Suspicious Egg

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Suspicious Egg

Type Untradable
Obtain Skyraider Mercenary
Usage Obtaining the Parrot Feather
It's a mysterious egg, who knows what could be lurking inside.

The Suspicious Egg is a mysterious item belonging to the Skyraider Mercenary. It can be acquired by talking to the Mercenary at the Skyraiders' Port after completing the level 98 Quest Royal Trials; she hands the Egg over along with 16
Emerald Blocks and 12000 Experience Points.

When received, the egg's description simply reads "The egg is showing no signs of hatching soon." After it has been held in your inventory for a total of 30 hours, the Suspicious Egg will become a Cracked Suspicious Egg, and the description will change to "The egg looks ready to hatch at any moment." When this threshold is reached, a chat message will appear stating "The suspicious egg begins cracking, it's still got a ways to go."

After the egg has been held for a total of 60(?) hours, another chat message will appear, stating "The suspicious egg shakes uncontrollably, it's starting to hatch!" At this point the egg will finally hatch fully, transforming into the
Parrot Feather.