Jade Well

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Jade Well CBCaveIcon.png
At [-799, 43, -608] lies a temple well that goes deep into the jade-laden ground.
Suggested Level 60
Difficulty Medium
Length Medium
Estimated Time 60
General Information
Type of Cave Normal
Loot Chests 1x Tier 1 [✫✫✫]
1x Tier 2 [✫✫✫✫]
1x Tier 3 [✫✫✫]
Mobs Lost Spearmen (Lv. 61)
Incarnated Jadelings (Lv. 64)
Hexed Gem-Parasites (Lv. 62)
Suspicious Spot (Lv. 68)
First-Time Clear Rewards
+15000 XP

The Jade Well is a Cave found in the Dernel Jungle.


The cave's entrance is a drop down into a well. There will be a path leading to the end of the cave, with a more open area having a Tier 1 [✫✫✫] Loot Chest being tucked away into a corner of the area, while a Tier 2 [✫✫✫✫] Loot Chest is found on top of the massive jade spike. At the end of the cave is a Tier 3 [✫✫✫] Loot Chest that requires 11 nearby mobs to be killed.

Rarely, a Suspicious Spot mob can appear in the area with the Tier 1 and Tier 2 Loot Chests.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
LostSpearman.png Lost Spearman 61 2120 Melee - - ? Jade Well
IncarnatedJadeling.png Incarnated Jadeling 64 3950 Ranged Heavy Teleport ✤ Dam
✤ Def
2 Hexed Gem-Parasites Jade Well
HexedGem-Parasite.png Hexed Gem-Parasite 62 1504 Melee Teleport - NativeJadeite.png Native Jadeite From Incarnated Jadelings
SuspiciousSpot.png Suspicious Spot 68 50 None - -
Jungle Jet Shard

Jungle Pearl Shard

Jungle Turquoise Shard

Jungle Jade Shard

Jungle Topaz Shard
Dernel Jungle