Silverbull Beacon Expert

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Silverbull Beacon Expert
NPC Info
X: -105 Z: -4775
Species Human
Location Silverbull Company Headquarters

The Silverbull Beacon Expert is an employee of the Silverbull Trading Company that informs other members of the Lootrun Division about the different types of Beacons in lootruns.


  • Silverbull Beacon Expert: Hi! Welcome to the Silverbull Headquarters! How can I help?
  • Silverbull Beacon Expert: How can I help?
    • [1] I'd like to learn about Beacons.
      • Silverbull Beacon Expert: You're talkin' to the right guy! Which beacon do you wanna hear about?
      • Silverbull Beacon Expert: Which beacon do you wanna hear about?
        • [1] Yellow Beacon
          • Silverbull Beacon Expert: Completing a challenge with a Yellow Beacon will cause one Flying Chest to appear next to the Challenge Reward chest.
          • Silverbull Beacon Expert: These flying chests act as extra Challenge Reward chests, and the amount that spawn can be amplified by other conditions, such as Vibrancy or Aqua Beacons.
          • Silverbull Beacon Expert: Yellow beacons are pretty common, and they're great if you want to maximize your loot throughout your run!
        • [2] Blue Beacon
          • Silverbull Beacon Expert: A Blue Beacon will offer you a Boon after you complete its challenge.
          • Silverbull Beacon Expert: Boons are super helpful, especially as enemies get stronger the later into a run you are.
          • Silverbull Beacon Expert: If you're struggling, I'd highly recommend grabbing a Blue Beacon to even the odds!
        • [3] Purple Beacon
          • Silverbull Beacon Expert: A Purple Beacon will give you an extra item in your End Reward Chest, at the cost of a Curse!
          • Silverbull Beacon Expert: These beacons are pretty risky, since Curses can massively impact how dangerous enemies are for the rest of your lootrun.
          • Silverbull Beacon Expert: However... More loot! Who can say no to that?
        • [4] Grey Beacon
          • Silverbull Beacon Expert: Completing a challenge with a Grey Beacon active will allow you to choose one of three Missions.
          • Silverbull Beacon Expert: Completing a Mission will grant you a powerful perk for the rest of your Lootrun, hopefully making it much easier!
          • Silverbull Beacon Expert: What are the Missions and perks, you may ask? Well, it's a surprise! Be sure to take a Grey beacon when you see one, and see what happens!
        • [5] Orange Beacon
          • Silverbull Beacon Expert: An Orange Beacon will grant you an extra Beacon choice for the next six challenges.
          • Silverbull Beacon Expert: These ones are real handy, since the more options you have, the better chance you can get a good one!
          • Silverbull Beacon Expert: And if six challenges aren't enough for you, you can increase their duration with Aqua Beacons or Vibrancy!
        • [6] Aqua Beacon
          • Silverbull Beacon Expert: An Aqua Beacon will double the effects of your next beacon!
          • Silverbull Beacon Expert: These ones can be game changers, since you can benefit even more from a good next beacon!
          • Silverbull Beacon Expert: That being said, they also double the negatives from your next beacon, like Curses! Choose wisely!
        • [7] Dark Grey Beacon
          • Silverbull Beacon Expert: Oh boy, Dark Grey Beacons are a real nightmare. Think of them like Purple Beacons, but more extreme.
          • Silverbull Beacon Expert: They give you 3 bonus items in your End Reward Chest, but also 3 Curses!
          • Silverbull Beacon Expert: If you're up for a real challenge, there's much more loot for you! Personally, I think I'll pass on these...
        • [8] Green Beacon
          • Silverbull Beacon Expert: A Green Beacon will give you extra time to complete your lootrun!
          • Silverbull Beacon Expert: Green Beacons will also not buff enemies after their challenge, unlike every other beacon!
          • Silverbull Beacon Expert: I must admit, I lose track of time while fighting sometimes, these are a real lifesaver!
        • [9] Red Beacon
          • Silverbull Beacon Expert: A Red Beacon will add two more challenges to your run, however, your next two challenges will not extend your time left after completion.
          • Silverbull Beacon Expert: If you're speeding through and don't need extra time, these can be real great! More challenges means more loot, after all!
        • [10] White Beacon
          • Silverbull Beacon Expert: A White Beacon isn't a very common sight. They add 5 extra Challenges to your lootrun!
          • Silverbull Beacon Expert: Only 1 White Beacon can appear per lootrun, so if you've got the time, you should almost always get this one!
        • [11] Rainbow Beacon
          • Silverbull Beacon Expert: Ooh, this one is special. A Rainbow Beacon will cause every beacon after it to be Vibrant!
          • Silverbull Beacon Expert: A must-get, obviously. Though you won't have the chance very often! I've never even seen one myself!
          • Silverbull Beacon Expert: If it weren't for our Lootrun Chief, I wouldn't even know they exist!
        • [12] Vibrant Beacons
          • Silverbull Beacon Expert: If a beacon is Vibrant, that means it will double its regular effects.
          • Silverbull Beacon Expert: Getting Vibrant Beacons isn't very common, so keep an eye out and get them when you can!
        • [13] Nothing for now.
          • Silverbull Beacon Expert: No worries! Just let me know if you wanna learn more about Beacons.
    • [2] Just stopping by.
      • Silverbull Beacon Expert: No worries! Just let me know if you wanna learn more about Beacons.