Jungle Spirit

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Jungle Spirit

Item Information
Item Wand
Class Mage/Dark Wizard
Min. Level 55
Rarity Rare
Powder Slots 3 ()
Obtain Undergrowth Ruins Dungeon Merchant
Tag Untradable
Base Damage
Attack Speed Fast (+1)
Neutral 55-70
Agility Min: 45

The rare wand Jungle Spirit can be used by players at or above level 55. It is sold by the Dungeon Merchant found outside the Undergrowth Ruins, a dangerous Dungeon in the southeast of the lake outside Troms. By having three powder slots and a major bonus to air damage this wand makes a perfect match with Lobotomy, a rare air-themed helmet sold at the same dungeon.


Jungle Spirit is identified when bought. Therefore, its identifications don't vary.

Identification Preset Value
 Agility   +10  
 Walk Speed   +10% 
 % Air Damage   +22%