Temple Entrance

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Temple Entrance CBCaveIcon.png
This temple marks the entrance of an infested jungle cavern at [-675, 32, -306].
Coordinates X: -675, Y: 32, Z: -306
Suggested Level 68
Difficulty Medium
Length Medium
Estimated Time 1m 20s
General Information
Type of Cave Normal
Loot Chests 2x Tier 1 [✫✫✫]
2x Tier 2 [✫✫✫✫]
1x Tier 3 [✫✫✫]
Mobs Bonecrusher Spiders (Lv. 66)
Idol Guardians (Lv. 70)
Qunbos Boas (Lv. 68)
Suspicious Spots (Lv. 68)
First-Time Clear Rewards
+15000 XP

The Temple Entrance is a Cave found in the Dernel Jungle.


The cave starts off with a path. The first left path will have a Tier 2 [✫✫✫✫] Loot Chest by an altar, while the right path leads to a dead end. Continuing on, there will be an open area which has a Tier 1 [✫✫✫] Loot Chest tucked away in the near-left corner. Continuing on will lead to a lush area of the cave. The straight path will have a Tier 1 [✫✫✫] Loot Chest at the top of it. The right path will have a hidden Tier 2 [✫✫✫✫] Loot Chest, and the end will have a Tier 3 [✫✫✫] Loot Chest that requires 10 nearby mobs to be killed.

Rarely, Suspicious Spots can spawn in this cave.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
BonecrusherSpider.png Bonecrusher Spider 66 2120 Jumper Charge ❋ Dam
❋ Def
? Temple Entrance
QunbosBoa.png Qunbos Boa 68 4250 Melee Charge ✤ Dam
Snake Skin
Temple Entrance
IdolGuardian.png Idol Guardian 70 10450 Ranged Push ✹ Dam
✹ Def

Ancient Metal
Temple Entrance
SuspiciousSpot.png Suspicious Spot 68 50 None - -
Jungle Jet Shard

Jungle Pearl Shard

Jungle Turquoise Shard

Jungle Jade Shard

Jungle Topaz Shard
Dernel Jungle