attack speed modifier and set modifiers.
  • Fixed phantom players occupying slots in guilds and not being able to join other guilds.
  • Removed teamspeak messages, changed them to refer to Discord.
  • Prevent spaces in guild tags to prevent glitched out guilds.
  • Removed gold coin related announcements.
  • Fixed War Scream and Arrow Bomb spells calculating by melee damage: No more healing through life steal.
  • Fixed innate defense boosts for all classes: No more invincible Warriors.
  • Fixed element defense interactions: No more double negatives.

Other Changes

  • You can now add your Discord username to the forums.
Patch 1
25th November, 2017

Gameplay Changes

  • Holograms move more smoothly now.
  • Mobs jitter less when moving.
  • Armour stand pets fall apart less.
  • Fixed chat links and colours.
  • Fixed /guild kick and /guild leave for people that changed their name.
  • Fixed glitching out your guild if you change your name.
  • Fixed the skill point glitch (armour used to sometimes pop out upon joining)
Corkus Update
7th April, 2017

Map Changes

  • Corkus, the new province, can now be accessed. You can complete the quest "The Envoy I" at Selchar to quick travel to the island.
  • A small island has been created beside Corkus, called Legendary Island
    • Face your destiny in this chaotic, hardcore (once you die you must restart) challenge inspired by Tower of Ascension and The Qira Hive
  • Discoveries added across the map
    • Discoveries, when found, grant you XP, if you're of the minimum level

Gameplay Changes

Misc. Changes

  • Loads of new crate rewards added
  • Reworked some particle effects

Other Changes

  • 30+ new songs created by XavierEXE and Selvut283


  • Read the full Changelog: Here
1.15 Patch 1
(Hidden Patch)
16th January, 2017

Gameplay Changes

  • Assassin's vanish spell does not uncast when user receives fall damage (fall damage is also nullified)
  • Potions can now be dropped from mobs and received from loot chests
    • Skill potions and wisdom potions can be found in T3+ loot chests, but wisdom potions are rarer
    • Potions of mana can also be found in T2+ loot chests
  • Horses now work properly in 1.9+!

Other Changes

  • Merchant GUI changed to have a more shop-esque feeling, but only in 1.9+
Wynnter 2016
19th December, 2016

Map Changes

  • Corkus, a new province, has been added but is not accessible in this update
  • The ocean has been expanded

Gameplay Changes

  • Added this year's Craftmas quest (Lv. 33)
  • Added new weapon and armor shops in Gavel, containing new items
  • Ahmsord now has Item Buyers in the center of the city and Liquid Merchants in the bank
  • Improved some old quests
  • Added a temporary event, the Wynnter Fair, which will be in Lusuco's Pigpuck Arena. Minigames will be available to play, rewarding tokens that you can trade for exclusive items and prizes.

Other Changes

  • Loads of new songs added

Lobby Changes

  • The lobby now has a more Wynntery feel


  • Full Changelog: Here
1.14.2 Patch 3 13th December, 2016

Gameplay Changes

  • Uppercut spell now costs 10 mana instead of 8
  • Vanish spell now gives a mini-charge effect in the direction you're looking, at any grade
  • Multihit now costs mana even if you hit no mobs with it
  • Multihit deals +20% damage on every small hits (not the finisher hit)

Other Changes

  • Better tools to fight against phishing
1.14.2 Patch 2 25th November, 2016

Gameplay Changes

  • Mob totems now require you to participate in the mob massacre to share the XP and are very slightly nerfed

Gameplay Fixes

  • Fixed some issue with the pack in 1.11
  • Fixed some connection issues
  • Fixed other relatively minor issues

Other Changes

  • Made the trade window slightly prettier
1.14.2 Patch 1 5th November, 2016

Gameplay Changes

  • Party XP sharing is disabled if you kill a totem bonus mob
  • Totems can't be placed next to each other anymore
  • Using a bomb when you couldn't now won't take the bomb away
  • Added a cooldown to item bombs

Gameplay Fixes

  • Fixed merchants not showing prices properly
  • Fixed totems creating phantom mobs
  • Fixed weapon skins not being deactivatable
  • Fixed weapon skins being tradable

Forum Changes

  • HERO rank is now on the forum
Hallowynn 2016
27th October, 2016

Gameplay Changes

  • Ragni now has a bank
  • Fixed a bug where some classes wouldn't load
  • Dungeons (especially corrupted ones!) give much more XP
  • New items & dungeon items!
  • New corrupted dungeon! (Corrupted Lost Sanctuary, Lv. 78)
  • Nii Guardians can now drop 1-2 runes when killed
  • Corrupted Keys will need 4 to 6 runes depending on the dungeon
  • The infested pit dungeons got updated with some new things. There's also a small surprise in the corrupted one.
  • New area behind Twain's Mansion
  • Minor changes related to items, mobs and areas.
  • Added two new quests: One Thousand Meters Under (Lv. 95), and A Grave Mistake (Lv. 50)
  • Added mob totems
    • Can be used to buff the spawn rate of mobs nearby for 5 minutes
    • When mobs are killed, they give 100% of their XP to everyone nearby the totem

Store Changes

  • Added a new rank called "HERO"
    • Costs $99.99 USD to purchase, and will be discounted if you have VIP or VIP+
    • Has access to beta servers, receives six mob totems, and one tier 2 crate. Includes all other VIP+ features.
    • Purple [HERO] tag

Misc. Changes

  • Added daily crates, where you can find cosmetic items in
    • Can be purchased in the shop
    • Rewards can be scrapped for a higher tier (i.e. 5 rare rewards will give you one epic reward)
  • Bombs have been changed
    • Party bombs play songs and make mobs around dance, and players can spam snowballs until time runs out
    • Shouts are now called Shout Bombs, and can be cancelled if you accidentally click on it
    • Item bombs give 2 random item to everyone online in your server
    • Added a Soul Point Bomb, which gives 2 soul points to everyone nearby (cannot exceed maximum capacity)
    • Can be purchased in the shop
  • Improved pets; they utilize armor stands to make them look nicer
1.14.1 Patch 5 22nd September, 2016

Gameplay Changes

  • Corrupted Infested Pit dungeon added
  • Corrupted Infested Pit Key Guardians now spawn in level 70-75 areas
1.14.1 Patch 4 16th September, 2016

Gameplay Changes

  • Key Guardians will now spawn in Gavel, in areas around their level range
  • Some changes made to swarms

Gameplay Fixes

  • Fixed mob knockback resistance
  • Fixed dungeon shops with special horses
1.14.1 Patch 3 31st August, 2016

Gameplay Fixes

  • Fixed Potion Making boss sometimes not respawning
  • Fixed powder special not changing even if you had better/worse powder tier on them. (this might be followed with a nerf later)
  • Fixed Arrow Storm allowing you to charge a special in seconds
  • Fixed throwing an arrow with Wind Prison directly at a mob, breaking the prison right away
  • Fixed War Scream projectile doing no damage
  • Fixed Galleon's Graveyard merchant not spawning
  • Fixed a bunch of general issues
1.14.1 Patch 2 30th August, 2016

Gameplay Fixes

  • Fixed Sand-Swept Tomb door not opening (for real this time!... at least it should be)
  • Fixed Ghostly Cap being not identifiable
  • Fixed Aldorei puzzle
  • Fixed a bunch of code issue
  • Fixed an issue in Qira Hive
1.14.1 Patch 1 29th August, 2016

Gameplay Fixes

  • Fixed Sand-Swept Tomb not allowing you to go through the first room
  • Fixed Underworld Crypt boat sometimes not spawning
  • Fixed Lost Sanctuary not letting you blow up the door
  • Fixed some general issues with Ice Barrows
  • Buffed mobs in the Corrupted Decrepit Sewers
  • Fixed potion merchants not spawning at dungeon entrances
  • Fixed items given from quest not being identifiable
  • Fixed mobs showing their health bar instead of element info
  • Fixed a bunch of issues with the new quests (Enter the Dojo, Recipe for Disaster, The Canary Calls, Canyon Guides)
  • Fixed some general build issue
Gameplay Update
28th August, 2016

Map Changes

  • Wynn areas revamped; areas include Skeins Island, Jungle Village, and Pirate Town
  • Elevators added around the mesa to get to higher elevations

Gameplay Changes

  • Dungeon Scroll Merchants added
    • Dungeon scrolls are bought with dungeon fragments, and do not need a Soul Point to use
  • All dungeons renamed and reworked
  • Mini-Dungeons do not exist anymore; they are now full dungeons
  • Each dungeon now has a certain theme and a special gimmick
  • Dungeons bosses now have a strategy to defeat them
  • Sand-Witch and Lava Cow are now replaced with better bosses
  • Key Guardians now spawn close to dungeons for obtaining keys, and the old method of obtaining them has been removed
  • Dungeons give a lot more XP, and give special tokens for obtaining items from the Dungeon Shops
    • There are two types of tokens: A boss token, and a dungeon fragment
  • Added Corrupted Dungeons, which are modified versions of existing dungeons, only harder
    • Keys are obtained from mixing two items at The Forgery in Gavel
  • Added Boss Altars throughout Wynn and Gavel
    • The bosses have a good chance to drop powerful items
  • Powders are now back in the game with a brand new system
  • You can now reset your skill points for a mere 2 Soul Points
  • New NPCs added that tell about the lore of the area they are in
  • Scroll shops now sell scrolls to lower leveled cities for a higher price
  • Coordinates and a direction indicator are now placed above the hotbar between health and mana
  • Added a sprint bar
  • 20 quests redone; quests include ???, Stable Story, and Potion Making
  • Seven new quests
  • New mythics and about 400+ items added
  • Most legendaries buffed
  • Jester set nerfed (but is still useful)
  • V.S.S Seaskipper added for easy passage around ocean
  • The old ??? quest is now deleted and replaced by a new one. The new one is supposed to be the ultimate easter egg; and is very hard to find
  • Higher level mobs now drop 3-4 times more experience and 2-3 times more items than before. Lower levels are unaffected by this change
  • Double XP bombs do not affect quests anymore nor does XP bonus. In return, most quest XP is now doubled
  • Removed YT rank XP bonus
  • Mobs can now have more than 1 spell
  • Mobs can now spawn other mobs when killed
  • New guild territories for Gavel!
  • New mobs to defend your territories.
  • Merchants skin. They can be any entity now, not just villagers
  • Boats will pop back into your inventory when you dismount them
  • Reidentifications! You can reidentify any items you want as many time as you want, but the price will go up exponentially every time. Simply talk to an identifier and identify it again just like you would with any item.
  • Soul Points system has been reworked. Now instead of dropping everything at 2 SP and less, you will have a chance to drop your item the less soul points you got. Don't worry, nothing of value should drop until you reach 5 SP, and horses will never drop.

Gameplay Fixes

  • Fixed thorns triggering lifesteal every time, also made it do 50% less damage against players, and 50% more damage against mobs
  • Fixed a bug where saying no to downloading the pack prevents you from playing
  • Fixed attack speed ID not working properly, and we made it so it won't affect spell damage anymore
  • Fixed a bug where casting a spell on a sign and other spot could trigger another unintended click
  • Fixed a bug where sometimes a player could get glitched and crash servers when they were login in

Website Changes

  • Updated map! Will now show your position, your friend's position (if both players are friends) and your guild's position on the map, as long as they are on the same server as you.
  • Updated item guide! You can now select filters and see much more details.

Other Changes

  • GM application system being reworked


  • The Gameplay Update was planned to be released in August 2016, so it arrived just in time.


1.14 Patch 11 3rd July, 2016

Gameplay Fixes

  • Fixed some lag issues
  • Fixed merchants sometimes not showing price
  • Fixed the bug where throwing unidentified items on the ground revealed their sprite
  • Fixed the bug where your items would randomly get kicked out of your character on login
  • Fixed territories not showing up
  • Fixed mobs hitting you even after they're dead

Gameplay Changes

  • Added new lore design for scrolls and emeralds
1.14 Patch 10 25th March, 2016

Gameplay Fixes

  • Fixed a bug with raw spell damage ID allowing spells to deal insane amount of damage
1.14 Patch 9 18th February, 2016

Gameplay Changes

  • Changed Clock Boots (More minus Spell Damage, higher Melee Damage bonus)
  • Changed Raindrop (Has now a minus Health and Damage Bonus)
  • Nerfed Opulenity (Less XP and Loot Bonus)
  • Nerfed Iron Bracer (Less Defense bonus)
  • Made the clock set identified by default

Gameplay Fixes

  • Fixed the snow and ghostly set not dropping
  • Fixed the Drale Hide and Bear Mask not being updated to the new system
  • Fixed a cutscene issue in the Cowfusion quest
  • Fixed a typo in an identifier message
  • Fixed clone class spells not being the same damage/mana cost as the original classes
  • Fixed an issue allowing people to wear armours when they didn't meet the requirements
1.14 Patch 8 6th February, 2016

Gameplay Changes

  • Buffed the Assassin Multihit spell
  • Buffed the Creeper Mask
  • Nerfed the Treasure Guardian boss
  • Nerfed the Arrow Storm spell's damage
  • Added new items + some that can only be obtained when completing a dungeon

Gameplay Fixes

  • General minor bug fixes
  • Fixed Set bonuses not properly working sometimes
  • Fixed Set bonuses not showing the full bonus list
  • Fixed special spell effects not working on mobs
  • Fixed /find not working
  • Fixed /msg and friendlist not working for a few seconds randomly
1.14 Patch 7 28th January, 2016

Gameplay Changes

  • Buffed Pandemonium (Damage bonus increased, minus Life Steal decreased)
  • Buffed Ensa's Faith (Reflection bonus increased)
  • Buffed Heartache (Reflection & Thorns bonus increased, minus Life Steal & Agility decreased)
  • Nerfed Gale's Sight (Added Fire weakness)
  • Nerfed Ohms' Rage (Damage bonus decreased)
  • Nerfed Bob's Mythic Weapons (Damage decreased, skill point bonus decreased)
  • Nerfed Tower (Defense bonus decreased)
  • Nerfed Meridian (Mana Regen & Intelligence bonus decreased)
  • Changed Roulette (Buffed general damage, nerfed Thunder & Damage bonus)
  • Jester sets XP & Loot has been decreased, but so did the set minus bonus.

Gameplay Fixes

  • Fixed Guilds
  • Fixed Llevigar blocking people
  • Re-fixed Test Items dropping
  • Fixed the spell clicking text not showing up
  • Fixed Bow of Wisdom not working
  • Major lag fixes


  • New network software
1.14 Patch 6 16th January, 2016

Gameplay Changes

  • Buffed skill potions + they give an additional effect when drank
  • You can now toggle armour skins for your session with the /armour (or /armor) command

Gameplay Fixes

  • Minor lag and bug fixes
  • Fixed a visual glitch with health
  • Fixed people getting kicked for flying when they login
  • Fixed some mob's elemental defense being too high
1.14 Patch 5 12th January, 2016

Gameplay Changes

  • Added some items
  • Balanced a lot of water-based armour as to give a little less health

Gameplay Fixes

  • Fixed a major cause of crash
  • Fixed the empty Loot Chest bug
  • Fixed Loot Chests I & II dropping accessories
  • Fixed Accessories requirement not working
  • Fixed Dexterity requirement not showing up
1.14 Patch 4 6th January, 2016

Gameplay Changes

  • Clock merchant now spawns

Gameplay Fixes

  • Generic bug fixes
  • Fixed assassin spells
  • Fixed some broken items
  • Adjusted some item stats
1.14 Patch 3 23rd December, 2015

Gameplay Changes

  • Few changes in drop rates
  • Nerfed the Great Bridge mobs and the Strong Zombies outside Ragni

Gameplay Fixes

  • Fixed the Arrow Storm spell
  • Fixed some issues when downloading the pack
  • Little lag fixes
  • Fixed some items and merchants
  • Fixed an XP Bug and visual glitch
  • Fixed skill points bonus not showing the right amount in the compass menu
  • Fixed an abuse with /duel to get full HP
  • Fixed a bug where low level mobs could drop high level items
1.14 Patch 2 22nd December, 2015

Gameplay Changes

  • Skill points now tells you when your equipement changes their value
  • Vanish now works against mobs
  • Zhight Potions are now Wisdom Potions

Gameplay Fixes

  • Lag and bug fixes
  • Fixed healing spells giving out 0
  • Fixed broken quests and items
  • Fixed broken merchants
  • Fixed item buyers being missing
1.14 Patch 1 21st December, 2015

Gameplay Fixes

  • Bug and lag fixes
  • Fixed broken quests
  • Fixed broken items
  • Fixed Test Items dropping from mobs
  • Fixed a bug where mobs doesn't spawn
  • Fixed armours with class requirement not letting the VIP/VIP+ class clones wear them
  • Identifiers are more stable and lets you know when they drop your items
  • Fixed Jukebox
Gavel Expansion
20th December, 2015

Map Changes

  • Gavel, a new province (1/3 larger than Wynn), has been released
  • Nesaak now has an item buyer and identifier
  • The old tutorial area has been replaced by the Ragni Outskirts
  • Various other additions to towns and regions in Wynn

Gameplay Changes

  • Armour skin system removed (temporarily)
  • Level cap increased to 100
  • Official resource pack released
  • New mob AI system has been implemented
    • Neutral and Defensive mob types
    • Several new AIs for Hostile and Passive mob types
    • Lag from mobs is reduced
  • Potions now have charges, level restrictions, and can be drunk instantly
  • Merchants' GUI has been streamlined
  • Added 50 new quests
  • The item system has been completely reworked
    • Items now have attack speeds, and more requirements such as skill points and finished quests
  • Elements added in game
    • Elements are related to the Skill Points system and give unique perks and advantages over certain mobs
  • Human NPCs have been added into the game in the towns and cities of Wynn
  • Identification system has been reworked
    • There are now 38 identifications
    • All non-basic items must be identified before using them
    • Unidentified items now are preset with identifications.
    • Up to 8 items can be identified at once
  • Set item tier has been added
    • Set items are items that, when worn together, give special bonuses
  • Mythic item tier has been added
    • Extremely rare and powerful weapons, rarer than legendary
  • Special item tier has been removed (replaced by Set Items)
  • Accessories have been added
    • Accessories are semi-rare items that give you a bonus along with armour and weapons
    • Accessories are divided into Rings, Bracelets and Necklaces
    • Up to four can be used at once
  • There are 17 new songs in-game (Gavel OST)
  • Guilds are disabled for now (new system coming soon)
  • Amount of mana has decreased significantly
  • Secrets (easter eggs)
  • New Powder Relics throughout Gavel
  • Powders temporarily disabled (they are being reworked)
  • 1300+ items
  • 80 different 3D models for weapons
  • Added fall damage and fire/lava damage
  • You can now have more than two of each class

Lobby Changes

  • The lobby has been changed to have a more Wynntery feel.

Changelog An official and almost complete version of the change log can be found here.

Wynnter 2014
22nd December, 2014

Map Changes:

  • Watch towers added in the ocean
  • Improved various areas around the map
  • Improved area around House of Twain
  • Nesaak's borders got improved
  • New area called Ice Canyon, extension of Nesaak, and it is near to the House of Twain. Mainly for level 45+.
    • Small town named Lusuco, in Ice Canyon.
  • Extension to the Jungle, new area named Dernel Jungle has been created. It is for level 60+.
    • A new manor, named Delnar Manor for quests, somewhere in Dernel Jungle.
    • A new Lost Soles puzzle quest, based in Dernel Manor.

Lobby Changes:

  • Lobbies are each given a snowy makeover, celebrating the Wynnter feel.


  • Costs 5 LE and three Soul Points to create now.
    • The creator must be at least level 40, and it can be created in Troms. Follow the signs that says Guild Master at the second layer of Troms.
  • 10 new guild commands
  • 5 exclusive ranks for a guild
    • Owner has all powers. Only one owner per guild.
    • Chief has all powers; power to recruit, power to promote, power to use all commands, and power to kick out.
      • Not owners, and can promote other members up to Captain.
    • Captain has power to recruit, promotes recruits to recruiter, and able to execute /guild defend and /guild attack.
    • Recruiter has power to recruit, and able to use /guild contribute, to donate guild your emeralds.
    • Recruit has no power. Nothing.


  • Almost every guilds starts with its own territory
  • Type /guild attack whilst in the territory to attack, win to conquer it.
    • Type /guild defend whilst in YOUR territory to hire mobs. The guild must have enough emeralds.

Content Update:

  • Tower of Ascension, located in the Ice Canyon
    • Features 70 floors, each harder than the last. Every 10 floors you will fight a boss.
  • 10 brand-new quests!
  • Added three new mini dungeons
  • Armour Skin
    • Armour skin is a system where the armours in Wynncraft show custom skins (No texture pack required)
  • Relics
    • Relics are hidden treasure, located throughout the map.
Hallowynn 2014
27th October, 2014

Hallowynn Theme

  • Lobby given a spooky makeover


Forum Link: 1.12.2 - 2 New Quests And Spooky Scary Lobby!

1.12.1 27th August, 2014


  • Zombie Dungeon now finally out!
  • Boosted the XP for all dungeons
  • Fixed a bunch of issues
  • Mobs can now drop their respective key
  • More key merchants around the world!


  • Mobs will actually try to enter the town by the entrance when a swarm starts
  • Mini-Bosses added
  • Instead of having to kill a certain amount of mobs, you now have to defend the town for a set amount of time
  • The best killers will receive more XP (up to x2 if you're #1!), and also give more XP to party members at the same time.
  • Swarms can be lost if the amount of mobs in a town goes over 175 for too long
  • Mobs will do the same damage and will require to same amount of hits for everyone
  • Dying in a swarm now only removes 1 SP, and it cannot go under 1
  • Custom messages for towns
  • More towns can be invaded
  • Mobs now spawn randomly in town


  • Dying near Rymek will not teleport you to the town (dying at Bob's Reincarnation won't teleport you there)
  • Dying will no longer prevents you from killing anything for 20 seconds
  • Boosted the spawn rate of the mythic Mama Zomble (it was so rare that nobody ever saw it)
  • TP scrolls should be more stable
  • Fixed issues with item bombs
  • Fixed the issue where servers would still restart even if an XP bomb was active

Forum Link: Wynncraft Update 1.12.1 Changelogs

The Mob Update
1st August, 2014

Map changes:

Mob changes:

  • Mob system has been redone from scratch
  • Mobs can now be blocks or items
  • Mobs can now perform spells
  • Mobs are more customizable
  • Better spawning system
  • New health bar, showing health in the middle and left and right

Store changes:

  • Removed Pets of the shop
  • Changed VIP rank
    • Creeper Pet
    • Knight(Warrior) and Hunter(Archer) reskinned classes
    • Magical Effects (Smoke, Magic, Fire)
    • Farm disguises - Disguise as pig, chicken, sheep, or cow
    • No lobby transparency
    • Zombie horse cloak
    • Dye kit (red, blue, green, yellow) - apply defense and ids to colored armour (Soon)
    • Riding other players
    • Notify other players in a small area when you log in
    • 2 party bombs and 1 item bomb
    • 3 global shouts
    • Green name
    • Reserved slots
    • Attack animations (cloud, fire, sparks)
    • No more double xp
    • No more instant access to Assassin
  • New rank, VIP+ ($50)
    • All VIP perks
    • Silverfish Pet
    • Ninja(Assassin) and Dark Wizard(Mage)
    • Undead disguises - Disguise as Creeper, pigmen, spider, or zombie
    • All colors for dye kit
    • Riding pets
    • Slap and rocket in lobby (Soon)
    • 5 party bombs, 2 item bombs, and 1 xp bomb
    • 7 global shouts
    • Cyan name
    • OST Jukebox
    • Lava, emerald, and letter attack animations

Forum Link: Update 1.12 - The Mob Update: Changelog

1.11.2 Patch 5
Lobby Update
14th July, 2014

Lobby Changes:

  • Added a sign for the Beta Testing Server for the coming Update 1.12
1.11.2 Patch 4
Lobby Update
23rd April, 2014

Gameplay Changes:

  • The number of available servers now changes based on the time of day and number of players connected
  • Completely rebuilt lobby
  • 12 new songs in many locations

Gameplay Fixes:

  • Fixed multi-hits in nether

Forum Link: Quick Update: New lobby, host and musics!

1.11.2 Patch 3 14th April, 2014

Gameplay Changes:

  • Price of Global Shouts now 10 GC, blocks non-related URLs

Gameplay Fixes:

  • Patched duplication exploits
  • Fixed rollback glitches
  • Fixed donation issues

Forum Link: Wynncraft Bug Fix Update

1.11.2 Patch 2 12th April, 2014

Gameplay Changes:

  • Updated Wynncraft to Minecraft 1.7.8

Gameplay Fixes:

  • Fixed bugged swarms
  • Fixed dungeon stats

Forum Link: Bug fixes and store coupon!

1.11.2 Patch 1 5th April, 2014

Gameplay Changes:

  • Spells combo & name appear at bottom of screen
  • Loot chests now show their tier
  • Assassin's vanish spell costs -1 hunger per grade
  • Assassin's vanish spell lasts +3 seconds per grade
  • Warrior's bash spell does 130% damage at every grade
  • Warrior's charge spell at grade 2 has a larger damage radius
  • Warrior's uppercut basic attack deals 200% damage

Gamplay Fixes:

  • Stabilized spell clicking

Forum Link: Wynncraft quick update!

April Fools' Day Update
31st March, 2014

Gameplay Changes:

  • Squiggles the squid pet added (Prank - not in game)

Forum Link: Wynncraft update 1.11.2 - A great new feature!

Video Link: Introducing a new Wynncraft update

1.11.1 Patch 1
Mission Update
13th March, 2014

Gameplay Changes: Missions added:

  • Every so often, a random mission appears on the scoreboard side bar. Cancel it by typing /dismiss
  • Kill Missions: Kill a certain amount of a specific mob
  • Adventure Missions: Find a certain amount of loot chests
  • Duel Missions: Duel a certain amount of players
  • Receive experience or emeralds for completing

Forum Link: New feature: Missions

1.11.1 5th March, 2014

Gameplay Changes:

  • New Pirate Town quest added
  • New Nesaak quest added
  • 3 new songs for Nemract, the ice plains and the mansion

Map Changes:

  • Mysterious Door added
  • Trees improved in snow area
  • Several caves added to snow area
  • Terrain improvements in snow area
  • Terrain/cave improvements/additions near the Haunted House
  • Reworked mines near Ternaves
  • A few other caves added around the map
  • New island added to the Ice Islands with a small village
  • Inaccessible castle tower added near mines

Gameplay Fixes:

  • Stability and lag improvement

Map Fixes:

  • Just a few here and there

Forum Link: Wynncraft Update 1.11.1 - New quests, areas, musics... and a mysterious door...

1.11 Patch 3 26th January, 2014

Gameplay Changes:

  • Nether rewards 1 GC to top 3 winners

Gameplay Fixes:

  • Fixed spell bugs and balancing issues

Forum Link: Nether Gold coins & Balancing

1.11 Patch 2
1.11 Publicized
24th January, 2014

Gameplay Changes:

  • 1.11 changes now public to everyone on every server
  • 70-80 new rare & legendary items added
  • New quest added
  • Skills, Identifications & Powders no longer work in the nether

Forum Link: 1.11 is now public!

1.11 Patch 1
VIP Beta Testing
21st January, 2014

Gameplay Changes:

  • Arrow Storm does 40, 30 & 20% damage per grade
  • Reduced Arrow Storm velocity
  • Healing heals 3, 3.5 & 4 per grade
  • Added 4 blocks to teleport spell range
  • Increased bash's earthquake radius
  • Changed bash damage to 100, 115, & 130% per grade
  • Ice snake only freezes mobs at grade 2+
  • New tab list

Gameplay Fixes:

  • Fixed teleport grades
  • Fixed warrior charge water bug
  • Fixed other classes using bow
  • Fixed pets triggering arrow shield
  • Fixed snow blocking spells

Forum Link: VIP Beta Testing WC18 Changelogs

1.11 14th January, 2014

Gameplay Changes:

Warrior Changes:
  • Bash now has proper animation, limited to double hit & can slow down and block-jump opponents
  • Charge now costs much less and can be controlled in mid-air
  • Uppercut has a much longer range and creates multiple explosions in mid-air. Fun to watch
  • War Scream now shows the boost and throws an "air-tunnel" as a long distance spell
Mage Changes:
  • Healing now has pulses and shows the amount of health gained
  • Teleport now blinds mobs and players and is more stable
  • Meteors now launch the spell from the sky and add a floor of fire
  • Ice Snake now summon a long-distance spell who can freeze enemies and is controllable
Archer Changes:
  • Arrow Storm is now a triple shot and each individual arrow damages the enemy!
  • Escape now has slow fall and holding shift will make you charge to the ground and blind enemies
  • Bomb arrow is more stable and can bounce, causing up to 5 explosions in a row.
  • Arrow Shield now blind enemies when they are too close to you, and rocket them far away, with a rain of arrow falling everywhere.
Assassin Spells:
  • Spin Attack ???
  • Vanish ???
  • Multi-Hit ???
  • Smoke Bomb ???
  • Item Buyers added
  • Teleport Scrolls and Scroll Merchants added
  • Skill reset scroll added
  • Three quests added
  • 70-80 new rare & legendary armours added
  • No delay between spells, but spamming spells increases hunger cost
  • Custom music in the overworld. /toggle music to disable
  • New anti-spam
  • New loot chest protection
  • Less emeralds in loot chests
  • Everyone in nether does same amount of damage (depending on class), but spells are leveled
  • /msg works between servers
  • Spells casted in towns have less particles
  • Mobs show the amount of experience they give

Map Changes:

  • Selchar redone
  • Identifier placed in Troms
  • A new island for level 50-60 players
  • New nether map that is bigger and better for fighting

Gameplay Fixes:

  • Fixed horse clipping
  • Fixed repeated spell bug
  • Fixed Rare items not dropping

Forum Link: Update 1.11 Changelog (New spells, music, scrolls & more!)

Craftmas Update
9th December, 2013

Gameplay Changes:

  • Limited Edition Snowman pet
  • Limited Edition Craftmas quest

Forum Link: Limited time Snowman pet & Craftmas Quest! (1.10.3)

1.10.2 26th November, 2013

Gameplay Changes:

  • Low level quest added
  • More loot chests
  • Right-clicking server signs on the sign board will teleport players to the server

Map Changes:

  • New caves added

Gameplay Fixes:

  • Fixed /forum
  • Fixed trading
  • Fixed Confused Farmer reward message
  • Fixed quest message typos

Forum Link: Update 1.10.2 Changelog

1.10.1 Patch 2
Pet Damage Update
24 Nov. 2013

Gameplay Changes:

  • Pets do about double damage (pets purchased before the change are also affected)
1.10.1 Patch 1 16th November, 2013

Gameplay Changes:

  • New quest made by Dakotafiles
  • New islands
  • New mobs
  • Added a trash in Detlas' bank

Gameplay Fixes:

  • Fixed Mummy quest
  • Fixed Archer Stone Shield glitch
  • Fixed empty islands
  • Fixed ocean holes
  • Fixed Selchar Identifier
  • Fixed Lil's message name
  • Fixed loot chest exploit
1.10.1 2nd November, 2013

Gameplay Changes:

  • Two quests added
  • Endermen do less damage
  • New Level 75 Legendary items
  • VIP town now sells black horses

Gameplay Fixes:

  • Fixed horse bugs
  • Fixed dysfunctional powders
  • Fixed Archer's Stone Shield stacking
  • Fixed loot chest emeralds
  • Fixed world holes
  • Crash fixes

Map Fixes:

  • Fixed Temple of Legends
Ocean Update
30th October, 2013

Gameplay Changes:

  • Horses added
  • Rare items added
  • New quests added
  • Gold coins added (real money purchase)
  • Endermen added
  • Level cap increased to 75
  • Loot chest system redone
  • Player gets warning messages if they are running low on Soul Points
  • The Nether is now a PvP area with no Soul Point loss

Map Changes:

  • Larger ocean
  • Many more islands
  • More caves added

Other Changes:

  • Website redone

Gameplay Fixes:

  • Fixed +3 damage on spears
  • Fixed random "Unable to locate sign" messages
  • Lag fixes

Promotional Video: Minecraft MMO: Wynncraft - The Ocean Update

1.9.2 14th September, 2013

Gameplay Changes:

  • Impossible to drop quest items
  • Mana starts regenerating 2 seconds after spell use
  • Buffed Level 100 boss

Gameplay Fixes:

  • Fixed item drops
  • Fixed The Passage quest
  • Fixed saving
  • Golems no longer spawn in the middle of Almuj
  • Players can now respawn in Troms
1.9 13th September, 2013

Gameplay Changes:

  • Quest System added
  • Skill System added
  • 30+ items added
  • Hunger potions added
  • Level 60+ mobs added
  • Level 100 boss added
  • Player can now only respawn in towns they have visited at least once
  • Health potions have heart particles
  • Parties share experience only between players that have levels close to each other
  • Item list and map updated
  • Monsters are harder
  • Pumpkins and pink wool less rare
  • Invading zombies easier to kill
  • Blood looks better
  • New merchants added
  • Warriors less overpowered

Map Changes:

  • Troms added
  • Improved the Nether

Gameplay Fixes:

  • Fixed stats
  • Lag fixes
1.8.2 9th August, 2013

Gameplay Changes:

  • Chat messages for when a nearby player levels up
  • Fully charged arrow shot is much faster

Gameplay Fixes:

  • Fixed dungeon abuse
  • Fixed invincible bosses
  • Fixed trade glitch
  • Fixed trade/duel spam
  • Hitting another player or pet won't create blood any longer
  • Fixed cheat prevention interference to spells
  • Lag fixes
1.8 8th August, 2013

Gameplay Changes:

  • Friend List added
  • Item guide added
  • Identifications now randomized
  • Emerald blocks can be used to pay for identifications
  • Spawn protection for loot chests (the player must wait before looting them)
  • Buffed loot chests
  • Reduced Ghostly Armour's price
  • Dungeons give experience based on player's level in comparison to dungeon level

Map Changes:

  • Elkurn added
  • Bank added to donator town
  • Vault added to Detlas' bank

Gameplay Fixes:

  • Bosses no longer despawn
  • Fixed lagspikes
  • Soul Point lore fixed
1.7 31st July, 2013

Gameplay Changes:

  • Ghostly Armour added
  • More understandable messages for new players
  • Buffed Archer defense

Gameplay Fixes:

  • Fixed Arrow Storm blocking Archer's view
  • Fixed pets
  • Fixed mob speed
  • Fixed lagspikes
1.6 2nd July, 2013

Gameplay Changes:

  • Dropped items lock to the player that killed the mob for 20 seconds. Following that time period any player can pick them up
  • Achievements added
  • Loot from dungeons now drop from the sky

Gameplay Fixes:

  • Fixed swarms & crashes resulting of swarms
  • Fixed some connecting errors
1.5 29th June, 2013

Gameplay Changes:

  • Pets added
  • Dueling added
  • Swarms added
  • 50+ unique armours added
  • 12+ unique weapons added
  • Untradable items and unsellable items added
  • /kill added
  • Quick trade is now Shift+Right Click
  • Other players' health now visible
  • Killed players respawn at the nearest town
  • Players get 1 Soul Point every Minecraft day
  • Leveling replenishes the player's health and hunger
  • Unique items can be identified

Map Changes:

  • New lobby
  • Area around Ragni improved
  • Roads improved
  • New donators' market
  • New jungle area close to the snow area
  • Added tons of caves to explore

Gameplay Fixes:

  • Skeleton Dungeon is less laggy
  • Crash fixes
  • Spawned mobs no longer fall from the sky
  • Players cannot access hoppers anymore
  • Fixed double click trading glitch
  • Fixed abusing glitches in dungeons

Map Fixes:

  • Animal Dungeon fixed
1.4 28th May, 2013

Gameplay Changes:

  • Item Identifier added
  • Potions drop more often
  • Potions cost much less

Map Changes:

  • Added a little hut on the Emerald Trail
  • Silverfish Dungeon added

Gameplay Fixes:

  • Stabilized all teleportation
  • Fixed dungeon bug
  • Lag fixes
  • Crash fixes

Map Fixes:

  • Fixed some locations where the player could get stuck
1.3 16th May, 2013

Gameplay Changes:

  • Mage's attack range reduced to 12 blocks
  • Mage's healing spell costs one hunger point more
  • Changed server restart message

Map Changes:

  • Zombie Dungeon added
  • Pigball Arena added
  • Corrupted Village added

Gameplay Fixes:

  • Powders work on damaged items
  • Fixed bugged bank GUIs
  • Fixed invisible mobs being spawned
  • Fixed party experience bugs
  • Fixed "internal error" messages on commands
  • Fixed random damage
  • Stabilized teleport spell, cannot teleport more than 5 blocks vertically
1.2 8th May, 2013

Gameplay Changes:

  • Mob kills give much more experience
  • Dungeons only require the boss to be killed - not all mobs in the room
  • Mobs respawn more slowly

Gameplay Fixes:

  • Weapon Merchants sell shears again
  • Level 15+ zombies no longer have less health than level 13 zombies

Map Fixes:

  • 1.1 map is now live
1.1 7th May, 2013

Gameplay Changes:

  • Reduced drop occurrence by 50%
  • Reduced emerald drop occurrence by 25%

Map Changes:

  • More roads (other than Emerald Trail)
  • Bridges over rivers
  • Put some mountain around the skeleton dungeon so teleport spells do not put players outside of the map
  • Changed a lot of the trees to be all-sided logs
  • Improved some leaves on trees

Gameplay Fixes:

  • Merchants now avoid running away from players
  • Merchants cannot get knockbacked anymore
  • Potion Merchant in Detlas now sells potions instead of buying them
  • Fixed leveling up messages
  • Fixed being able to wear high level armour

Map Fixes:

  • Fixed the biome transition at the nether portal
  • Fixed a lot of 1x2 holes where people can get stuck