Lantern from Beyond

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Lantern from Beyond
Type Untradable
Obtain Festival of the Bonfire
The Envoy
Usage Guiding of the Spirits
From the corner of your eye, you can see the glowing remnants of a hundred different souls.

The Lantern from Beyond is an item obtainable during the 2022 Festival of the Bonfire, which ran from 30th September until 24th October, 2022. It was given by The Envoy in Detlas, and was used in the Guiding of the Spirits activity to locate and attune to the spirits found throughout Wynncraft.


Attune to the world around you, call forth its power as your own. Gaze through the veil, find that which you seek.

To use the Spiritual Tuner, you need to right-click with the item in your hand, and it will give a direction for the nearest spirit, if applicable. There is a five second cooldown after every use.

The Lantern uses the four Cardinal and four Intermediate directions to guide you towards a spirit if there is one you have not found yet. It will work anywhere in the world. If there is a spirit that you did not bring to Detlas yet:

  • [!] The nearest spirit is {Direction} of your current location.

If there are no spirits available to track:

  • [!] There are no spirits remaining.