Skyraider Mercenary

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Skyraider Mercenary
NPC Info
X: 1514 Z: -4307
Species Human
Location Raiders' Port

The Skyraider Lookout is a member of the Skyraiders. She can be found in the underground prison of the Skyraiders' Port, behind the large central building where the level 98 Quest Royal Trials is started.

After completing Royal Trials and being crowned Queen of the Skyraiders, the Mercenary can be spoken to in order to receive 16
Emerald Blocks and the
Suspicious Egg, as well as some additional Experience Points.


Before completing Royal Trials:

  • Skyraider Mercenary: Leave dis place immediately, dem is not de' time to be dawdling here.
  • Skyraider Mercenary: It would be in yer' best interest before ya end up causing trouble– hmph.

After completing Royal Trials:

  • Skyraider Mercenary: Ye' highness! What might bring ye' down to these parts!?
  • Skyraider Mercenary: This place is far too heinous fer someone of ye' class.
  • Skyraider Mercenary: Please leave m'be, I will care fer the prison personally!
  • Skyraider Mercenary: Hopefully I can knock some sense into des villagers once and fer all!
  • Skyraider Mercenary: How may'be of service to ye'?
    • [1] This place seems quite foul...
      • Skyraider Mercenary: Yes sir absolutely ther', but somebody had to get they hands dirty to put dem captives in their place ya'see.
      • Skyraider Mercenary: After all me can'ts be avin' dem running up and down causing trouble y'know!
      • Skyraider Mercenary: Speaking er' which, HEY YE'D BETTER GET BACK IN YER CELL!
      • Skyraider Mercenary: Ahem– sorry about dem'dere, sometimes des' prisoners tend to be gettin' on me nerves...
    • [2] You've done remarkable work here!
      • Skyraider Mercenary: Why thanks der', I do me best with the tools at ma' disposal.
      • Skyraider Mercenary: The rats don't really make it much better though...
      • Skyraider Mercenary: Actually while yer' here, I have a gift fer ya!
      • Skyraider Mercenary: Now listen 'ere– it may just look like an egg right now.
      • Skyraider Mercenary: But if ye' keep it with ya during them adventures it may hatch into something nifty!
      • Skyraider Mercenary: Take it from a mercenary like m'self, it'll be well worth the wait al'right!
      • [+1024 Emeralds]
      • [+12000 Experience]
      • [+1 Suspicious Egg]
    • [3] I'll be on my way now.
      • Skyraider Mercenary: Take great care of yer'self ma' lady.