Propeller Hat

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Propeller Hat

Item Lore
A tag on the inside of the hat reads: "Do not fly during thunderstorms! The wearer is liable for all injuries sustained while using this product."
Item Information
Item Diamond Helmet
Min. Level 98
Rarity Fabled
Powder Slots 3 ()
Obtain Lootrunning
Base Defenses
Health Bonus +3700
Thunder -125
Air +200
Agility Min: 70
Other Information
+Windsurf: Righting Reflex lasts twice as long and is affected stronger by movement speed.

Propeller Hat is a level 98 Fabled Helmet. It can be obtained exclusively from the Lootrunning Reward Chest.


It costs 1236 Emeralds to identify Propeller Hat.

Identification Minimum Value Maximum Value
 Dexterity   ~  -5
 Agility   ~  +15
 Mana Regen   +2/5s  +10/5s
 Reflection   -20%  -10%
 Walk Speed   +4%  +20%
 Jump Height   +1  +3
 % Spell Damage   -13%  -7%
 % Air Spell Damage   +10%  +46%