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Item Lore
Although these boots are crafted from corrupted stone, they do not exhibit any corruptive effects on their wearers. Speculation abounds as to the reason.
Item Information
Item Iron Boots
Min. Level 67
Rarity Legendary
Powder Slots 2 ()
Obtain Loot Chests
Mob Drop
Base Defenses
Health Bonus +1700
Earth +100
Thunder +100
Water -130
Air -130
Strength Min: 20
Dexterity Min: 20

Stalagmites is a pair of level 67 Legendary Boots. It can be found in Loot Chests or dropped by mobs of level 63 to 71.


It costs 357 Emeralds to identify Stalagmites.

Identification Minimum Value Maximum Value
 Strength   ~  +7
 Dexterity   ~  +7
 Mana Steal   +1/3s  +5/3s
 XP Bonus   +3%  +13%
 % Earth Damage   +8%  +33%
 % Thunder Damage   +8%  +33%
  Earth Defense   +6%  +26%
  Thunder Defense   +6%  +26%


  • Prior to the 1.14 Gavel Expansion, Stalagmites was the strongest and highest-levelled pair of Boots in the game, forming an endgame set of armour for players at the level cap of 70 alongside Blue Mask, Adamantite, and Crystal. These items were historically known as the Endgame Armour.
  • While the Armour Skins system was available on Wynncraft, Stalagmites had a unique model (Render Stalagmites.png).